The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 558 Advise the Lord not to bully the young and poor, break the sky after 3 years

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment, no need to think too much, the system is going to be reorganized again!

[After the tight hoop has mutated: every time you read a spell, you can enjoy the head massage|massage brought by the tight hoop, and get 1000 years of cultivation, with a daily maximum of 1 years of cultivation

[Remarks: You can only mutate with the tights provided by the system. Mutation requires materials such as [-] merits and divine water, and an acquired treasure.

[In addition, the mutated tight hoop can confuse the secrets, and the sage can't tell the truth from the fake

[Is it mutated?


That must have changed!

As for the Acquired Treasure, Chu Hao still has a lot of magic weapons that have not been unlocked, especially the Muni Dingguang Bead that has not been tampered with.

Chu Hao wanted to throw it away a long time ago!

Just right, don't waste it, use it!


Chu Hao secretly sacrificed the Muni Dingguang Bead, as well as the [-] merits divine water given by a certain Guanyin just now.

Soon, Chu Hao's own tightness was mutated.

Every time he chanted the mantra, he could enjoy the head massage|massage brought by the tight band, and gain 1000 years of cultivation for nothing. Chu Hao wanted to wear it himself.

This is good stuff!

In Chu Hao's hands, there is not a magic weapon that can fixedly increase the number of years of cultivation, Sun Wukong is blessed.

[Forbearance!The three-year period has not yet expired, Sun Dasheng, you have to be patient!

[Task: Persuade Sun Wukong to wear the mutated tight band

[Rewards: Pillar of Pillars (Body Repair Pill), Shura Mietian Pill (clears breath, laxes stool, moistens intestines)

Chu Hao was stunned for a long time,

Pillar of men?

What do you want to do with such a plain name?

And... the Asura Heaven Extinguishing Pill?It's just a laxative and moistens the intestines?

Damn, this is a toad lying on the road, pretending to be a little jeep!

But don't take advantage of the bastard, Chu Hao stopped at that time, took out the mutated version of the tight band from his arms, and put it in front of Monkey King.

"Forget it, I'm so impatient to return it, I'm so shameless... Return this thing to you."

Chu Hao handed out the tight hoop cursingly.

Tathagata Buddha froze for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched,

"You...why are you so cooperative all of a sudden?"

Tathagata Buddha was frightened by Chu Hao's 360-degree turnaround, and was a little confused.

There must be something tricky here? !

Chu Hao looked helplessly at Tathagata Buddha,

"Hey, I'm just checking to see if the hoop is mine."

"Now that I think about it, I didn't seem to find this kind of treasure when I was hunting for treasures in Lingshan."

"It's not mine, so I definitely can't take it. I'm not an unqualified person. Don't you think I'll take the hoop away to threaten you?"

Tathagata Buddha tugged at the corners of his mouth,

Isn't it? It's already!

If I hadn't stopped you, you'd probably have returned to the Heavenly Court to reform and tighten your grip by now!

However, no matter what, since Chu Hao returned the tight strap, everything is back under control.

Tathagata Buddha is a cautious person,

He also took a special look at the tight hoop with his supernatural powers, and found that the tight hoop was still the same as before, without a slight change.

Tathagata laughed at himself in his heart and said:

Too much worry, completely too much worry.

It is impossible for Chu Hao to know the foresight and know in advance the plan to tie Monkey King with a tight band;

It's even more impossible to drop the tight band in front of her face!

Within the Three Realms, no one can do such a thing!

Absolutely impossible!

The Tathagata Buddha was full of confidence, thinking that Chu Hao was afraid of Xitian, so he obediently cooperated.

At that time, the Tathagata Buddha started to tremble, looked at Sun Wukong, and said coldly:

"Sun Wukong, the tight band has returned to its place, and there is no one in the Three Realms who can help you."

"Put on the straps."

Sun Wukong: "Old Tathagata, who are you? A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

Tathagata Buddha: "..."

What are you|he|he|mother still making troubles about? Do you believe that I hammered you into Hericium erinaceus? !

Why is your temper so stubborn, didn't you see that the prison god bowed his head?

Can we have some insight! ! !

Tathagata Buddha: "Put it on!"

Sun Wukong: "You can kill me!"

Who do you learn from! ! !

The blue veins on the forehead of the Tathagata Buddha bulged, he was really uncomfortable, and Sun Wukong had almost completely given up hope just now.

However, this damned prison god, Chu Hao, came out to stir up trouble, which directly ignited Monkey King's anger of resistance.

Damn it, planning for countless years, cooperating with the Heavenly Court to stage such a big show, and intimidating Monkey King for 500 years, all of this is supposed to bow down to anyone in the Three Realms!


How can this Three Realms Law Enforcement Prison God be so good at messing up shit?

The Tathagata Buddha was furious in his heart!

A gloomy light flickered in his eyes. Now that he had shaken people, Tathagata Buddha decided to take the opportunity to end it.

Although I am just a clone now, not enough to defeat Chu Hao, but he is here!

Chu Hao was allowed to escape last time. This time, Guanyin Bodhisattva, together with Tathagata's avatar, will make another powerful sneak attack!

Let him torture Chu Hao in front of Monkey King, and if possible, get rid of Chu Hao in one fell swoop!

It can not only make Sun Wukong restrain his arrogant and life-or-death heart at that moment, but also eradicate the scourge of the Three Realms, it can kill two birds with one stone!

Tathagata Buddha thinks so.

However, Tathagata Buddha still chose to take the last step, routinely persuading:

"Sun Wukong, what exactly do you need to wear the tight band?"

Sun Wukong sneered,

"Anyway, it's impossible for you, a dead donkey, with this Bilian."

"If Brother Hell God is willing to wear it for me personally, I|I can go to the Westward Journey in the future!"

Tathagata Buddha twitched the corners of his mouth, what the hell, how did you change your mouth so quickly?

In fact, Sun Wukong also wants to open up, he can't give up his hatred, let alone be obedient.

But he remembered that when he was on vacation in the Nine-story Heavenly Prison, Chu Haoyu said to Monkey King earnestly:

Must kill directly to the west!

Yes, it's that earnest.

As a member of the Heavenly Court, Chu Hao had an irresolvable conflict with Xitian. In addition, he had been arranged by Xitian so many times.

Sun Wukong was full of vengeful anger in his heart. When he was suppressed by the Tathagata Buddha just now, he thought that he was already an orphan and had no one to rely on.

But Chu Hao's intrusion just now gave Sun Wukong hope.

Within the Three Realms, what the Jade Emperor could not do, Sun Wukong felt that Chu Hao could do it!

That person is the most trusted person in Sun Wukong's life,

Only he stood up at his most dangerous and helpless moment!

Sun Wukong chooses to forbear, whether it is a thousand years or ten thousand years, he only wants to have a day...

Kill to the west!

Self-defeating or the sacrifice of moths to the flame are just the simplest, stupidest and most ridiculous things!

Under the hopeful situation, how could Sun Wukong choose to fly moths to the flame again?

He decided to cooperate with Xitian and play a play!

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