The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 556 Monkey King's Fear?I'm afraid I won't be able to avenge my shame in this

The giant ape of ten thousand feet rushed to the Tathagata Buddha.

But the Tathagata Buddha didn't even look at it, and waved his hand gently,

Then I saw a virtual palm, soaring down from the sky, and suddenly landed on Monkey King.

The body of ten thousand feet was overwhelmed at that time!

Even though Sun Wukong has the ability to move mountains and fill seas, he can't lift his head at all in front of this Buddha's palm!

Even if it's just a distraction, the Tathagata Buddha has the strength of a half-step quasi-sage.

No matter how Sun Wukong used his supernatural powers, he couldn't struggle at all.

Monkey King struggled frantically, but there was no way to struggle out of this boundless mana.

Being trampled by Xi Tian again and again, Monkey King was extremely ashamed and angry, his eyes were about to split, and he roared up to the sky:


"Old Tathagata, you are despicable | shameless, bullying the weak!"

"My old grandson swears that one day the Lingshan Mountain will be stained with blood! Let me go!"

The Tathagata Buddha looked at Sun Wukong contemptuously, his face was full of pity, as if looking at a bereaved dog:

"Blood-stained Lingshan? You blood-stained monkey, even my avatar can't resist it, and you are lying about blood-stained Lingshan? Hahahaha..."

"Look at yourself, 500 years ago, it was easy to suppress you, but 500 years later, you are still lying in front of me? Don't you still give up?"

"Sun Wukong, 500 years ago, I lost once. I, the Buddha, are merciful, allowing you to wear your sinful body and make meritorious deeds. Don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

"What I have is the means to let you go on, even if I don't want you..."

The Tathagata Buddha was full of compassion, but the words already revealed endless threats!

The Tathagata Buddha has an irresistible and powerful oppressive force on Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong feels the threat from the slightly narrowed eyes of the Tathagata Buddha.

At that moment, Monkey King froze in place, forgetting to struggle.

For the first time, Monkey King felt panic.

As the Tathagata Buddha said, there are a hundred ways in Xitian to let Sun Wukong continue his journey to the west, and he has no choice.

Moreover, Xitian has never been afraid of thorns. Don't you see, the Jiejiao was destroyed in those years, and countless strong people were saved by Xitian!

But there must be a few who can really insist on not surrendering! ?

The Three Demon Immortals, reduced to the mounts of the Three Great Masters, will suffer the humiliation of the crotch|lower forever, unable to lift their heads!

Wuyun Immortal, the head of the Seven Immortals?Being locked in the pool of merit, to put it mildly, Jin Ao Bukong became the Tathagata, to put it mildly...

That's a watchdog.

Sun Wukong is not a person who doesn't know the world, he is fearless only if he doesn't know!

It is precisely because he knows Xitian is sinister and vicious that Monkey King is afraid!

He is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of bondage...

He is afraid...

I can't take revenge in this life!

He was ravaged by others since he was born, his fate was controlled by Xitian, and he suffered from 500 years of repression... What a shame for Monkey King, whose heart is higher than the sky!

If he is imprisoned to the west again, will he live forever and be admired by others?Just like a monkey playing a monkey show with gongs and drums on the street?

Monkey King, be afraid!

Tathagata Buddha sneered,

"If you think about it, you also know how powerful this is. Obediently put on the tight straps, and after walking westward, you will become a Buddha and become a patriarch at that time. It will be a good story to achieve the right result of cultivation."

Monkey King was ashamed and furious, but he was helpless.

Is it just a joke after all to burn jade and stone together?

At this moment, Sun Wukong recognized the reality, his face was full of loneliness and helplessness.

He seemed to feel the sneering eyes of the three thousand Buddhas falling on him, pitiful, mocking, ruthless, and laughing...

Monkey King's self-esteem was ruthlessly trampled on the ground at this moment!

Even his last reliance on Da Luo Jinxian was completely shattered like glass.

Despair, overflowing Sun Wukong's chest!

Could it be that he would never be able to avenge himself and could only be reduced to Xitian's plaything? !

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth,

But there are only two paths ahead:

The first one is to obediently put on the tight straps, be the dog of the Western Paradise, and perform every drama deliberately arranged by the Western Paradise for people to appreciate, and then become a Buddha and a ancestor, leaving a good story about fighting and defeating the Buddha;

Article [-]:

Self-detonation flesh body primordial spirit...

Not to mention in front of the Buddhas, even after Sun Wukong blew himself up, the primordial spirit and true spirit would be captured;

Even if he really escaped...

Is there a place for Monkey King in the Three Realms?

The western sky is powerful, up to the western sky, down to the earth, there is still the territory of Xiniu Hezhou in the world, Monkey King has nowhere to escape!

He can only be an ant for the rest of his life, even if he is lucky enough to be able to shrink into the nine-storey dungeon, will he stay there for the rest of his life?

In fact, Monkey King never had a choice.

When Xitian decided to use Monkey King as a pawn, Monkey King had no choice.

When death is a luxury, living without hope becomes his greatest pain!

Despair, overflowing Sun Wukong's chest at this moment, as arrogant as him, felt extremely powerless.

Tathagata Buddha had no joy or sorrow on his face, and he didn't even consider whether Sun Wukong could rebel.

Because, within the Three Realms, everything is under control!

Journey to the West is not a one-person idea, but a destiny, a general trend!

Even a sage doesn't want to subvert Journey to the West, let alone a monkey who has been controlled all his life.

The Tathagata Buddha flicked his sleeves lightly, and the tight band on Tang Sanzang's head fell off automatically, and he flew in front of Monkey King.

Tathagata Buddha's loud and cold voice sounded in Sun Wukong's ears,

"Put on the tight straps and go westward obediently."

"Monkey King, you can't escape!"

Sun Wukong was once again penetrated by the words of the Tathagata Buddha.

The magical powers of the sky, the sky and the earth completely collapsed.

Sun Wukong returned to his original appearance, but at this moment, his face was not in the slightest, just like a walking dead.

He slowly reached out to grab the tight band, but the tight band was right in front of him, but it seemed out of reach!

Putting on the tight band, Sun Wukong will no longer be Monkey King, but only Sun Xingzhe.

Fate and sky are just a joke, but the heart is taller than the sky but the body is like an ant.

Could it be that he really had to succumb to Xitian like this? !



"Damn it! Ahh!!!"

"Why me! Why me, what did I do wrong!"

Monkey King was so furious, he gritted his teeth, and smashed his fists on the ground crazily!

The anger in my heart cannot be vented.

Monkey King's face was ferocious and violent, and several gullies were broken on the ground, but it was useless.

And Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva stared at Sun Wukong from above,

They didn't stop Sun Wukong's madness. In their view, a monkey really can't turn the sky.

Finally, Sun Wukong finally let go of his palm.

The fury on his face gradually calmed down, it seemed bitter and desperate.

Sun Wukong slowly stretched out his hand.

Tathagata Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva both sneered, extremely calm, everything was as expected.

If, that person is not here...

"Hey! This tight band? Let me be healthy!"

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