The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 555 Bastard Xitian, don't try to tie me up with a dog pen!

At this moment, the eyes of Chu Hao, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sun Wukong all fell on Tang Sanzang.

On Tang Sanzang's bald head, there is now a very exaggerated ornament.

Tang Sanzang, after all, still couldn't hold back his thoughts on the magic weapon, and immediately put the tight band on his head.

Tang Monk wears a tight band, the Bodhisattva can't stand it!

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva was scratching his head, his face was full of madness, and there was bean-sized sweat left on his forehead.

"Is there something wrong with Tang Monk's brain! This is a tight band, a treasure used to trick Monkey King into being a dog!"

"This Tang Sanzang, why did he wear this tight band!"

Chu Hao was amazed beside him,

Terrible, terrific, this Tang Sanzang must play himself to death?

[Congratulations on completing the task, Tang Sanzang wears it tightly, and no one loves it!

[Reward: Tie hoop (special props), [-] merits

[Remarks: This hoop can be strengthened and mutated, and special trigger conditions are required

Alas, some families were happy and others were sad, Chu Hao accidentally received another good thing.

But for Chu Hao, on whose head should the tight band not be worn?Does it have to be Monkey King?He is still a child.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was about to rush down, but Chu Hao grabbed Guanyin Bodhisattva's hand,

"Wait a minute, little Guanyin, if you go on like this, won't you be exposed?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was so anxious that he was about to beat Chu Hao to death, if he couldn't beat him...

"Let go! Prison God Chu Hao, you deliberately distracted me and let Monkey King trick Tang Sanzang into wearing a tight band! I'll never finish with you!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva stared at Chu Hao with wide eyes, watery eyes full of anger.

Chu Hao's face was innocent, and his face was full of grievances.

"How can you corrupt people's innocence out of thin air? Can I have so many bad thoughts? No!"

"It's obvious that you are cheating the world and stealing my name. I'm just trying to reason with you. It's all up to you!"

"But what exactly are you wearing for Tang Sanzang? Do you need to recite something to be useful?"

Chu Hao pretended not to understand.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was furious and didn't want to pay attention to this rascal at all, but Chu Hao was just a little bit stronger than her, so she couldn't struggle at all.

In desperation, Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes widened, and the eyes were full of threats,

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

A look of grievance appeared on Chu Hao's face,

"I just want to know what this spell is? Tell me about it."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was eager to break free, but Chu Hao, an honest gentleman, had full concentration, pretending that he didn't hear the spell and didn't let go.

Under all anxiety, Guanyin Bodhisattva casually recited two mantras...

"It's alright...wait!"

Then, she suddenly reacted!

I am Cao!


The curse of the tight hoop... the hoop is still on Tang Sanzang's head!

All of a sudden, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly looked down, only to find that Tang Sanzang on the field was holding his head and wriggling on the ground like a maggot!

Tang Sanzang's head seemed to turn into an oval shape because of the tight band.

"Ahhh!!! What the hell is this? The poor monk's head is about to explode!"

Tang Sanzang rolled on the spot in pain, his appearance was no less than being tortured by bullets.

Then, Tang Sanzang fainted from the pain and fell unconscious.

Guanyin Bodhisattva breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he just fainted from the pain. If he died on the spot, the huge karma that would end the Journey to the West would directly make Guanyin Bodhisattva fall into reincarnation.

However, if this tight band is put on Tang Sanzang's head, isn't Monkey King, the monstrous monkey, going to rebel?

Sure enough, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Sun Wukong and suddenly felt bad.

Sun Wukong was furious watching from the side, and secretly cursed in his heart:

"Damn Xitian, you are extremely shameless. Under the guise of the prison god, you actually want my grandson to wear such torture tools!"

"It's a good way to separate people, and it's a good way to deceive the world! This is to let my old grandson take this circle, and be his lackey in the west in the future!"

Sun Wukong's lungs exploded with anger.

If Monkey King is a fledgling and has no backing, he can only admit it. After all, he also knows that the Western Sky is invincible and the destiny is irreversible.

At that time, Sun Wukong might obediently accept his fate and go west after putting on the tight band.

But this moment and that moment!

Sun Wukong, he knew the truth, he saw through Xitian's fake kindness, and in his heart he longed for the arrogance of that fairy who roamed the Three Realms and looked down on the world!

Monkey King doesn't want to be a dog!

At this moment, Sun Wukong was furious, shouted to the sky,

"Bastard Xitian, you actually want to tie me up with this dog!?"

"Old Tathagata, I'm here to take your life!"

At this time, Monkey King came in smooth sailing and could not bear any humiliation.

The 500-year suppression of the Wuxing Mountains did not dampen Monkey King's mania and impetuosity at all.

At this moment, even if he knows that destiny is irreversible and the Western Heaven is invincible, he only wants to make a big fuss!

Just like the riot in the Heavenly Palace, it won a good reputation for a while, and spread a good story for a while,

Monkey King has decided to burn jade and stone together!

Chu Hao was in the air, and he was not surprised to see Monkey King so mad,

After all, he is still young and energetic, thinking that the net will be broken if the fish dies?

But Chu Hao was not in a hurry, he watched Monkey King roaring in place, and suddenly saw Monkey King jumping away with his stick.

Chu Hao shook his head, he was still young, did he really think that no one would care about this Journey to the West?

Sure enough, just as Monkey King turned around and was about to go further away, suddenly the light of Buddha lit up in the sky.

At this moment, auspicious clouds shrouded the sky and the earth, and the Sanskrit voice sang loudly. It was as if he had landed on the Lingshan Mountain of the Western Heaven for a while, and the world suddenly turned into a fairyland.

In the next second, a Buddha in the sky appeared in front of everyone.

World-honored Tathagata, Dharma rides the Mountains of Two Realms!

However, it seems that it is just a clone, and the deity has not come.

Seeing the coming of the Tathagata, Monkey King was immediately out of breath, and the golden cudgel in his hand instantly became huge!

At the same time, Sun Wukong casts his supernatural powers and transforms into a giant ape, extremely hideous:

"Old Tathagata, you actually want to use such vicious things to bind my grandson!"

"Are you treating my old grandson as that stray dog, and you want to tie me up and let me be your running dog in the west for the rest of my life?"

"You're dreaming! My old grandson will ruin your scene even if he fights to the death!"

Sun Wukong was so crazy that he rushed to the golden body of Buddha Tathagata.

At this moment, Monkey King is crazy, ferocious, resentful, and violent!

He only had the dream of breaking the net with Xi Tianyu with all his heart.

However, dreams are just dreams after all.

Facing the Monkey King rushing over, Tathagata Buddha sneered,

"You Poor Monkey, you really can't control yourself. Five hundred years ago, I was able to suppress you. Do you think you can resist me now?"

"A monkey is a monkey after all, I want you to play this monkey show, can you resist?!"

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