The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 547 Don't talk nonsense, poor monk, this is a strategic retreat!

Tang Seng and Sun Wukong, master and apprentice, turned around and walked back without any muddling.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was not well at that time.

I hacked you to death!

It took hundreds of years for Xitian to start Journey to the West;

Even so many people died in Lingshan, and the houses collapsed before you were resurrected.

Let me tell you, I am going west to answer the call of the prison god boss?

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt green on his head!

The master and the apprentice have fed their conscience to the dog!

Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't bear it at that time, and turned into an old man, just blocking the way back from Monkey King and Tang Seng.

Sun Wukong has sharp eyes and can see through everything in the world, but he cannot see through Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is shrouded in holiness.

I just thought the old man looked weird.

When Monkey King was still thinking about something, Tang Seng grabbed the old man and shouted angrily:

"Old man, what are you doing in the way of the poor monk?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was so scolded by Tang Sanzang that his brain was buzzing,

But he still held his breath and said in a deep voice:

"This old man lives near the Five Elements Mountain... Hey, are you a monkey at the foot of the Two Realms Mountain?"

"I remember you, I remember my grandfather said that Liangjie Mountain fell from the sky and crushed a god monkey. Could it be that you only escaped now!"

The old man looked at Sun Wukong and said to himself.

Sun Wukong frowned, showing a ferocious monkey face,

"What, do you want to please?"

Tang Sanzang picked up the old man, shook him, and roared angrily:

"Old man, the poor monk is asking you something, don't interrupt!"

"Why block the path of the poor monk!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had many gods and beasts galloping past her heart, but she still calmed down after all,

"This old man sees that the sun is setting, and it is already evening. In this forest, there are ferocious tigers and wild beasts, killing people like hemp."

"The old man lives near here, why don't you stay with me for one night first."

Tang Sanzang put down his vigilance, then put down the old man cursingly, and said coldly:

"In the future, if I speak in advance, I will not make a sound. The poor monk will think it is a mountain bandit."

The old man tugged at the corner of his mouth,

Compared with me, who the hell is like a bandit?

Has anyone seen the old man blocking the way, without saying a word, first pulled up and swung it around twice?

Tang Sanzang pushed the old man away and said impatiently:


"The poor monk is rushing home, so I won't go to your place to chatter."

Tang Sanzang is rushing home now, not talking nonsense with Guanyin Bodhisattva at all.

So, the master and the apprentice left the old man and ran away on their own.

Avalokitesvara left alone tossed in the wind.

Originally thought that Tang Sanzang after his resurrection would at least restrain his hostility a little.

But it seems that the convergence has converged, but it depends on the person.

When you see the Buddha, you worship the Buddha, but if you don’t see the Buddha, you just hate it.

Realistic magicalism.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw that he couldn't keep the master and apprentice, so he stomped his feet again and turned into a breeze.

In the next second, Guanyin Bodhisattva flew directly in front of Tang Sanzang, revealing his true form.

White lotus, white gauze skirt, and the fairy-like Guanyin Bodhisattva looked down at Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang restrained himself at that time, and worshiped with reverence:

"Disciple Tang Sanzang, see the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!"

Even Sun Wukong could only make a smile on his face. After all, he just promised others that he would go westward, and now he turned his head and ran away.

Especially now that the prison god is not around and no one is covering him, Sun Wukong naturally knows how to restrain himself.

From Tang Sanzang, Monkey King learned how to bend and stretch.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong who were so respectful, and secretly gritted his teeth in his heart.

What a face-changing technique, is this still Tang Sanzan who killed the tiger with three punches and picked up the old man and threw it twice?

What the hell, how did this experience change so much!

Guanyin Bodhisattva held his breath and said coldly:

"Tang Sanzang, aren't you ordered to go west to learn Buddhist scriptures? Why are you backing away?"

"Have you forgotten your oath that you will fall into hell forever if you don't learn the scriptures?"

Tang Sanzang said with a grievance on his face:

"The Bodhisattva has wronged me. The poor monk has come all the way. Thousands of disasters and calamities, hardships and obstacles, but the poor monk has no intention of retreating!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva almost burst into foul language!

Thousands of calamities?Difficult and dangerous?

Does it mean punching the tiger and throwing the old man away?

Still have no intention of retreating? !

I was standing next to you, and the first thing I heard you said was to run away!


Guanyin Bodhisattva gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"Then why are you walking back? Don't you want to give up going west?"

But Tang Sanzang still opened his eyes and said nonsense:

"The Bodhisattva misunderstood! The poor monk is retreating strategically. It won't be too late to learn the scriptures after the poor monk has practiced for a few hundred years and proved himself an immortal."

Sun Wukong frowned and grinned,

"Hey, it's a coincidence, my old grandson is also retreating strategically!"

Sun Wukong found that he could really learn something from this master!

I used to think that Buddhist scriptures were idiots, but now it seems that the Buddhist teachings of Tang Sanzang seem to be worth learning!

Guanyin Bodhisattva clenched her fists, and it took a long while to calm down and said:

"Westward travel is difficult and dangerous, but you will be able to overcome all difficulties."

"Western Heaven is with you."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva originally thought that saying this would calm down the minds of the master and the apprentice and stop running away.

However, when Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong heard this, they suddenly looked mournful and their faces were ugly.

Tang Sanzang gritted his teeth and cursed secretly:

"Those dead bald donkeys actually want to monitor the poor monk, a bunch of evil animals. The poor monk will never forget the fact that the golden head Jiedi killed my brother until he dies!"

"Brothers' enmity is irreconcilable!"

"The poor monk doesn't want to kill his brother anymore. This journey to the west is already difficult enough. How can I survive if I let Xitian stare at me again?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face darkened three points.

Do you think I can't hear you if you whisper?

No, this seems to be for me!

Sun Wukong also cursed secretly,

"Dead bald donkey, haunted, just won't let us go?!"

"Damn it, my grandson shouldn't have agreed to this trip to the west!"

"Without the favor of the God of Prison, you still have to be tortured in the Western Paradise, why don't you just kill my old grandson!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face was as black as ink, and ten thousand divine beasts galloped past in his heart.

What kind of crime is this?

Why does the prison god say that he is with you, so you can be as excited as chicken blood,

Let me say that Xitian is with you, it seems like killing you? !

Absolutely nothing!

Forget about Sun Wukong, I didn't expect you, Tang Sanzang with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to betray Xitian!

But Tang Sanzang seemed to have changed his face, raised his head, his face was full of respect, clasped his hands together and said in a warm voice:

"Bodhisattva, the poor monk respects heaven and earth, eats fast and recites Buddha's name, which is 1 longings for the Western Paradise."

"But because this trip is really dangerous, the poor monk doesn't want to leave a dead body to go to the West Paradise, otherwise wouldn't it be easier for Wukong to beat me to death?"

"So, the poor monk wants to have more self-protection ability... The poor monk is really not shrinking, the Bodhisattva is clearly aware!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, he took half a step back and ran away at any time.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was desperate,

Are you serious about taking half a step back?

How can you tell me to believe you?

Do you really want to ask him?

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