The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 546 2 masters and apprentices: This is the Western Paradise, so don't go!

Very well, Tang Sanzang continued on the road.

Everything, as if nothing happened.

If it wasn't for Tang Sanzang carrying the tiger, maybe it really seemed like nothing had happened.

Guanyin Bodhisattva originally wanted to report this situation to the Buddha.

But Chu Hao is a good person, so he put it bluntly:

"Xiao Ru must be very sensitive|sensitive and fragile now. If you stimulate|provoke him with this matter again...if he suddenly lashes out."

"Who will pay the salary at the end of the year?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva thought about it, and his face was gloomy,

The Tathagata Buddha's house has just been demolished, if he hears that Tang Sanzang is in such a dead state again, wouldn't he really go crazy with anger?

Forget it, let's think of it as the sequelae of the demonic energy not being completely clear at the time.

Guanyin Bodhisattva comforts himself.

Chu Hao secretly laughed to himself, that's right.

Life is like, Guanyin Bodhisattva obviously already knows this truth very well.

There is no way, I can only take one step at a time.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva suddenly thought of the magic spell in his bosom again.

In a little while, everything will be fine!

Chu Hao grinned.

[Congratulations on completing the task, it is fun to help others!

[Reward: [-] merits!

[There are so many dramas, how can we miss them?

[Task: Continue to watch the show, but the master has to pay for watching the play, let Guanyin Bodhisattva pay some price, and beg myself to stay and watch the play

[Reward: [-] merits!

Chu Hao was about to leave, but suddenly raised his eyebrows. He wondered why this task was so sudden?

However, Chu Hao knows that this color batch system is not a simple thing,

Now that he has spoken, he will certainly not be aimless.

Chu Hao reluctantly stayed to watch the show.

Tang Sanzang and Monkey King set off again after experiencing the tiger's skin.

The difference is that during the journey, Monkey King began to agree with Tang Sanzang a little bit.

Tang Sanzang ate the grilled tiger legs all the way, and talked about Buddhism to Monkey King, his eyebrows were beaming,

"Disciple, this Dharma has been studied by a teacher for many years, and was finally awakened by someone. Once I realized it, I only felt that half my life of practicing Buddhism was like a dog who practiced Taoism."

"Now, as a teacher, I want to teach you the superior Buddhism that I have comprehended!"

Sun Wukong was a little lacking in interest at first, but he didn't interrupt Tang Sanzang's passion, he just said lazily:

"You say it."

When Tang Sanzang opened his mouth, he stopped Monkey King:

"Our Buddhist school pays attention to a piece of wine and meat passing through the intestines, and the Buddha keeps it in his heart! Wine and meat, that is a great thing!"

"We have a folk recipe for practicing Buddhism. If you don't break or build, you always practice and always renew! Wukong, you have just entered the Buddhist sect, so you have to study and think over and over again!"

"You have to try to break the rules and regulations in the Buddhist scriptures all the time. Those are actually the tests left by the Buddha..."

Sun Wukong was stunned for a long time, tongue-tied, and then he said in amazement:

"Master, if you want to talk about this, my old grandson won't be sleepy!"

"This is the first time my old grandson has heard this kind of Dharma! You continue to talk, my old grandson listen!"

Sun Wukong sat up and accepted the legal education from Tang Sanzang.

Then Tang Sanzang worked even harder,

"Come on, let me explain to you the meaning of the Eight Precepts of Buddhism,

Others are not allowed to kill me, not allowed to steal me, not allowed to fuck, not allowed to lie to me, not allowed to let me drink... The eight Buddhist precepts are not for me, but for all sentient beings! "

"There are also four elements that are all empty. Buddhism teaches us that the Tao is empty, the sky, the earth is empty, and the human is empty. We must be ignorant of everything. We must have the courage to climb all Buddhas and Arhats."

"In the future, when you travel around the rivers and lakes, you must remember these eight commandments and the law that all four are empty."

"This day, master will teach you again, what are the five aggregates, the six thieves, and the attitude towards the seven emotions and six desires."

Sun Wukong widened his eyes, and it took him a long time to sigh,


Even if the Bull Demon King is here, he still has to say awesome!

Because of this Dharma, he is really fierce!

Especially when he heard Tang Sanzang talk about Buddhism, Sun Wukong was so enlightened, and the whole monkey seemed to be reborn.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was in the dark, his face turned pale when he heard it, and he faintly collapsed.

What the hell, who taught the Underworld Dharma? !

Chu Hao: No talent, I am right here!

After a long time, Guanyin Bodhisattva came out with a word,


Although she can be described as misleading children, or shocking my mother for a whole year,

But thousands of words, not this one word is appropriate!

"The five directions reveal the truth, your life is over!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was furious and gritted his teeth.

When she listened to this Dharma, her ears were filled with absurd words and she burst into tears of bitterness.

Chu Hao comforted at the side:

"Look at it, it's not easy for the little Tang monk to practice Buddhism, and it's normal for him to go a little bit awry."

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a deep breath,

Although there is no evidence, she is very convinced that Chu Hao did it!

Why can an instigator comfort me here so nonchalantly?

Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly reacted and glared at Chu Hao,

"Why are you here! You must not intervene in the matter of traveling west. If you don't leave, I will call you!"

"When I call the Buddha over, you will know how to write the word dead!"

Chu Hao shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face,

"When you need someone's help, you call her Xiao Tiantian. Now that you're on the way west, you just change your name and let me go?"

"Cold-blooded woman who lied to my feelings, I'm leaving now."

Guanyin Bodhisattva sneered,

good go!

If Chu Hao was here, Journey to the West would not be easy!

But Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't guess, so Chu Hao turned around and left.

Sun Wukong suddenly showed dissatisfaction in the arena.

Because Chu Hao didn't hide his aura from Monkey King, Monkey King could always feel the existence of Hell God.

That's why Sun Wukong seemed so cooperative along the way.

Of course, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's half-step quasi-holy cultivation is hidden very deeply, and Sun Wukong can't feel it.

However, after Chu Hao turned and left, Sun Wukong could not feel the breath of the prison god.

At that time, Sun Wukong gave up his pick and quit, showing his unruly original shape,

"The prison god is gone, why should I go west?"

"Master, let's go back, my grandson will teach you 72 transformations."

Tang Sanzang was stunned for a moment, and said to Monkey King:

"What happened?"

Sun Wukong said indifferently:

"Hmph, I feel that the prison god is gone, and now no one is backing us."

"The next thing will definitely be the group of dead bald donkeys in Xitian staring at us, my old grandson is not a puppet on the stage."

"This Western Paradise, it doesn't matter if you don't go!"

When Tang Sanzang heard about it, he also dropped the pick and quit.

"Tu'er is right! What are we going to do on the Westward Journey?"

"Isn't it just responding to the call of the prison god?"

"If the prison god boss is not here, those dead bald donkeys don't know what disgusting torture they will give us!"

"This is not wronging them, poor monk's good brother was killed by them!"

"This Western Paradise, it doesn't matter if you don't go!"

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