The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 541 Xuanyuan Sword bestowed on the King of Tang, resurrecting Tang Sanzang!

Chu Hao suddenly took out a simple big sword under the eyes of everyone.

The moment the ancient sword was taken out, the field was instantly radiant, and even all the soldiers in the entire Snow Wind City felt that supreme and vast aura.

Many soldiers couldn't help looking at Fengxuecheng, guessing what kind of aura it was.

At this moment, Chu Hao took out this simple and simple sword, with the sun, moon and stars engraved on one side of the sword, and mountains, rivers, plants and trees on the other.On one side of the sword hilt is written the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the world.

The sword of the holy way, Xuanyuan sword!

When King Tang saw Chu Hao take out the Xuanyuan Sword, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"Why did the Prison God take out this sword? Could it be that there are demons here?"

Chu Hao chuckled,

"It's not a demon, it's just that there is a benevolent king here."

"I am not a good person, the Xuanyuan Sword is useless to me;

You are a benevolent king, and you should protect the mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty. "

"This Xuanyuan sword is for you!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chu Hao bestowed the Xuanyuan Sword to King Tang.

At that moment, Chu Hao could feel the joy from Xuanyuan Sword.

It seems that Xuanyuanjian also knows that he will soon have a better belonging.

All the soldiers present, even King Tang himself, were too shocked to speak.

In the history of the human race, this sword has always belonged to the supreme sword of the holy way.

It represents the supreme belief of the human race, and it is a treasure that countless generations of emperors desperately want to obtain.

And now, Chu Hao actually gave it to King Tang?

All the soldiers present were shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

Countless people knelt down and shouted:

"Your Majesty's benevolence and righteousness are moving the heavens and the earth. It's a great fortune to get this sword!"

A hundred calls.

All the soldiers in Snow Wind City heard the news, and countless people were extremely moved for a while!

This is not a matter of obtaining a magic weapon.

This is a big event that the entire Tang Dynasty, what it has done, has been affirmed by the heavenly court!

Everyone is looking forward to seeing the recognition from heaven and earth, although the king of Tang has always led people to fight against the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, and the success has been reported again and again.

But in fact, many people still have that kind of anxiety in their hearts.

Because in the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, there really is a Buddha, who is supremely powerful, the ruler of heaven and earth, and a Buddha with countless beliefs.

What Tang was fighting against was such a powerful and tyrannical existence protected by the Buddha.

No one dared to say that their mortal body could truly win against such a Buddhist kingdom.

Even, in fact, there are still many soldiers and civilians who doubt the justice of this war.

Because what they are fighting against is the Buddha Kingdom controlled by the Buddha.

They have relied on the name of compassion since ancient times, whether it is true or not, but he is really protected by the Buddha.

Datang, what's there?

Although there were some miracles before, they were not truly recognized after all.

Many people have no self-confidence and are self-doubting about right and wrong.

But now, in front of everyone, the prison god bestowed the sword of the holy way!

Tang Wang got this Xuanyuan Sword, which is a kind of recognition!

Not only is Heaven's recognition of King Tang, but also the recognition of Great Tang by human races of all ages!

For this is the sword of the holy way,

It means that King Tang will lead the human race to the supremely glorious holy way.

This is thousands of times more useful than passing on the jade seal of the country!

This is the Human Race Jade Seal!

King Tang stared at the sword of the holy way in front of him, his eyes were red, and his hands trembled excitedly.

Tang Wang slowly stretched out his old hand to receive it,

Chu Hao suddenly said, "Do you know your burden?"

Very abrupt.

But King Tang fully understood what Chu Hao meant.

King Tang's eyes were firm, and he held the Xuanyuan Sword tightly with both hands. He paused word by word, and said firmly:

"The Tang Dynasty was fortunate to receive the holy sword from heaven. I will govern the country like walking on thin ice, and I dare not neglect it."

"I swear here that one day, the Great Tang conquers the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu and will never harm innocent people."

"Since ancient times, the Chinese people have been valued, and the barbarians and didi have been valued. I only love them as one. I, the people of the Tang Dynasty, have no distinction between high and low!"

Of course, those not owned by Datang will be counted separately.

Tang Wang is a benevolent king, but not a saint, let alone a fool.

The people of the Tang Dynasty can be the same, and there can be no high or low.

But the enemy of the Tang Dynasty should be like a mustard, and death is not a pity.

The Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom will eventually be captured by the Tang Dynasty, so the reason for not killing people is to let the Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom integrate into the Tang Dynasty more quickly.

Chu Hao laughed out loud and found that things were getting more and more interesting.

Good guy, King Tang has long anticipated the declaration to the entire Xiniu Hezhou after the capture of the Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu.

This is also Tang Wang's scheming against Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom.

Return to Datang, everything is easy to talk about.

Don't think about being an enemy of Tang.

Especially in Xiniu Hezhou, the flames of rebellion have already been brewing in the past few hundred years.

If the flame is not borrowed by the wind, it is easy to extinguish.

But if the flames are helped by the wind...

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

Chu Hao is looking forward to it. If the Buddhas of the Western Paradise see their family disintegrating from the inside, it will definitely be very exciting!

"Don't let me down."

Chu Hao had no intention of sending out the Xuanyuan Sword.

It's just that after hearing King Tang's reprimand to Yu Chigong just now, I feel that King Tang has grown enough to get this sword.

So it was given.

Of course, another reason is that this sword can suppress the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty, and it can even protect the king of the Tang Dynasty.

Chu Hao quickly disappeared into the Snow Wind City.

But Tang Wang held the Xuanyuan sword, and he was very excited.

After a long time, the king of Tang raised his head high, with the domineering spirit of annexing the world in his eyes,

"I will never let you down!"

"After exhausting this life, I want this world to belong to the Tang Dynasty!"

"There are Buddhas in the Buddha Kingdom, and there are people in the Tang Dynasty!"

In King Tang's eyes, there was an unshakable, rock-like firmness.

All the soldiers also have firm eyes, the country is their belief.

How can the Buddha of Tianzhu be against the faith of our country?

With the Xuanyuan Sword bestowed by the God of Prison, Datang has been recognized by the holy way, so what Buddha does he need to be afraid of!

In Snow Wind City, the fighting spirit is soaring!


After Chu Hao came out of Snow Wind City, he counted his fingers and found that Journey to the West seemed to be restarting again.

At that time, Chu Hao thought about it.

[Mission: If you don’t sow, how can you reap?Helping others, helping Xitian resume its journey to the West

[Reward: [-] merits!

Chu Hao came to the Five Elements Mountain with just one swipe.

Shit stirrer, come uninvited!

Three days have passed since the rock monkey came out of the landslide and the ground was cracked, and the holy monk was crushed into Hericium erinaceus.

Guanyin Bodhisattva brought Jin Chanzi's Yuanshen and Monkey King to the foot of the Five Elements Mountain to set up the scene.

Under the careful arrangement of Guanyin Bodhisattva, everything returned to its original state.

Monkey King is watching the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with no interest.

"Hurry up, my flowers are almost gone!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Monkey King indifferently,

"Remember what I just said, don't mention this to Tang Seng."

Sun Wukong was bored, "What my old grandson says is none of your business!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva gritted his teeth,


Sun Wukong looked uncooperative, and Guanyin Bodhisattva was very distressed.

Who else can control this rebellious Monkey King?

But at this time, a fairy in white appeared.

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