The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 540 What's the difference between a saint and a beast?

The time for Sun Wukong to enjoy his life in the nine-storey prison is over.

At this moment, he is walking on the road to the mortal world very uncomfortable, just like going to the grave in the Qingming Festival.

But Sun Wukong still remembered the words Chu Hao left for him.

Sun Wukong became confident again.

Guanyin Bodhisattva took the resurrected little white dragon and Monkey King to Wuxing Mountain, where Tang Sanzang would also be resurrected.

Soon, Journey to the West will be on the right track.

Finally, it's not easy!

Avalokitesvara brings double happiness!

Chu Hao didn't intend to go and watch. Chu Hao had his own business to do.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva and Monkey King left, Chu Hao also went down to earth together.

Chu Hao didn't forget that everything started from that great battle. Now that everything is settled down, it's time for Chu Hao to say something to King Tang.


The world looks south to Buzhou, Snow City.

Chu Hao came to Snow Wind City and soon met King Tang.

Tang Wang saw that Chu Hao had returned safely, his face was calm, and he immediately understood that Chu Hao had won this battle.

King Tang was overjoyed, and greeted Chu Hao with greetings.

And Chu Hao also briefly talked about the struggle between Heavenly Court and the West.

Tang Wang couldn't help being a little angry when he learned that Amitabha was protecting Bailian boy so hard.

"Even the most immature children should know that murder pays for their lives. It's only right and proper. The Bailian boy killed 10,000+ people in my Tang Dynasty, and the Buddha actually pretended nothing happened?"

Chu Hao smiled bitterly, and said helplessly:

"It's not just once or twice. In ancient times, there was Dapeng, and later there was King Peacock Ming... I won't tell you more."

"But this time brings good news."

"Under the friendly communication between me and Xitian, now that Xitian has agreed to give up the control of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, they will no longer send a bunch of Buddhas and Arhats to reduce dimensionality and attack the world."

Tang Wang was very happy.

In fact, this is what he is most worried about. No matter how stupid a person is, he knows that when a mortal fights with a god or Buddha, the only end is death!

Throughout the ages, it is not that no one has been able to reach the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu.

But no one can occupy that inch of land forever, even Xiniu Hezhou has become a forbidden area in Nanzhan Buzhou.

From the classics, the king of Tang can only glimpse some words that are trying to cover up, covering up the traces of the participation of gods and Buddhas, and only interpreting them as miracles or benevolence.

But now King Tang has become the only emperor who can cultivate among the emperors of all dynasties, and he has also come into contact with the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

He began to speculate about the past.

It must be Xi Tian playing tricks!

But now, Chu Hao actually directly said that Xitian would no longer intervene in the war in Nanzhan Buzhou, which was tantamount to saying.

Once the king of Tang conquered the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, from then on, the territory of the Tang Dynasty would expand by another point.

In history, the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu will also usher in the kind that is annexed in the true sense and will no longer be rescued by the Buddha.

This is a feat that no one can surpass through the ages!

How can Tang Wang not be excited? !

Chu Hao immediately said:

"However, I will not intervene in mortal wars anymore. This matter involves cause and effect, so you can only ask for luck."

King Tang was very excited, nodding repeatedly,

"Don't worry, prison god boss, I won't let you down!"

"Up to three years, no, two years!"

"I will let Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom be included in the territory of Tang Dynasty, forever and ever!"

King Tang's eyes were full of ambition.

He is back, the arrogant King Tang who swept the world back then is back!

Chu Hao nodded,

"Very good, always say that you are worthy of your fate, and ask for more blessings."

In fact, Chu Hao is still thinking about whether to give King Tang something to defend himself...

After all, although Xitian said to give up control of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, what dirty methods would they use if they couldn't keep it.

Not once or twice, Chu Hao is full of confidence in Xitian's lower limit.

But what to give?

But at this moment, a figure of a general rushed in from outside.

It was Yu Chigong who had come back from the dead.

When Yuchi Gong came in, he shouted excitedly:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Congratulations, our surprise soldiers raided from the side and first took control of a small city in the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu!"

"Although it is far away from here, there are more than 20 people in that small city, and all the soldiers have been killed!"

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are so angry that they want to slaughter the city, an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye!"

In fact, Chu Hao sounds normal,

For young people, it is normal to have a little blood.

Especially after Bailian Tongzi massacred the city with the Qinglian Baose Banner, countless people in Datang were furious. It would be reasonable and reasonable to massacre the city to vent their anger.

Even, after Chu Hao got the Qinglian Baose Banner, a treasure that kills people without karma, he also thought about retaliation.

Slaughter several cities in his Buddhist kingdom to let them know how to write the word dead.

After all, Chu Hao is not a saint either, Chu Hao just prefers Datang.

It's not the first time anyway.

However, Chu Hao heard Tang Wang's expression was indifferent, shaking his head,

"You can't slaughter the city, it's no doubt like birds|beasts."

Yuchi Gong was in a hurry,

"Your Majesty, they fought first, but we are just fighting back! If people in the world know that we don't slaughter the city, they will think that we are benevolent women!"

Tang Wang still shook his head, with a stern tone in his tone,

"General Yuchi, don't forget your identity!"

"You are a soldier, my Great Tang | Military discipline is strict, soldiers will not disturb the common people, let alone kill innocent people!"

"The people in that city are unarmed, old and weak, women and children, and if we attack them, it will only make our Tang | Army get a bad name for bullying the people, and it will only encourage the soldiers to kill and shed blood!"

Yuchi Gong had tears in his eyes,

"However, 10,000+ people in the border town died without a whole body. Don't we take revenge?"

Chu Hao also looked at King Tang silently.

There is one thing to say, Chu Hao originally wanted to go to slaughter the city and come back again.

However, Chu Hao was a little surprised by what Tang Wang said, and couldn't help admiring it.

Tang Wang speaks earnestly and with a strong voice,

"As a general of the Tang Dynasty, you are fighting for the Tang Dynasty and the people. What name do you use to slaughter the city? To slaughter the city for my Tang Dynasty? Or to slaughter the city for the people?"

"Murting the old, the weak, women and children, how different is a sage from a beast! I am a human being, and a human being has a reverence for life. This is benevolence!"

"The karma created by the Buddha, can we vent it on the people of the Buddha country?

Killing enemies and beheading generals is a matter of course, but attacking innocent people?Are you a human! "

"Whoever caused the casualties will settle accounts with them;

Which country provokes the war, conquer it;

Whatever system caused the harm, just get rid of it. "

"If I were a general, I would also like to slaughter the city, but what good would it do to the Tang Dynasty?

What we have to do is to conquer the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu as soon as possible, not to fight an eye with an eye.

That's what we do, understand? "

In front of Yu Chigong, the king of Tang explained what is a small enmity and what is a national enmity.

Even Chu Hao didn't expect Tang Wang to be so humane.

Hearing this, Chu Hao also made up his mind.

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