The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 518 Bailian Boy Agreed, I Didn't Force Him

Amitabha raised his eyebrows slightly, but was secretly shocked in his heart.

Back then, the chaotic green lotus was scattered in the three worlds, but only the last white lotus of the pure world was not found.

No one knows who took it.

But what Chu Hao meant... Could it be that the Pure World White Lotus is in Chu Hao's hands?

Amitabha's eyes became more vigilant,

The saints have searched for so long, and the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms have inquired for so long, but no one has found the Pure World White Lotus. It would be great if Chu Hao got it.

This kid hides very deeply.

Of course, if Amitabha knew, what Chu Hao had in his hand was not just the pure white lotus.

It was the ancestor of the Pure World White Lotus, the Primal Chaos Qinglian!

Then Amitabha's eyes are probably red, and it is possible to fight on the spot.

Chu Hao said to Amitabha:

"Anyway, I'll settle the matter of Jingshi Bailian, so you can give me... an innate spiritual treasure."

Amitabha has no expression on his face,

"No, my magic treasures are hidden deep outside the Three Realms, or distributed to the Buddhas. I have nothing to give you."

How uncomfortable it is to give a congenital treasure for nothing!

Even for saints, innate spirit treasures are extremely precious things, how could it be possible to give them at will?

So Amitabha was playing tricks and directly said that I didn't have it on me.

However, the Buddha is one foot tall and the Tao is one foot tall.

Chu Hao suddenly grinned, and took out the Qinglian Baose Flag,

"It's okay, I brought it for you."

That's right, for the confiscated Qinglian Baose Banner, Chu Hao secretly thanked Boy Bailian in his heart.

Without the efforts of this young man, Chu Hao would not have been able to obtain this top-grade innate spirit treasure.

Amitabha's face darkened in an instant, and he threateningly said:

"Your Excellency, Prison God, this is my magic weapon. It is extremely important. A gentleman does not take what others like, so please return it quickly."

Chu Hao grinned,

"That's wrong. Didn't you just swear that you didn't bring it? Why do you start to deny it now that I hold it for you?"

"Do you not want to revive the little white dragon?"

All the strong men of the Dragon Clan shook their heads and tails, aggressively,

"Ah? Big bald donkey, how dare you bully my Dragon Clan?!"

"Go crazy!"

Amitabha's blood pressure soared for a moment,

How can you play this trick? !

Can't you be a human being?

The Tathagata Buddha sneered to himself while watching,

You're stupid, teacher, if this kid dares to speak, he must be sure of you.

Hmph, I'm too familiar with it. Forcing you to give up your magic weapon in person is the kind of pain of cutting flesh!

Oh ho ho ho ho, I want the world to feel my pain!

The Tathagata Buddha obviously had a little opinion on Amitabha's arbitrariness.

Of course, it is mainly for a little psychological balance.

The Tathagata Buddha also persuaded:

"Teacher, for the sake of Little White Dragon and the friendship between Xitian and the Dragon Clan, let's make some concessions."

Amitabha glared at Tathagata Buddha, desperately suppressing his anger, and said:

"Your Excellency Prison God, otherwise, didn't you just say you want the Xiantian Lingbao? I'll give you the Xiantian Lingbao."

"How about you return the Qinglian Baose Flag to me?"

The Qinglian Treasure Color Banner is the best innate spiritual treasure, it is not a concept!

The best innate spirit treasure is a common magic weapon for saints, and there may only be a few of them in hand.

Back then, if the meritorious golden lotus hadn't been knocked off the third rank by the boy Bailian, the Taoist guide would not be willing to bestow it on the Tathagata Buddha.

Although it was still wiped out by the Tathagata Buddha, and it was also paid to Chu Hao...

Amitabha stared at Chu Hao, half sincere, half threatening.

But Chu Hao waved his hands with contempt on his face,

"Hey, why are you such a mother-in-law? Isn't it just two words missing? Isn't this still a congenital treasure?"

"I originally wanted Xiantian Lingbao, so if you give me a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, I will give it."

"I don't mind, what do you mind?"

Chu Hao looked very contemptuous of Amitabha, as if he was very dissatisfied with Amitabha's bargaining.

The [-] Buddhas and dragons present were almost cried by Chu Hao.

Good guy, you are really not a human being!

I took Amitabha's green lotus-colored flag, and I reluctantly accepted it as if I was at a disadvantage, and asked Amitabha what he minds...

Is this what people say?

Awesome, really awesome.

The Dragon Kings of the Dragon Clan looked at each other and nodded secretly,

With this shamelessness, this son can be his friend, but not his enemy!

Chu Hao held the Qinglian Baose Flag in his hand, his face was full of impatience,

"Hurry up, resurrecting the little white dragon requires extremely troublesome steps, and I will pay a great price!"

"I'm all for the peace of the Three Realms, otherwise the common people will die, and I won't make much money!"

"If you keep grinding, you won't have a chance."

All the strong dragon clan twisted their bodies and did not speak.

But Amitabha Buddha understood this meaning.

Go crazy?

There is no way, if you provoke the Dragon Clan, even Amitabha would not dare to mess around.

Chu Hao's act of taking advantage of the situation really made Amitabha very uncomfortable, like a stick in his throat.

However, it can only be accepted passively.

Give the Dragon Clan a face.

Amitabha still struggled and said:

"The Qinglian Treasure Color Banner is the most precious magic weapon. Besides, didn't I give the magic weapon to Bailian boy? I need to ask his opinion..."

Drag the words!

However, Chu Hao had been prepared for a long time, and pulled out the soul of Boy Bailian.

Boy Bailian's primordial spirit was incomplete, and his face was full of despair. Seeing all the Buddhas looking at him, Boy Bailian was about to cry.

But Chu Hao didn't give Bailian boy a chance to beg for mercy, so he knocked Bailian boy on the head,

"Quickly agree."

The child's self-esteem was crushed in such an instant.

Amitabha's face turned black,

Threatening me with Bailian boy's life?

Boy Bailian's eyes widened, I don't even know what to agree to, this is too much of a gangster's behavior, right? !

However, Chu Hao dunked Bai Lian boy's head again,

"Don't say that you are gone."

Bailian boy is about to cry,

"I agree, I agree!"

Chu Hao looked at Amitabha Buddha innocently,

"Hey, I agreed, I didn't force him."

Three thousand Buddhas: "???"

Amitabha took a deep breath and said angrily:

"I'll just give it!"

As soon as Amitabha waved his hand, Chu Hao immediately felt the restriction on the green lotus color flag disappear in an instant.

Chu Hao didn't ink at all, he occupied the magpie's nest, and put his own restraint on the Qinglian Baose Banner.

Among the best innate spiritual treasures, one of the most precious five-party flags, the Qinglian Baose Banner, is in the bag!

"I've given it all, so don't hurry up and do it!"

Amitabha's heart was bleeding, and even his tone became very unkind.

But Amitabha secretly raised his mind again.

He wanted to see what method Chu Hao would use to revive the little white dragon whose primordial spirit had been annihilated.

Once Amitabha felt that Chu Hao's threat had exceeded expectations, what awaited Chu Hao would be a fatal blow!

However, under the watchful eyes of all the gods, Buddhas, and dragon clan powerhouses, Chu Hao did not hide anything.

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