The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 517 Xitian cede land for compensation and give up the Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu

50 merits and divine water, a little bit less.

Amitabha gritted his teeth again, took out the golden light relic and the Sanguang divine water, and threw them to Chu Hao with great distress,

"Take it!"

Amitabha is very uncomfortable.

These are all incomparably precious things. Normally, even a half-step quasi-sage of Xitian wouldn't even think about touching such precious things.

As for the Sanguang Shenshui, it was bought by Amitabha Buddha and other saints back then, and this bottle is the only one in the Western Heaven!

And this golden light relic is even more precious, it is even rarer than the Muni Dingguang Pearl!

After all, a treasure that needs to be refined with a part of the soul of the quasi-sage, can it be precious to have ghosts?

Of course, Amitabha Buddha harbored a little thought in his heart.

There is a piece of Amitabha Buddha's primordial spirit hidden in this golden relic, although it is as small as a fingernail, it can effectively seize the relic.

At that time, if Chu Hao really uses this to reshape Xiaobailong's primordial spirit, Xiaobailong will definitely be completely controlled by Xitian.

When the time comes, let Xiaobailong bring the dragon clan to harm Chu Hao. Wouldn't it be beautiful for him to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight in the west!

Of course, Amitabha did not show it, but was as gentle as ever, although his heart ached to death...

The Tathagata Buddha was beside him, and he was secretly glad to see it.

Good guy, fortunately I am not responsible, tsk tsk tsk, such a precious magic weapon, Amitabha cried to death.

But the Tathagata Buddha thought of sending [-] million Buddhist soldiers and the territory of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, and suddenly felt sad from it, and vaguely wanted to cry.

Amitabha said softly:

"Your Excellency the Prison God, if you trust us for the remaining [-] million Buddhist soldiers and some weapons and armor, I will order Master Guanyin to send them to you later."

Chu Hao nodded, his face was full of understanding,

"That's right, the most important thing to do business with open the door is trust."

Amitabha smiled slightly. Although Chu Hao was not a good person just now, his speech was quite pleasant.

Then Chu Hao turned to Nezha and said:

"Little Nezha, go, go with Master Guanyin, remember to count them face to face, don't give them a chance to cheat! You are still young, and you don't understand the dangers of the world, and the Buddha's mind is unpredictable."

Nezha nodded,

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely check it out."

Chu Hao didn't hide his voice at all, all the three thousand Buddhas heard Chu Hao's instructions to Nezha.


Tathagata Buddha: "..."

Master Avalokitesvara: "..."

I don't know why, but I always feel insulted.

No, this is humiliation, bare|naked humiliation!

All the powerhouses of the dragon clan couldn't help laughing out loud,

The Zijin Dragon Emperor was very happy, "My boy, what I say and do is too much to my liking! Are all the young people these days so outstanding?"

The Platinum Dragon Emperor chuckled, "Heavenly Court picked up a good seedling."

The faces of the three thousand Buddhas were dark.

Nezha walked up to Master Guanyin with a vigilant look on his face,

"Don't play tricks, go, take me to lead someone now!"

Master Guanyin took a deep breath,

She vaguely saw a little shadow of Chu Hao from Nezha, it's because Nezha has learned badly!

Master Avalokitesvara glanced at Amitabha, and Amitabha nodded helplessly.

So what else can be done?

Give it.

Anyway, they are just some worthless Buddhist soldiers. After millions of years, they will be gathered soon.

It's just that those armors may bring a huge improvement to the nine-storey prison, but Amitabha didn't care too much.

All saints are ants, as long as there are no saints in the nine-storey prison, no matter how powerful they are, they are just a group of ants.

Amitabha only cares about winning or losing in the general situation, and doesn't care about the gains and losses in these small places.

Nezha followed Guanyin Bodhisattva to receive Buddhist soldiers and armor.

Amitabha said to Chu Hao:

"Your Excellency, Prison God, as for the Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom you want, we can't give it to you... Don't leave yet, listen to me."

Amitabha sighed in his heart, how could there be such an arrogant person in the Three Realms?

Chu Hao didn't intend to leave either, so he looked at Amitabha quietly,

"Say it, I'm not an unreasonable person."

Amitabha twitched the corners of his mouth, I believe.

"This is the law of heaven. Gods and Buddhas cannot control the situation in the world, especially if they directly attack mortals and change dynasties, this will contaminate great karma."

"If it is light, you will lose all your magic power, and if it is serious, you will be drawn into the cycle of six realms of karma, and you will become a mortal from then on. So please forgive me for giving you the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu directly from the west."

Amitabha, this is not an excuse.

Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the human world has been deprived of the throne of the Emperor, and the Heavenly Court and the Western Heaven are divided into two continents.

But no matter how powerful Xitian is, he will not directly send Buddha and Arhat to grab the territory.

The most is to secretly send people to assist in various ways, and will never do anything to mortals.

Because of the great cause and effect contaminated in this way, Xitian can't bear it.

Therefore, Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom is not something that can be given away just by saying it.

Chu Hao, however, seemed to have known about it a long time ago, and said bluntly:

"It's okay, what I want is that you don't secretly send more powerful people to take action."

"What Bailian boy, descend to the third Ming King, Vajra Yasha Ming King, don't hesitate to go down to the earth to join the battle."

"I want you Xitian not to intervene in human wars, that's enough!"

Chu Hao thought that he didn't have time to stare at the battlefield outside Snow Wind City, but he made this request because of his trust in Xitian.

Of course, this was also casually said.

Extortion, the price is raised from the ground, the lion opens his mouth, it is pure profit anyway.

Tathagata Buddha was a little nervous, and said:

"Teacher, you can't, Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom is an important territory in the Western Paradise, you can't let it go!"

Land reparations?

What a shame!

If everything is agreed to, what face does Xi Tian have to continue living?

"I promise you, I will not participate in the battle between Nanzhan Buzhou and Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom."

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Amitabha Buddha said this.

The Tathagata Buddha doubted his ears a little.


However, Amitabha looked at Tathagata Buddha lightly,

"Are you questioning me?"

The Tathagata Buddha lowered his head nervously,

"Disciple dare not!"

He knew that Xitian's rules must not be triggered.

It is even more heinous to offend the above and question the saint!

Chu Hao grinned and applauded:

"Hahahaha! Amitabha is so bold!"

"Xiaoru, you have to learn a little bit, look at your teacher, this is called atmosphere!"

"How much money you have spent wrongly determines how tolerant you are!"

"Buying a Golden Immortal Primordial Spirit cost hundreds of thousands of merits. When the time comes to really do big things, it will be a few hundred million. I understand the applause!"

Chu Hao's bewitching rhetoric stunned the three thousand Buddhas in an instant.

It was the first time I drank this kind of poisonous chicken soup, and all the three thousand Buddhas actually benefited a little...

Then Chu Hao took advantage of the fire to loot and shouted:

"As for the last white lotus and lotus seeds, you must not be able to find them in Western Paradise, right?"

Amitabha nodded,

"What's your opinion?"

"Buy it with me!" Chu Hao grinned with such simplicity.

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