The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 511 Let's do it, for the future of Xitian!

Bukong achieves Buddha: I can tell at a glance that you are not from the Western Paradise!

Chu Hao naturally had countermeasures.

In the next second, a golden lotus of the thirteenth grade of merit slowly floated up under Chu Hao, and the Buddha's light was shining brightly on his body!

Chu Hao also held a pagoda in his hand, which was the pagoda of Tathagata Buddha!

How could Bukong become a Buddha without knowing it, and exclaimed:

"Isn't this the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus and Duobao Pagoda of Tathagata Buddha? Why are you here?"

"Besides, isn't it the ninth rank? Why is it now the thirteenth rank?"

"I just slept for 500 years, what happened!"

Buddha Bukong felt that his world view had been refreshed over and over again.

Chu Hao picked up a flower and smiled, his face was full of emotion,

"Isn't it 500 years that the mountains and rivers have taken turns? Anyway, I was personally invited by Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha to join Xitian."

"The Tathagata Buddha handed over these two things to me."

"What I said just now is all true. I can swear an oath to the Dao of Heaven. If there is even half a lie, five thunders will strike, and you can completely believe me!"

After Chu Hao finished speaking, he made the oath of heaven very sincerely.

With the flickering of the mysterious heavenly aura, the oath was really established, and there was no cloud of calamity in the sky.

Bukong Accomplished Buddha was stunned at that moment,

The oath of the Dao of Heaven has indeed come true. Unless Chu Hao is a saint, it is impossible to deceive the Dao of Heaven.

Bukong Achievement Buddha was shocked, with a look of disbelief,

Those are the avatars of Xitian and Shishi who supervise Xitian respectively, and their words and deeds can fully represent the words and deeds of the saints.

In other words, the white-clothed fairy in front of me was actually invited by two saints to come to the west at the same time?

God is pitiful, even Taoist Duobao didn't have this kind of treatment back then!

Could it be that this white-clothed fairy is more important than coming to the Buddha?

Bukong Chengfo was stunned for a moment.

"Is all this true?"

Chu Hao showed a sincere smile on his face,

"Of course it's true, it's true!"

Chu Hao really didn't say a word that was false.

Chu Hao was indeed personally invited by Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha to join Xitian, but I didn't agree!

I also scolded them.

Moreover, whether it is the golden lotus of merit or the multi-treasure pagoda, it was Tathagata Buddha who handed over these two things to Chu Hao.

It's just that he gave it to me crying at that time, and he was forced by Taoist Zhunti.

Alas, why doesn't the current Buddha think about the following?

How easy it is to be deceived.

Chu Hao said very seriously:

"If you don't become a Buddha in emptiness, you have made great achievements in protecting the merit pool."

"But now is a special moment. I need to transfer the karmic water. You must understand and cooperate with my work."

"Ah yes, these are instructions from Amitabha Buddha."

Chu Hao smirked in his heart, well, Amitabha is too busy to deal with it now, and he has no time to pay attention to himself.

Bukong Chengfo was stunned for a moment, half-believing, half-believing, half-believing, but he had to believe.

The face of Bukong Achieving Buddha, which is full of tangled writing, looks like a crumpled paper ball,

"Then... how much do you want to transfer?"

Chu Hao smirked in his heart, of course he wanted them all!

"Cough, cough, Buddha ordered that all of them be transferred, but I don't know how long this battle will be and how serious it is. I still need to transfer accordingly."

Chu Hao said the same thing in the scene.

Buddha Bukong nods his head,

"Indeed, the concentration of the merit water in this merit pool is relatively low. If it is not in the merit pool, it is easy to return to the original wish power merit."

"Moreover, once the water level exceeds 100 million merits, that is, when the water level drops by one-fifth, Amitabha will sense it."

"But don't worry, since you are ordered by Amitabha Buddha, you have to think about how much to transfer."

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard what Bukong had said.


This information is not too important.

At this moment, Chu Hao just filled ten gourds, took 100 million merits and divine water, and was about to greedily buy dozens more gourds.

Hearing the words of Bukong becoming a Buddha, Chu Hao immediately stopped.

If this awakened Amitabha, that guy might leave the Dragon Clan behind and rush towards him like crazy.

Chu Hao accepted it as soon as he saw it, and pocketed ten gourds as tall as a person, so that he could achieve Buddhahood in no time:

"Not empty to become a Buddha, you are doing well, do your duty faithfully, and I will definitely honor the two saints and ask for credit for you!"

Bukong Achievement Buddha's face was overjoyed,

"Thank you...what's your name?"

"It's not important!" Chu Hao hurriedly interrupted.

If you say that you are the prison god of law enforcement in the three realms, I am afraid that you will realize it if you become a Buddha in no time!

Chu Hao looked at the pool of water in the Gongde Pond, and the many spiritual source agates paved underneath, Chu Hao felt uncomfortable!

Entering Baoshan, just take this 100 million merits and divine water, how can I do it?

With only this little water, how could it be enough for Chu Hao to make this trip?

In Chu Hao's heart flashed a steadfastness that he would rather be a piece of jade than a tile, and he would not be empty to achieve the Buddha way:

"Forget it, until now, we have no way to hold back!"

Bukong Chengfo was stunned for a moment,

"What are you doing?"

Chu Hao stared sincerely at Bukong becoming a Buddha,

"The Dragon Clan is about to invade Xitian. I must try my best to protect more property in Xitian from being plundered by bad guys."

"I want to dig out the spiritual source agate in this merit pool!"

Bukong Chengfo widened his eyes and exclaimed:

"You are crazy! Lingyuan agate is the supreme treasure that maintains the long-term existence of the divine water of merit. If you take it away, wouldn't this pool of divine water of merit be gone?"

Chu Hao took a deep breath, with a look of unbearable expression on his face, but he firmly said to Bukong to achieve the Buddha way:

"There is no better way. You have to know that once the dragons come in, everything will be over!"

"Let's not talk about spiritual source agate, even the magic treasure in the entire Great Leiyin Temple will be snatched away by them!"

"All we can do is to sacrifice ourselves to protect all of Xitian's property. I also know that it will be hard to lose this pool of merit and divine water."

"But, we are guarding Xitian, do you understand my pain?"

Chu Hao desperately squeezed out two drops of crocodile tears.

Bukong Accomplishment Buddha was persuaded.

He thought for a long time, gritted his teeth,


Chu Hao nodded, his face was full of warm thanks,

"Thank you comrade, it seems that you can also understand my pain, come on, let's do it, for the future of Xitian!"

Buddha Bukong nodded, but shook his head,

"If you want to take it away, take it all away, and leave nothing to the Dragon Clan!"

"The little treasure we leave to the enemy will eventually take revenge on us!"

"We can't be the sinners of Xitian, I would rather bear this pain."

Chu Hao raised his brows,

Good guy, there is a problem with this Xitian, and he is not merciless at all when it comes to his own family.

This is the case with Bailian boy, and it is also the case with this Buddha who is not empty!

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