The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 510 Jin Ao Bukong Achieves Tathagata?Guess who I am!

Chu Hao was happily harvesting the merit water in the merit pool, he couldn't be too happy.

To be honest, less is less, but this is all Xitian's full intentions, and Chu Hao will not reject Xitian's kindness.

After all, this is the chance that Amitabha Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, Lantern Ancient Buddha and other Buddhas bet on the lives of the three thousand Buddhas in the Western Paradise for Chu Hao!

Chu Hao shouldered the efforts of all the Buddhas and the hope of the Jade Emperor, how could Chu Hao be merciful?

goo goo goo...

Chu Hao didn't know how to be merciful at all, and soon he had already piled up five gourds of meritorious water by his side——

It's all full!

50 merits and divine water!

Chu Hao didn't know how to restrain himself at all, the merit water in the merit pool dropped by one-tenth directly!

Very manic.

Stealing face to face, and still not restraining at all, went straight to the point where the water level of the merit pool dropped by one-tenth!

Really, not a son of man!

With so much movement, even a vegetable can be awakened.

What's more, this golden bearded carp is an extremely sensitive creature, when he felt that the water level of the merit pool dropped by one-tenth for no reason.

The golden tawny carp's face turned black.

Almost got it bro!

The next second, the golden tawny carp suddenly opened its eyes,

This glance directly stunned the golden tawny carp:

A fairy in white is holding a huge gourd the height of a person, and is frantically stealing meritorious water!

That guy just wants to move the entire merit pool away, that's not called stealing!

The gourd as tall as a person was pressed directly into the merit pool, gurgling.

The golden-haired carp was extremely angry, and roared:

"Where are you bastards, actually stealing meritorious water!"

Chu Hao raised his head suddenly, and looked at the golden bearded carp staring at him with wide eyes, Chu Hao was stunned for a moment...

Then continue to gurgle to fill the water.

The golden tawny carp is happy,

what's the situation?Are today's thieves so arrogant?Was found to be able to steal water as if nothing had happened?

Wait, then this is not a thief, this is directly a robber!

The golden bearded carp roared, and the violent magic power on its body suddenly swayed away,

"Brave maniac, this is the merit pool of the Western Heaven. If you steal the merit water, I will grant you death!"

The golden bearded carp suddenly wanted to attack and kill Chu Hao.

His task is to protect the tranquility of the merit pool.

Even if the quasi-sage in the Western Paradise came in to get the meritorious water, he had to report to him. If he robbed it by force, the golden bearded carp had the right to cut it first and then play it!

Jin Ao Bukong achieves Tathagata, also known as Bukong Achievement Buddha, a supremely powerful existence, even the Tathagata Buddha must be courteous.

But now, someone in the merit pool he guarded was frantically stealing merit water.

And it was so arrogant that it was filled with ten big gourds,

Bukong became a Buddha: I have never seen such an arrogant thief!

Bukong Chengfo was about to kill Chu Hao on the spot.

He is a supremely powerful quasi-sage with tyrannical strength. This attack directly blocked the space around Chu Hao, making it impossible for Chu Hao to escape.

"I, Cao, haven't I lost this strength?"

Chu Hao was secretly shocked.

But the shock was the shock, but there was no panic on Chu Hao's face. Even, Chu Hao continued to fill the water.

However, Chu Hao's face showed just a slight anger, and he shouted angrily:

"what are you doing!"

Bukong Chengfo was stunned for a moment, he began to doubt Aosheng, and laughed instead,

"Me? How dare you ask me what I'm doing?"

"You stole the merit water here, if I wasn't still in it, wouldn't you just move the entire merit pool away!?"

"I am ordered by the Tathagata to guard this place, and I will kill you, a life-or-death thief!"

Bukong became a Buddha and wanted to make another move, but this time he hesitated.

Because he always felt that Chu Hao's face was full of candor, as if what Chu Hao was doing was well-founded and not theft at all.

Judging from Bukong's life experience as a Buddha, he is sure that there is no thief in the world who can be so magnanimous.

This kid can be so frank, could it be that he is really performing some mission?

Sure enough, Chu Hao frowned slightly, and said coldly:

"Jin Ao Bukong has become a Tathagata? You really can sleep, but you don't know what happened until now!"

"Go and look outside, there are all Jackie Chan outside, all adult dragon emperors are raging in the west, but you are still sleeping here?"

"How can you sleep? How can you sleep at your age?"

Chu Hao righteously and sternly reprimanded Bukong for becoming a Buddha, without restraint in his actions, he continued to frantically absorb the divine water of merit and virtue in the merit pool.

A whole eight gourds!

Chu Hao was so relieved that he almost flew up.

80 million merits!

And it's still a god of merit, Chu Hao couldn't be too happy.

Make a big vote, and then you can prepare to be promoted to quasi-sage!

Of course, the premise is to be able to get past the pursuit of Buddha Bukong.

Bukong Chengfo's face was stunned for a moment, and he had never felt such a just and awe-inspiring reprimand.

He quickly felt the scene outside.

Don't look at it, look at it!

There are actually nine real dragons outside, attacking Xitian frantically!

Even the Great Leiyin Temple was already crumbling, and the entire Lingshan Mountain was already in ruins.

And several supreme Buddhas in the Western Paradise, Amitabha Buddha, Lantern Ancient Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, Medicine Buddha and many other powerful Buddhas, are being violently beaten by the Dragon Clan.

It seems to be a bit weak depending on the situation.

Bukong Accomplished Buddha is full of question marks,

I just slept, what happened?

Why did the Dragon Clan come to the west for no reason?Isn't the Dragon Clan closely cooperating with Xitian?

Why did you suddenly tear your skin apart, and it was the three most powerful Dragon Kings who took action in person!

The majesty of that powerful bloodline made Bukong Chengfo feel extreme pressure, which came from the most primitive fear deep in the bloodline.

Some doubt Ao Sheng.

And Chu Hao took advantage of the time when he was not free to become a Buddha and doubted Ao Sheng, so he filled a large gourd of merit and divine water.

It's a pity that these meritorious waters are not ordinary water, so they can't be contained casually, otherwise, Chu Hao would directly suck the meritorious water from this pool into the Buddha Kingdom in his palm!

This is less than 500 million merits and gods!

Bukong Chengfo came to his senses and glared at Chu Hao angrily.

"Little thief, so you took advantage of Xitian's siege and sneaked in to steal the meritorious water?"

Chu Hao nodded in his heart, ah yes, it's me.

But Chu Hao's face was righteous,

"Fart, am I such a person!"

"Now that the Western Paradise is in such a critical situation, Buddhas such as the Tathagata Buddha and the Lantern Ancient Buddha bought me time, and let me transfer the divine water of merit!"

"Do you think I'm stealing?!"

Bukong Chengfo was stunned for half a minute,

"The Tathagata Buddha sent you a god without Buddha-nature to transfer merit and divine water? Am I stupid?"

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