The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 508 A pair of magic claws are slowly reaching the merit pool!

Chu Hao held the Lingyuan agate in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"How about... go to the merit pool?"

This spiritual source agate gave Chu Hao enough confidence.

Chu Hao is a person who is familiar with Buddhist scriptures. He knows that in the Western Paradise, there is a place called the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and the special material used is this kind of spiritual source agate.

This kind of agate is not a mortal thing, but a treasure that can only be formed after tens of thousands of years of squeezing from the spiritual marrow hidden in the deepest part of the mountain range, in the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the Three Realms.

A palm-sized Lingyuan agate is enough to fill an area of ​​nearly one square meter with aura.

But it is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that no less than a thousand squares of this spiritual source agate was used in the merit pool.

Sure enough, this is the importance of reading more books.

If Chu Hao hadn't been familiar with the Buddhist scriptures, he would not have known about the existence of the merit pool.

Chu Hao immediately chose to stay and continue the treasure hunt!

[Congratulations to the master, you have completed the treasure hunting mission of Daleiyin Temple, your treasure hunting spirit is so eloquent

There was no reward for Chu Hao for this task, as the system said, the reward Chu Hao had already done by himself.

Of course, the role of the system is undoubtedly huge.

If it wasn't for the system's awakening, such a pure and kind person like Chu Hao would never have thought that he would be able to hunt for treasures in the Western Paradise.

Perhaps, coming up with this idea is the best reward.

But where is the merit pool?

It would be great if you could help me guide the way.

[Starting the next task

【in front of!Behind the Daleiyin Temple, bypass the [-]-zhang votive promenade, and you will arrive!

[Task: Capture the meritorious water in the merit pool without being discovered

[Reward: Spirit Source Agate's Spirit Gathering Formation

[Remarks: Don’t clean up those vain things, but ransack the house by yourself, have enough food and clothing, and have already navigated for the master. Please walk straight ahead for about eight thousand feet to reach the merit pool

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment, what a system!

I really want to do whatever I want.

In order for Chu Hao to continue his treasure hunt, the navigation system came out.

Alas, Chu Hao didn't want it at first, but out of helplessness, the system made Chu Hao go. What else can Chu Hao say?

With a whoosh, Chu Hao stepped onto the wish-fulfilling corridor and headed towards the merit pool.

With the time gained by the Ancient Buddha, Chu Hao felt that he could not live up to the hard work of the Ancient Buddha.

It's being demolished outside, if I don't confiscate something, am I still human?

Poor Xitian, desperately trying to keep Da Leiyin Temple, but they haven't realized that their panties are about to be stolen!

At this moment, outside of the Great Leiyin Temple, the Buddhas of the Western Heaven and the Dragon Clan were fighting extremely fiercely, and it was inseparable.

This group of strong dragons is really merciless in their attacks.

"Shameless Amitabha, in vain I thought you were truly virtuous, so you bastard is simply trying to hide things in secret!"

"Just now I kept saying that we must uphold justice and let Boy Bailian come out to make up for his crimes. Why don't you say it now? Hand him over quickly, you Xitian still have a chance!"

"If it is not the case, even if you are contaminated with the karma of destroying the Buddha, and the Taoist ancestor blames you, you must also bear the responsibility!"

All the powerful dragon clan members are already furious.

They no longer simply use brute force to attack, they resorted to extremely powerful dragon talent.

With the swallowing power of the Zijin Dragon Emperor, he swallowed countless Buddhist soldiers from Lingshan. The taste of chicken is crunchy!

And Platinum Dragon Emperor's Extinguishing Dragon's Breath is even more terrifying, if it wasn't for the burning lamp ancient Buddha and Amitabha Buddha attacking at the same time.

The dragon's breath touched every Buddha present, and none of them could stop it, so it must be the situation where the body died on the spot.

Even if a magic weapon is sacrificed, it will be melted on the spot.

And the Mobai Dragon Emperor is the most tyrannical, what he inherited is the supreme talent of Zhulong who opens his eyes to see the day and closes his eyes to see the night.

Mo Bailonghuang's eyes opened and closed, reversing the life and death of yin and yang, even the most powerful person will be frozen in time and space around him on the spot.

Then, he waited for the tail of Mo Bai Longhuang's sturdy dragon to wag.

Mobai Dragon Emperor's ability to determine time and space is somewhat similar to Amitabha's ability to transfer the powerhouses of the nine-story prison.

But Amitabha came from cultivation, and Mobai Longhuang was born with it.

This is a powerful talent from the Dragon Clan.

These are only the descendants of Zulong, not even the biological heirs.

It is conceivable that if Zulong was still there back then, this Journey to the West might belong to whom.

The three thousand Buddhas have sufferings that cannot be described, and they cannot be overcome, really they cannot be overcome.

You must know that they are all just part-time workers, and many of them are only attracted by the promotion of Xitian's high salary, no overtime, and promotion.

Of course, more are forcibly adjusted.

They came in just to earn merits and wages, and they didn't want to live and die with Xitian.

But the current catastrophe, just pretending to destroy Xitian, is simply too miserable.

And even though the Western Heaven Battlefield is so lively and tumultuous now, except for bringing a clone of the saint to come, the other saints have not made a move.

A sage knows everything in the Three Realms like the palm of his hand.

But whether it was Sanqing or Nuwa, or some other hidden powerhouses who had been far away from the secular world, they didn't choose to make a move.

Because they all know that the Dragon Clan is actually very measured.

Until now, the Dragon Clan is still just making small noises, and has not really used the killing move to destroy the sky.

This fight is bound to end.

At most, some strong Buddhas will die and go to reincarnation, and Lingshan is just a little bit messy, so it's not a big problem.

Anyway, with so many believers rushing to serve as Buddhist soldiers in Xitian, it only takes a few days for them to repair it.

Amitabha Buddha is clear in his heart, so he has not apologized until now, but is still humble and respectful,

"Seniors of the dragon clan misunderstood me. If you kill a quasi-sage strong, the karma will be so great that it cannot be offset. I am also thinking of the dragon clan."

"Killing is not the solution to the problem. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. The sea of ​​suffering is endless."

All the strong dragon clan sneered in their hearts, this nonsense should not be shameless.

"If we don't kill, then you kill! If you don't dare to kill, let him commit suicide!"

"Didn't you say that monks don't tell lies? You just said that you will make him apologize. How do you know how to be merciful now?"

Amitabha kept his mouth shut, but silently confronted the strong dragon clan.

In fact, there is a very simple reason.

My Lingshan has been destroyed by you like this, if I hand over Bailian boy now, am I sick?

And Amitabha has to pay it early, so why delay it until now.

After all, he is the most important boy of Amitabha Buddha. Although he is a little silly, he is at least obedient.

So Amitabha chose hard insurance.

As for the chaos in the Western Heaven, the three thousand Buddhas suffered...

Anyway, as long as the foundation is not shaken and nothing happens to the merit pool, there will be no problem at all!

Unfortunately, Amitabha is still too young...

He didn't know that a pair of devil's claws were slowly extending towards the merit pool!

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