The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 507 I Confiscated 1 Point of Stolen Money, Is It Reasonable?

What Chu Hao saw was a small porcelain vase filled with karmic water, with at least [-] karma in it!

Moreover, there are ten small porcelain vases like this!

Holding these ten small porcelain bottles in his hands, Chu Hao couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Yes, the Buddha could have any bad intentions, the most he could do was hide some private money.

Chu Hao pondered, pretending so strictly should be used by the Buddha as a reward.

Originally thought that Xitian should be simple, without any greed.

But when Chu Hao saw the magical treasures on the base, Chu Hao realized that those stupid words were nothing more than deceiving the world.

Otherwise, why would the temple collect the extremely expensive incense money every day?

Chu Hao was very angry, good guy, he kept so many meritorious waters, and the Tathagata Buddha said every day that he is noble and has a clean sleeve!

"Hmph! Confiscated!"

Chu Hao made a decision solemnly.

However, Chu Hao just took one hundred thousand merits and divine water, and he still felt very uncomfortable.

Chu Hao is not a salted fish without ideals.

Chu Hao had heard that there was a thing called the Merit Pond in the Western Paradise, which was filled with divine water of merit.

Good guy, if he can find these things, Chu Hao feels that his trip will be worth the fare.

However, before going to look for the meritorious water, Chu Hao did not forget that he had to help Tathagata Buddha to hand over all the stolen money to the Heavenly Court.

Chu Hao is a good person, a good person through and through.

The Tathagata Buddha also saved himself the trouble of reporting to heaven and returning things.

But Chu Hao rummaged left and right in the empty stone grid, but couldn't find anything decent.

It seems that, apart from those few magic weapons and a little merit and divine water, this poor Tathagata Buddha has nothing left.

Damn it, it's hard to invite me here once. Is this how you treat people?

Chu Hao was very angry.

But at this moment, Chu Hao had a flash of inspiration,

"It's gone here, where else?"

Chu Hao vaguely remembered the places where the Lantern Buddha, the Medicine Buddha, and the Maitreya Buddha sat before, and they were all places full of Buddha's light!

Let's go!

Chu Hao flew over, and then kicked the position of the ancient burning lamp Buddha into pieces.


The sound of Chu Hao's frantic demolition resounded from Daleiyin Temple.

I have never seen a treasure hunter so arrogant. Is this treasure hunting or demolition?

The thieves from other people's homes were always on tiptoe. Chu Hao came in and made a drastic move. He almost wanted to demolish the entire Great Leiyin Temple. There was no point at all.

It was Chu Hao who was so arrogant, but no one came in to take care of him.

In fact, at this moment, the Dragon Clan and Xitian were fighting outside, with thunder and lightning.

Chu Hao took a look and found that the Buddhas of the Western Paradise were a little too hard to resist.

It was only at this time that the burning lamp ancient Buddha rushed over in a panic. He went to invite Amitabha just now, but when he came, he was a little slower than Amitabha.

Originally, the ancient burning lamp Buddha was thinking about it, and the saints have come forward, so do the dragons still dare to be presumptuous?

Then as soon as he came in, he saw the dragon clan fighting in the west.

And the fight was so fierce that a section of the Great Leiyin Temple was demolished!

The Randeng Ancient Buddha was terrified, I, Cao, I went out to rescue soldiers, why didn't I come back home?

Did this provoke the demolition team?

The Lantern Ancient Buddha didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly joined the battle to defend the Western Paradise.

Of course, the strength of the Lantern Ancient Buddha did play a role.

His strength is stronger than that of the Tathagata Buddha, and he is also a strong man in the upper reaches of the quasi-sage.

Although this level of strength is not enough to defy the sky and change one's fate, it has greatly eased the pressure on Xitian.

In other words, it greatly extended the time limit for Chu Hao's treasure hunt.

Chu Hao was thinking just now that according to Xitian's strength, he wouldn't want to fight after an hour, and then with Xitian's character, he would naturally abandon the car to protect the handsome.

That would be a great disadvantage to Chu Hao.

After all, if Chu Hao's treasure hunting process is shortened, Chu Hao doesn't know how many treasures will be lost.

But it's all right now. The participation of the Dieng Deng Buddha in the battle gave Chu Hao time to continue his treasure hunt.

Chu Hao couldn't help feeling a little warm in his heart,

"Thank you, Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha."

At this moment, Chu Hao felt that he had really misunderstood before.

In fact, Xitian is not all good-looking bad guys, in fact, there are many good people in Xitian too!

Alas, I was mistaken before.

Thank you Xitian.

Then Chu Hao smashed the stone platform made by the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp with one foot, and began to search for treasures inside.

As the Buddha of the past, the Lantern Ancient Buddha has a lot of wealth.

However, it is not as exaggerated as the Tathagata Buddha.

From it, Chu Hao found a magical baby sword made by Ling Yu, which was very cold.

Chu Hao always felt that he had seen this magic weapon somewhere.

"Hey, isn't this the magic weapon of the dead Feather Wing Fairy? The acquired treasure!"

Chu Hao immediately felt happy!

The last time Chu Hao slaughtered Yu Yixian before the ninth floor prison, he couldn't find the magic weapon for Yu Yixian to become famous.

Didn't think of it here.

This is what troubled Chu Hao the most. Many magic weapons had the function of separating man from machine and returning home automatically.And it can't be stopped.

This magic weapon is probably after Nezha slaughtered Yu Yixian before, this magic weapon came back by itself.

it's fate!

Let me run into it again!

After all, this magic weapon could not escape Chu Hao's clutches.

Next, Chu Hao turned into a humanoid demolition machine and wreaked havoc in the Great Leiyin Temple.



In the entire Great Leiyin Temple, the seats of many famous Buddhas were all ruined by Chu Hao.

Those golden lotuses adorning the Great Leiyin Temple were even more unceremoniously smashed to pieces by Chu Hao.

With Chu Hao's hard work, Chu Hao finally found three magic weapons.

Among them are two acquired spiritual treasures and one merit magic weapon!

This made Chu Hao very happy, because this meritorious treasure was just a measuring ruler that was dug out from the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng!

This thing is a big guy!

It can even be compared to Sun Wukong's Dinghaishenzhen and Xuanyuan Sword in Chu Hao's hand.


But these things have the restrictions left by the Buddhas.

Unless Chu Hao can force these strong men to release the restriction, Chu Hao can't use these things.

But it doesn't matter.

How can I return empty-handed after entering Baoshan?

I can not, but I can not!

You are here, you have to get something, right?

As a law enforcement officer, I come in to enforce the law, and I collect some stolen money and stolen goods, which is reasonable, right?

Reasonable, incredibly reasonable!

Under Chu Hao's strict law enforcement, not an inch of land in the entire Great Leiyin Temple was intact.

The seats of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were originally decorated with lotus flowers, full of Buddha light, and carved with exquisite patterns, like works of art.

But under Chu Hao's strict law enforcement, they all turned into a pile of broken corpses and scorched earth.

Chu Hao shook his head, thinking it was over.

But at this time, Chu Hao found an agate.

Chu Hao was pleasantly surprised: "Isn't this the spiritual source agate in the merit pool?"

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