The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 42: Xuanyuan Sword Reappears, Killing Shura with One Sword!

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth raised a ferocious smile, which disappeared in an instant.

Got it, finally he [damn got it!

Chaos green lotus seeds!

This was the reason why Chu Hao beheaded Dingguang Huanxi Buddha unceremoniously. To be honest, without this reward, the incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha might not have died so tragically.

Of course, Chu Hao didn't take out the chaotic green lotus seed here. Once this thing is born, it will be earth-shattering, and even saints will peep at it.

Moreover, Chu Hao could already predict that planting would not be an easy task.

Chu Hao tied the hands and feet of the Three Heavenly Kings and Wufang Jiedi behind him with an ordinary rope, and led them like a dog.

Of course, even if Chu Hao didn't tie the rope, this group of people would follow Chu Hao obediently, like ducks.

Molihong's face was flushed with anger, and he cursed inwardly: How dare you tie them up like a dog with a mortal rope, insulting them like this, it's simply too much deception!

But when he thought of Chu Hao's ferocity, he forgot it and took a step back.

Chu Hao led the Three Heavenly Kings and Five Fang Jiedi, and walked lightly towards the pass of the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, countless eyes on the ground were watching Chu Hao.

Including all the soldiers of Tianzhu Kingdom, the million Asura monster soldiers of the Asura clan, and all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, Tianzhu Kingdom only felt that the defense line in its heart was greatly impacted, and even its world view almost collapsed, and it couldn't accept such a cruel reality for a while.

They have believed for a lifetime, and the Buddhist powerhouses who have devoted their whole body to their beliefs have become such a virtue in Chu Hao's hands?

That Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was first exposed by Chu Hao for the nasty things he committed back then, and was even killed on the spot by Chu Hao.

And those eight arhats didn't even release their skins, and they were all killed by Chu Hao with a single blow.

The three heavenly kings known to everyone in the Tianzhu Kingdom, and Wufang Jiedi, were directly frightened by Chu Hao and knelt down to beg for mercy, and now they are even tied together, held in their hands like a dog? !

At this moment, countless people in Tianzhu Kingdom only felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. What they had believed in all their lives was now being nakedly destroyed!

The stronger the belief, the more complete the collapse at this moment!

"My Buddha! My Buddha has immeasurable magic power, why did he become like this!"

"Who can tell me, isn't it that the four heavenly kings are the four guardian gods of Buddhism, who can kill all evil and break thousands of demon laws?"

"This... is this the Heavenly King Arhat Jiedi we believe in? Why are you now a prisoner?! Buddha, tell me why!"

"Ahh! My heart belongs to the Buddha, why is the Buddha so dirty! Me, what's the point of my life!"

Countless crazed wailing sounds came from the Tianzhu Kingdom's barracks, and there were even countless sobs and whimpers.

And on the battlefield, those soldiers of Tianzhu Kingdom who were desperate for their beliefs also collapsed, and even those soldiers directly slayed themselves with tears!

A scene of mourning in Tianzhu Kingdom.

But the Tang Dynasty is still fighting hard.

Although the soldiers of the Tianzhu Kingdom have all lost their morale, the Asura demon soldiers continue to attack.

Although the offensive strength is not strong, even if one-tenth of the millions of Asura demon soldiers are used to fight, they are still extremely powerful.

When Chu Hao came to the battlefield, seeing that the Asura army of Minghe had not retreated, he couldn't help but frowned, and snorted coldly:

"Bold Styx, you slaughtered the common people, and you quickly put down the butcher's knife, pleaded guilty and surrendered!"

Commander Styx had already noticed Chu Hao, and when he saw Chu Hao enter the arena, he was convinced that Buddhism had already retreated.

Without the alliance teammates, the Asura soldiers also knew that things were not good.

Immediately, Commander Asura jumped out, and said coldly in a delicate voice:

"I am the 72nd of the 52 princesses of Styx's Supreme Master Styx, Princess Guan Xuhua! This time, I will lead my army of Asuras to kill and refine weapons!"

"We only need one hundred thousand Tang's living souls, and we will leave after killing them. If you don't know the tricks of the little prison god, you can't beat the recovery of the Styx!"

Everyone in the Tang Dynasty was extremely ashamed and angry. Asura spoke, it seemed as if they were treating them as bargaining chips, and he could trade them casually.

As the descendants of China, when did the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty feel so humiliated?

Then he saw Li Shimin suddenly draw out his long sword, on top of the city tower, pointed the long sword to the sky, and shouted loudly:

"I can die standing up, not live on my knees! You want me to give up every soldier for nothing, dreaming!"

"Soldiers, line up! Prepare to punish evil, I am with you!"

Li Shimin has an imperial air like a dragon, his eyes are piercing, and his majesty will last forever.

The remaining soldiers on the field gritted their teeth and roared angrily,

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you are in the same robe with your son! Life and death are the same, and you can talk to your son!"

The eyes of all the soldiers were full of murderous intent, they couldn't do it if they were asked to give up the life of any of their comrades in arms!

The Ashura tribe and the Tianzhu Kingdom didn't understand why the Tang Dynasty soldiers refused to let go of only [-] lives, and were even willing to pay more to protect them.

They don't understand at all, the arrogance from the descendants of Yan and Huang!

Chu Hao suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, his whole body was as majestic as a rainbow!

"Little Asura, dare to bargain with me, don't you think I'm a bastard from Tianzhu?"

"The kingdom of Tianzhu promised the lives of the people of your city. I, Chu Hao, uphold the justice of heaven and earth. How can I be as shameless as the kingdom of Tianzhu."

"If you don't retreat, I will kill you all here, so that you can't retreat!"

Give in?

Even Chu Hao, the Buddha, Arhat, dared to kill him without mercy, how could Chu Hao pay attention to the mere Stygian Asura clan!

Then he saw Chu Hao put away the treasured sword in his hand, and solemnly took out another simple and simple sword.

Chu Hao sacrificed the ancient sword, and it instantly turned into a huge ancient sword with a size of one hundred feet.

Seeing the appearance of this sword, the eyes of Li Shimin and the officials over there suddenly widened, and the four people were in an uproar, extremely shocked.

He was even so excited that his whole body trembled, with an indescribable sense of excitement.

Li Shimin grabbed the city wall excitedly, his voice was a little trembling and said:

"One side of the sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers, grass and trees.

On one side of the sword hilt is written the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the world.

Could this be the holy sword held by the Yellow Emperor to kill Chi You, the Xuanyuan Sword! ! ! "

The ministers were so excited that they almost cried.

"I never thought that I would be able to see the holy sword in this life, and die without regret!"

"Besides, that fairy is holding a holy sword, with a dignified appearance, and a mighty righteousness. He is really a mighty fairy!"

"Holy swords are only suitable for saints. This must be the saint sent by the heavens to protect my Great Tang."

The holy artifact of the world, the sacred artifact of the world!

This Xuanyuan sword is the holy sword of the Yellow Emperor, which represents the holy way in the world, the recognition of heaven and earth, and the endless glory.

At this moment, Chu Hao is holding the sacred artifact, which is as majestic as the Yellow Emperor as recorded in ancient books.

Li Shimin couldn't help but want to bow his head and dedicate his respect to the holy sword of human beings.

The appearance of the Xuanyuan Sword, with its powerful and vast power, made the Asura clan even more unable to lift their heads.

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