The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 41 Chaos Green Lotus Seeds Available!

At this moment, in the Western Paradise.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, who was having sex with a Bodhisattva, suddenly stopped and his face turned pale.

Then, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha spewed blood directly on the body of the Bodhisattva who was having sex with her. The Bodhisattva was so frightened that his face turned pale and he ran away.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had a ferocious face and roared to the sky:

"Prison God Chu Hao, how dare you destroy my relic incarnation, the Buddha will kill you!!!"

A Buddha, at this moment, is as ferocious as a demon.

However, the so-called great compassion is the great demon.

What's more, the so-called Buddhas are all made by humans.


Knowing that Dingguang Huanxi Buddha has formed an inextricable bond.

But Chu Hao wasn't worried either. The hostility with Buddhism hadn't lasted for a while, so let him go.

However, Chu Hao was a little doubtful about the golden crow turning into a rainbow just now.

"It is said that the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow can reach 12 miles in one breath in the hands of the three-legged Golden Crow, but the breath in my hand is less than [-] miles, and the body can't bear it. I'm afraid it will be twice as fast."

Chu Hao was determined. Although [-] miles per breath was the best speed in the Three Realms, the faster the better, Chu Hao also understood.

Chu Hao didn't worry too much, and turned back to the battlefield.

Seeing Chu Hao calmly returning to the battlefield, those Heavenly King Jiedi Arhats panicked.

Mo Lihong jumped out, startled and angrily said: "Chu Hao, you, you, what have you done to Dingguang Huanxi Buddha!"

Chu Hao smiled coldly and shouted loudly, resounding throughout the world,

"Dingguang Huanxi Buddha has already been put to death, your sins, if you don't surrender now, let alone when!"

The Buddhists were terrified,

"What! You, you, you, you dare to destroy the incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha?!"

"You monster, you deserve to fall into the eighteenth floor of hell and be punished for thousands of years!"

"Yao Dao, my Buddhist sect is merciful and saves all living beings. You destroyed the incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, which is against the sky. You will be pursued endlessly by me in the west!"

Everyone in the Buddhist sect really did not expect that Chu Hao actually killed the incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha. The strength of this prison god Chu Hao is definitely not as weak as rumored!

Chu Hao had a great righteousness in him, and suddenly he shouted angrily:

"This seat is entrusted by the Great Heavenly Venerable, and is in charge of the prisons of the Three Realms, and the eighteen levels of hell are still under my control!"

"You disregard cause and effect, and go down to the earth to help and kill. It is a heinous crime and violates the rules of heaven."

"I am going to arrest all of you today to shake the heavens!"

Hearing that Chu Hao wanted to arrest them, no one present was not afraid.

Just kidding, this master is a ruthless person who directly destroyed the relic incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, which was as powerful as the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Apart from being able to show off in front of mortals, the dozen or so people from the Buddhist sect of them are definitely not enough to do anything in front of Chu Hao!


All the Buddhists present at the scene made the same move in unison, and flew in all directions.

The three heavenly kings, Wufang Jiedi and the eight arhats escaped in more than a dozen directions, thinking that Chu Hao would not be able to chase many people.

However, Chu Hao calmly took out the treasured sword of cutting immortals and killing gods, and sneered,

"Chasing? Are you also worthy of being chased by Master?"

"I'll run 39 meters for you first."

With Chu Hao at the center, the dozen or so Buddhist experts shot out in all directions like blossoms.

Then, when they escaped 39 meters away, Chu Hao suddenly slashed in the direction of the eight arhats!

This knife cut across half of the sky, like a crescent moon, the light of the knife is as long as a thousand feet!

The Eight Great Arhats looked back, but their faces turned pale with fright.

"We surrender, we are willing to be punished, wait, no..."

Obviously Chu Hao didn't intend to give them a chance.

This knife cut across thousands of feet, directly crushing the eight arhats in the air.

Not even the scum was left behind, it all turned into a pile of gold dust and fell into the world.

Even the flesh body, primordial spirit, and true spirit are all smashed, this is the ruthlessness of the sword of cutting immortals and killing gods.

Once killed by the Sword of Immortals and Gods, there is no chance at all, and the saint is hard to save.

The three heavenly kings and Wufang Jiedi looked back, and saw Chu Hao beheading the eight arhats with a single blow, they were so frightened that they were scared out of their wits!

I Cao!Is this man so fierce?

Killing Buddhas and gods without even blinking an eye, regardless of cause and effect?

The key point is that the Three Great Heavenly Kings and Wufang Jiedi also saw Chu Hao looking at the direction they were flying away with a half-smile. In Chu Hao's eyes, it was as if a cat was playing with a mouse.

It suddenly occurred to them that Chu Hao could easily catch up and kill Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's relic incarnation without hesitation. Chu Hao's speed and ruthlessness were definitely not something they could gamble on.

For now, only...

"We surrender! Don't kill us, we are willing to return to heaven with you!"

"I beg the Prison God Shangshen to spare my life, I am willing to surrender!"

"Don't do it, don't do it, I'm willing to surrender!"

The three heavenly kings are aware of current affairs, they believe that they are the four heavenly kings of Buddhism after all, although interfering in the human world violates the rules of heaven, but it will not lead to death, and the western world will definitely protect themselves.

But if he dared to run in front of Chu Hao, there was really only a dead end, and the murderous nature of this guy was definitely not something to bet on.

Seeing that the three heavenly kings came back obediently and surrendered, the much weaker Wufang Jiedi naturally didn't dare to run away, and ran back quickly, begging for mercy.

Chu Hao looked at the three heavenly kings and Wufang Jiedi who bowed their heads and surrendered in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said bluntly:

"You should run for a while, it's a pity."

"It's a pity that you didn't get to taste the power of my sword. It's a pity... the next time you run away from me, don't look back."

My Cao, this guy really wants to kill us, he just wants us to flee in fear of crime!

If I came back one step late just now, I would have died!

After Chu Hao said that, the three heavenly kings and Wufang Jiedi trembled in fright.

Even the Jiedi of the Five Directions softened his knees and knelt down on the ground.

"Master Prison God, please forgive me, we are the ones who don't know how to live or die, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai!"

The three heavenly kings were also a little panicked, but they were in the realm of true immortals after all, so they didn't kneel down in fright.

Chu Hao glanced at them, his eyes were full of contempt,

"Forget it, follow me, after I deal with this matter, I will naturally take you to the prison."

Chu Hao also reminded, "You can run away secretly at any time, don't worry, I'm not alert at all."

The three heavenly kings and Wufang Jiedi shook their heads like rattle drums,

"Don't run away, don't run away, don't run away even if you die!"

Just kidding, no matter what they say, they are also people who enjoy the blessings of heaven forever, so there is no need to escape in front of Chu Hao.

At the same time, Chu Hao received a reminder.

[Congratulations on completing the task

[Rewards have been issued: million years of cultivation, Chaos Green Lotus Seed (Chaos Supreme Treasure)

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