The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 25 Li Jing's family, one defeat and another defeat

The Giant Spirit God lost Li Jing's face, and hurried back to the sky in desperation.

The Giant Spirit God returned to the gate of the camp, saw King Tota, knelt down and said:

"Bima Wenguo has supernatural powers! The last general can't beat him, so come back to plead guilty after losing the battle."

Li Tianwang said angrily: "This guy will beat me up and push him to the chopping platform!"

It can be said that Li Jing was not angry, this time he was going to kill a real fairy, and he was full of evil spirit.

The Giant Spirit God's eyes were full of anger, he dared not speak out, he stood up for Li Jing, but Li Jing was so cold-blooded and ruthless, he wanted to kill himself just because he was defeated?

unacceptable!So heartless!

Nezha was drinking tea next to Chu Hao, shaking his head and sneering,

"That Li Jing who killed a thousand knives forced me to kill him because of his face back then. It still hasn't changed. I can't wait to tear him into pieces!"

Chu Hao smiled faintly, "He can't help being arrogant."

Seeing above the clouds, Chu Hao ordered loudly:

"The Giant Spirit God dared to stand up against the Golden Immortal Demon. Although he was defeated, he would be honored. After the war, he can come to my prison to receive the thousand-year face wall."

"In addition, Your Excellency Li Jing is good at venting anger. He fought for the Heavenly Court, and he has worked hard without merit. If you kill the Heavenly Court's fierce general, I look down on you!"

When the law enforcement and prison gods of the three realms issued an order, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky nodded secretly, until what Chu Hao said made sense.

The Jade Emperor, who was watching in the Lingxiao Palace, nodded with a smile, "What a prison god, I saw you right, share my worries, good good!"

After all, the giant spirit god is also a real fairy figure, so if he is about to be beheaded this time, isn't he looking for trouble for the already few people in the heaven?

The giant spirit god, who had been extremely desperate, turned from grief to joy, and shouted with great joy:

"Thank you Prison God Your Excellency, the kindness will never be forgotten!"

Go to the dungeon and face the wall for a thousand years?This is definitely a great reward!This is Chu Hao throwing an olive branch to him!

In this way, Li Jing has no chance to make trouble for him under the command of the Prison God.

The Giant Spirit God is extremely grateful to Chu Hao, and regards Chu Hao as his master in his heart!

Li Jing's face turned green again, and Chu Hao called him out by name in public, almost tearing his face apart.

But Li Jing could only curse secretly in his heart, not daring to attack, after all...he couldn't beat him.

Hold it in, it hurts internally!

Li Jing's men -1

Li Jing prestige -1000

Li Jing straightened his mind, gritted his teeth again and shouted:

"Who else is going to fight?!"

However, at this moment, many of Li Jing's subordinates, as well as the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, were silent, and even looked at Li Jing with a trace of alienation.

Just kidding, seeing how Li Jing treated the Giant Spirit God just now, who would dare to do things for Li Jing?

Once defeated, Li Jing will launch the Immortal Slashing Terrace directly;

It was Li Jing's credit to win the battle. Who would do such a loss-making business?

Li Jing couldn't hold back, and the threat on his face became even stronger, he shouted angrily:

"Anyone else please fight! Come out quickly, or you will be punished for cowardice!"

All the heavenly soldiers and generals secretly gritted their teeth in anger, this Li Jing is going to push them to death!

All the heavenly soldiers and generals secretly looked at Chu Hao. If the law enforcement and prison gods of the three realms did not speak, they would all die today without a doubt.

Chu Hao and Nezha sat and drank tea, poured a cup of tea for Nezha, and said with a smile:

"Great God of the Three Altars Sea Club, take action."

Nezha smiled and drank the tea that Chu Hao handed over,

"Your Excellency the God of Prison has given you tea, and I am willing to serve you with death!"

Chu Hao laughed loudly, and handed the Golden Exquisite Pagoda to Nezha, "No need, I will lend you this treasure, so you can mention my name now, and you will be kind to yourself."

Nezha's eyes lit up, it would be fun to lend him the Golden Exquisite Pagoda!

Immediately, Nezha laughed loudly, his whole body burst into a burst of golden light, and he flew down.

Seeing Nezha flying down, Mantian Immortal God couldn't help raising his eyebrows secretly, but he didn't expect Nezha to come out in the end.

In the end, it was because the Golden Exquisite Pagoda in Li Jing's hands was too powerful, so Nezha could only submit obediently under the pressure of his lust.

Only Li Jing himself looked uneasy. He had a clue in his heart. Now that he didn't have the Linglong Pagoda in his hands, how could Nezha be suppressed? Then why did he come out to fight?

Then he saw Nezha flying down, and Sun Wukong saw the coming general, rushed up and shouted.

"Wu Tianjiang, who are you, my grandson will not kill the unknown!"

Nezha was above Huaguo Mountain, in front of the sky full of gods and Buddhas, and said loudly:

"Splashing Monster Monkey! Don't you know me? I am Nezha, the great god of the Santan Haihui."

"Today, under the order of the Prison God, who enforces law in the Three Realms, I borrowed the most precious treasure, the Golden Exquisite Pagoda, from the Prison God, and came to arrest you!"

During Nezha's speech, when he said "by the order of the prison god" and "borrowed the Linglong Pagoda from the prison god", he shouted loudly, lest everyone would not hear him.

Nezha couldn't be too happy in his heart, he exploded with laughter!

When Li Jing heard this, he was so angry that he had a myocardial infarction on the spot, and cursed three times, "Nie Zi, Nie Zi! Nie Zi! Ahhhh!!!"

I was so angry that I couldn't speak anymore.

When the gods all over the sky heard this, their faces were also strange, and it took a while to react.

Moreover, Nezha is also out of Li Jing's command now?

Li Jing's Golden Exquisite Pagoda was taken by Chu Hao?

Good guy, this Hell God is very skilled!

Nezha is not an ordinary god, he is extremely powerful, he is a late Jinxian, powerful and famous.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Jing had the Golden Exquisite Pagoda bestowed by the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng, he would have no way to order Nezha to reverse the two levels now?

Moreover, when Mantian Shenfo, who had been hiding for 33 days, saw the next battlefield, he even discovered that the Prison God Chu Hao was unusual.

But I saw that Monkey King was full of evil spirits, but when he heard Nezha said that he was sent by Chu Hao, he suddenly softened,

"Oh, so it's the prison god's brother, my old grandson is so polite!"

Nezha touched his nose and said very politely:

"You're being polite, the order of the Prison God, please fight with me, Your Excellency."

Sun Wukong quickly waved his hand,

"I can't, I can't, you are the prison god's brother, how could my old grandson attack you!"

"Impossible, the two armies are at present, I also have my responsibility, come, come, let's have a good fight."

"It's really not good, my old grandson is not that ruthless and unjust person, it's really impossible to take action against Brother Prison God."


What was supposed to be a fierce and violent confrontation between the two armies suddenly turned into a courteous and humble match?

Those heavenly soldiers and generals are all confused!

I didn't expect that the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms would be so face-saving, as long as he said this, even the tyrannical monster monkey would become a gentle, courteous and thrifty good person.

Think again about the giant spirit god who shouted to stand up for Li Jing just now, but was chased and killed half of the sky by Monkey King.

Sit down!

Li Jing prestige -1000

Prison God Prestige +10086

Nezha and Sun Wukong gave way for a long time, but Sun Wukong couldn't help but said:

"Brother Nezha, just look at the name on my banner and tell the Jade Emperor to let me be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and I will convert myself."

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