The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 24 The Hell God Supervises the Battle, Waiting and Watching in the Three Realms

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

The ghost king was uneasy, thinking that Sun Wukong was kicked and hurt his feet.

However, Sun Wukong suddenly burst out laughing, very proudly,

"Okay! From now on, only call me the Monkey King, not the Great King! Monkey King, Great Sage! Brothers know me, brothers know me!"

The ghost king was very proud, thinking that Monkey King was calling him.

But they don't know that Sun Wukong's mind is full of that jade-faced fairy.

All the demon kings held a banquet for ten days and ten nights.

The demon kings within Huaguo Mountain were a little timid when they heard the news of Monkey King's return, especially the 72-hole demon king and the six brothers of Monkey King. They chose to wait and see instead of coming immediately.

No one else, because they know that Sun Wukong is against heaven.

Since ancient times, how many people who fought against the Heavenly Court ended well?

Even Zhenjun Erlang back then, with supernatural powers, was not still arranged clearly?

Although Sun Wukong is strong, he is still too young to fight against the Heavenly Court.

Many demon kings are hiding in the dark and watching.

Sure enough, more than ten days after Monkey King went down to heaven, Huaguoshan ushered in a catastrophe!

On this day, Qianli Huaguo Mountain was still in the midst of endless bustle, but the sky suddenly burst into golden light, just like the sun falling into the world.

Above the sky, the clouds are majestic and golden.

Countless golden armor shining, majestic and fierce heavenly soldiers and generals flew down from the clouds.

Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals lined up layer by layer, row by row, row by row, even the sky was covered with light, and the sky above Huaguo Mountain seemed to be frozen in a group of golden clouds covering thousands of miles.

The demon kings who were watching from afar couldn't help being startled when they saw this formation.

Heaven is angry!

In Huaguo Mountain.

"My lord, my lord, something is wrong! The heavenly soldiers have come down!"

Sun Wukong suddenly sobered up, but he waved his hand and said proudly:

"It's okay, follow my grandson and go out to fight!"

Monkey King was arrogant, but his subordinates seemed a little panicked, and could only rush out to fight according to his words.

Where did Huaguoshan see this kind of formation?

Many monsters are like wolves, tigers and leopards. They dance with guns and swords, fighting and roaring there.

At this moment, above the [-] heavenly soldiers, there is a powerful group of heavenly generals.

Generalissimo of Conquering Demons Li Jing, Great God of Santan Haihui Nezha, General Yu Maw, General Yaksha, Giant Spirit God... each majestic and powerful general, each majestic and majestic, looked down on the monster monkeys.

And Chu Hao, the law-enforcing prison god of the Three Realms, as the finale of the sweeping formation, sat upright in the clouds, overlooking all living beings.

Chu Hao felt a little emotional. Before, he could only imagine this picture in books, but now he is in this world, overlooking the Huaguo Mountain, which is thousands of miles away. This feeling is really embarrassing.

Especially, now that all the gods respect Chu Hao, Chu Hao feels a little bit emotional.

When Li Jing saw the banner at the entrance of Sun Wukong's cave, he couldn't help being furious, and his voice was like a bell:

"Bold monster monkey, a mere evil animal, pretending to be the great sage equal to heaven! I don't know how to live or die!"

"I am here to arrest you under the imperial decree of the Jade Emperor. Go out and accept the surrender early, otherwise, the Huaguo Mountain will be bloodied for thousands of miles!"

Sun Wukong was furious, waved his sleeves,

"The Jade Emperor despises the virtuous, I am the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, let me be a groom?!"

"Take my clothes! Today I will show you how powerful my grandson is!"

Immediately, Monkey King put on the purple gold crown, put on the golden armor, stepped on the cloud shoes, held the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, and set out in battle.

Going to war without saying a word, Monkey King is also true.

Li Jing shouted loudly to the generals,

"Who is going to capture this monstrous monkey!"

"The end will be willing to go!"

The Giant Spirit God jumped out with a fierce look in his eyes.

Li Jing nodded very satisfied, waved his hand,

"Courage is commendable, go ahead, don't worry, I will fight for you later, and the law enforcement prison god of the three realms has subdued this monstrous monkey, and he will support you at critical times!"

However, when Li Jing turned around, his face was red with anger!

But seeing that Chu Hao had already lit the teacup and was drinking tea above the clouds, he didn't even look at Li Jing, but poached the wall kindly,

"Nezha, come up for tea. Then why does Li Jing care about him?"

The giant spirit god originally flew down, but froze for a moment when he heard Chu Hao's words, and his heart was filled with panic!

It's over, my boss has trouble with the prison god, and the prison god probably won't do anything for him at all!

Li Jing was embarrassed for a moment, neither persuading nor scolding.

He really didn't expect that Chu Hao would be so arrogant that the public would not give him face. Doesn't he know that all the gods in heaven and the western world are watching?

The Giant Spirit God is Li Jing's general of will, if he is knocked down, wouldn't Li Jing be disgraced?

Can't you save some face? !

Chu Hao was drinking tea, obviously not giving him face.

Li Jing yelled, "Giant Spirit God, you are my number one general, and you will definitely be able to catch the monster monkey! Come on, go!"

Giant Spirit God: "..."

Sun Wukong couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw that the giant spirit god was dawdling.

"If you don't come over, I'm going to go! Look great!"

Monkey King directly picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, and slammed it hard at the Giant Spirit God.

The giant spirit was terrified, and greeted it with the Xuanhua ax with its backhand.

Then... Then the giant spirit god was beaten out a thousand meters away with a stick, and crashed into the top of the mountain. It's really not too sad!

Sun Wukong sneered, "My stick only exerted less than [-]% of its power, which is ridiculous, old Jade Emperor is really good at using people! Just watch!"

Monkey King rushed to the giant spirit god again.

Chu Hao above the clouds raised a sneering smile,

"That's it?"

The sound was not loud, but it was heard in the ears of the immortal gods.

In an instant, Li Jing's face was as red as a monkey's butt, he was furious, ashamed and embarrassing!

The poor giant spirit god is only worthy of the early stage of the true immortal, that is, he can show off his power among the heavenly soldiers and generals, but in front of Monkey King, he may not have the prestige.

And Sun Wukong didn't stop, he copied the golden cudgel in his hand and flew towards the giant spirit god.

When the giant spirit god saw that Monkey King was still coming, he fled immediately.

For a while, the sky was full of chickens and dogs, and Monkey King chased the giant spirit god, chasing after him like a duck.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Generalissimo, save me, save me!"

"Hey, shameless general, is this all you can do? Come here and get a stick from my grandson!"

Half of the sky is the track of Monkey King chasing and killing the giant spirit god, and the wailing of the giant spirit god resounds in the whole sky.

In the end, Monkey King became angry and smashed the Xuanhua ax handle of the giant spirit god into two pieces with a stick, and the giant spirit god fled.

The Monkey King laughed loudly: "Puppet, pustule! This day is nothing more than that! Spare your life, go back and report!"

At this moment, Monkey King is extremely proud.

But the giant spirit god who fled in the desert has become a joke in the eyes of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

The last one who lost face the most was Li Jing, the Generalissimo of Conquering Demons. After all, the Giant Spirit God was his number one general!

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