The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 176 Seems to make the child greedy?fainted

Xiao Qiong is a relatively simple person, so simple that he has never been able to understand why Emperor Fengdu saw a place with a slightly stronger aura, as if he was so happy that he was about to die?

Xiaoqiong felt that this place was much worse than Chu Hao's dormitory!

When Xiao Qiong was in Xingdou Palace, he always liked to stay in Chu Hao's bedroom and sleep late.

Where the aura is much stronger than here.

Emperor Fengdu stared at Xiao Qiong with wide eyes, then pointed at Chu Hao, and began to aba aba.

However, he, Abba, passed out not long after.

Chu Hao's face was full of helplessness, alas, originally wanted to hide this secret, why did Xiao Qiong tell it?

This is good, see if the child is hungry?All fainted.

Xiao Qiong was still tilting his head beside him, "Brother, is he really sick? Why did Da Luo Jinxian faint?"

Fairy Sanxiao and Our Lady of Wudang shook their heads sadly. Poor Emperor Fengdu was stabbed, and the murderer didn't know what he had done.

Chu Hao shook his head, "It's okay, just treat him as sick and take him back."


Chu Hao led everyone back to the main hall of Kunlun Mountain.

This main hall was established by the teachings in the past, and it is resplendent and luxurious.

Especially those who explain and teach pay more attention to form, and the whole palace is more beautiful than Lingxiao Palace.

Moreover, the materials used are so fierce that even after a mass calamity, no damage has been seen.

In addition, just now Chu Hao used the Seven Treasure Tree to clean it, and now the entire Kunlun Mountain Hall has a new look, vaguely as grand as it used to be.

Emperor Fengdu had also woken up from the endless sourness, his face was full of desolation, as if he had experienced immeasurable calamities.

Indeed, he experienced a lot of ups and downs today.

Chu Hao, Emperor Fengdu, Fairy Sanxiao, and Our Lady of Wudang sat facing each other.

Fairy Sanxiao was a little impatient, Bi Xiao, who was the youngest and most lively, said:

"Chu Hao, will we live here from now on?"

Chu Hao nodded, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Bi Xiao grinned, "Hee hee, can I choose a room first? You two talk first?"

Yun Xiao tapped Bi Xiao on the head lightly,

"Don't be rude, here are the guests, are you in such a hurry for a while?"

Emperor Fengdu's face was ashen ashes, and he said stiffly: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about my life and death, just do whatever you want."

Why, why can the four of them live in such a good place forever?

Why can't I!

Just because I'm a man?

Chu Hao scratched his head, "If Emperor Fengdu doesn't mind..."

Emperor Fengdu came back to his senses in an instant, overjoyed, thinking that Chu Hao was going to share a suite with himself, so he hurriedly said:

"I don't mind, I don't mind anything!"

Chu Hao shrugged, "I mean, if you don't mind, it's getting dark, shall I take you back?"

Emperor Fengdu's face darkened instantly.

So it was to see off guests?

Hmph, I definitely want to enjoy a shameless life in Kunlun Mountains with these four beauties!Man, what a pig's trotter!

Emperor Fengdu still had to take his face into consideration, so he could only reluctantly get up and walk at almost the same speed as crawling,

"Oh, I'm getting old, and now I have to be careful when I walk, Your Excellency the Prison God, forgive me, old people are useless."

Chu Hao grinned, "It's okay, let Xiaoqiong give you a ride, I'll be there right away!"

Xiao Qiong came over immediately, grabbed Emperor Fengdu, and said happily:

"Okay, I'll send it over now! I promise to arrive soon!"

Emperor Fengdu's face changed in shock, and in a hurry, he quickly flopped,

"Oh, it can't be done, my old leg is broken, and I can't get up for a year and a half without self-cultivation. No way, Your Excellency the Prison God, I'm afraid I'll bother you here..."

However, before Emperor Fengdu finished speaking, he saw Chu Hao holding a Great Return Pill,

"Hey, this thing was captured from those Taoist priests. It can not only break through the realm, but it is also said to be helpful for fractures."

Emperor Fengdu stood up helplessly on the spot,

"No need, my legs don't hurt anymore, my eggs hurt..."

"My life is so miserable!"

Emperor Fengdu sighed and was about to go out.

But at this time, there was a roar like thunder in Kunlun Mountains,

"Chu Hao, get out!"

"If you dare to kill my two apprentices and my brother, I am at odds with you, come out and die!"

The people sitting in the hall were shocked,

"This voice, could it be that Vairocana Buddha is coming?"

Emperor Fengdu was shocked.

However, when he looked around, Chu Hao drank tea calmly, and the old god was there, so he just let out a faint oh.

It's as common as someone outside selling sweet potatoes.

Emperor Fengdu was a little mad, "Your Excellency Prison God, the Vairocana Buddha outside right now is a mighty Daluo Jinxian, and his strength is probably higher than that of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha!"

"You are just a new recruit, I suggest that you should retreat now and let him give way first, otherwise, the problem will be serious!"

Emperor Fengdu really wanted to scare Chu Hao, but Chu Hao took a sip of tea lightly,

"Oh, don't panic, it's not a big problem."

To be honest, if Kunlun Mountain hadn't set up a large formation before, Chu Hao would still feel that it was very dangerous, and he would still be afraid that the Western world would find someone to attack him again.

But powerful is the Shrouding Array?

Unless a saint like the leader of Tongtian appeared suddenly, otherwise, it would be the same for Chu Hao.

Even if he couldn't beat him, with the help of the big array that covered the sky, Chu Hao couldn't beat him and huddled here, it was helpless!

Emperor Fengdu was even more anxious than Chu Hao, "This Kunlun Mountain is so full of aura, I know you are reluctant to part with it, but you won't have to worry about firewood if you keep the green mountain!"

Chu Hao nodded, "That's the truth, but...why should I be afraid of him?"

Emperor Fengdu was impatient and just wanted to speak.

However, Chu Hao had already stood up,

"Just stay here and don't move around. I'll go out and kill an orange... No, Da Luo."

Chu Hao turned and left with a cold smile on his face.

Just in time, Lao Tzu's mission props came over by themselves!

Moreover, Chu Hao also wanted to try the power of this enhanced version of the Great Formation that Shrouds the Sky.

However, in the eyes of Emperor Fengdu, Chu Hao simply brought his own death without knowing his life or death.

Is Vairocana Buddha so tyrannical? How could Chu Hao win?

Emperor Fengdu thought for a moment, if he dedicated Chu Hao to the Western Sect, would he have a place for himself after this Kunlun Mountain was included in the Western Sect?

But this idea was quickly dismissed by Emperor Fengdu.

He is not a short-sighted person. He was able to create such a powerful formation in a short period of time and transform Kunlun Mountain into a fairyland. Chu Hao is absolutely extraordinary.

Emperor Fengdu is more willing to take a gamble and gain a little friendship from Chu Hao!

From this, Emperor Fengdu made up his mind and walked out with Chu Hao.

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