The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 175 I Have Never Seen This Scene!

Seeing that Chu Hao admitted that it was the Taiyi Juling Formation he arranged.

For a moment, Emperor Fengdu felt a little mentally broken.

This Great Formation of Taiyi Gathering Spirits has been lost for a long time, and only the rumored saints have the ability to arrange it.

Even within the Three Realms, only the 72 Palaces and 36 Palaces in the Heavenly Court can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Moreover, the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation in the Heavenly Court was arranged when the Heavenly Court was just established, and it dates back to an unknown time, and the handwriting of an unknown sage.

It hasn't been a year or two since the West has been greedy for the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation. Although the two Western Saints also tried other ways to gather spirits later, they all lost to the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation in the end.

Not to mention, this is not just a Taiyi Gathering Spirit Formation.

There is also another big formation that Emperor Fengdu felt was extremely powerful and mysterious just now, and that big formation was only ten times stronger than the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation!

What is his identity?

A quasi-holy and good corpse, his vision can be regarded as extremely broad.

As he said just now,

What big scene haven't I seen? !

But now it seems...

I have never seen this scene.

Emperor Fengdu can assure you that even a quasi-sage and strong man will not be able to do this kind of thing to such a powerful level!

Otherwise... His Dojo of the Great Emperor Fengdu would not have to be so shabby... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Emperor Fengdu felt that he was a little ashamed, but he was also a little lucky.

It is not a loss to be able to see such means.

However, things are not over yet...

Just when the five great Luo Jinxians were about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, the sun rose on Kunlun Mountain!

Emperor Fengdu was wondering, wasn't it noon just now?Why is the sun still rising now?

Suddenly, the five of them reacted instantly and looked over suddenly.

In the sky, an orb that radiates golden light hangs at an unknown time.

In that orb, an incomparably thick aura is overflowing in all directions, just like the water of the Yellow River bursting its embankment and rushing down from the sky!

In an instant, the spiritual power of the entire Kunlun Mountain was raised to a higher level again!

This time, the aura within Kunlun Mountain directly exceeded the aura of the outside world by nearly ten thousand times! ! !

Emperor Fengdu had a heart attack, he took a few breaths, rolled his eyes several times, and finally managed not to pass out.

Ten thousand times aura?

What is that concept?

Even if it is the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, including the Jade Emperor's bedroom, and all the known caves and blessed places, there is no place that can reach the realm of Kunlun Mountain!

Even, it may not be possible to find half of Chu Hao's dojo!

Ten thousand times aura?

In other words, if you practice here for one day, nearly ten thousand days, nearly 30 years? !

Emperor Fengdu's little heart was thumping,

My god, if you let a pig in, it will be a pig on the first day it comes in, after three or five days, it will be a pig demon, and after half a month, it will be a canopy marshal!

This is so... sour.

Emperor Fengdu opened his mouth, but his speech was incoherent, and his speech directly became mentally handicapped.

"Abaa, abaa, abaa..."

Emperor Fengdu originally wanted to ask how he did it, but because the aura in this place was so strong, he was a little dizzy for a while and couldn't speak.

Chu Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, "Isn't it... just some small tricks."

Emperor Fengdu was extremely excited, pointing at Chu Hao and stomping his feet while cursing,

"Aba, aba aba aba! Aba..."

Chu Hao was speechless for a while,

It's over, I scared the master of the underworld into a fool, what should I do?

Waiting online, very anxious.

The Holy Mother of Wudang finally recovered her breath, and after taking a deep breath for a long time, she reluctantly said:

"The richness of this aura is really frightening. Even the saint dojo is not half as good as this place."

Chu Hao frowned, huh?

Did those saints get it like this?

This is only ten thousand times aura.

Think about Chu Hao's dormitory in the Star Dou Palace, there is also a tenfold effect of the chaotic green lotus, which is more intense than here.

Wouldn't it be frightening to be silly if they knew about this?

Of course, Chu Hao didn't say anything. After all, the wealth should not be exposed, and the importance of Chaos Qinglian should not be known to the second person.

Chu Hao scratched his head, "Do you think this place is better than Kunlun Mountain and Biyou Palace on Penglai Island?"

When the Virgin Mary has complicated eyes,

"In terms of the strength of the spiritual energy alone, it is more than enough to be several times stronger..."

"However, at the time of conferring the gods, there was no theory of conferring the heavens, and the spiritual power in the world was still very strong. If you put this set in the conferring of the gods, I'm afraid you can get even more powerful effects!"

Chu Hao shrugged his shoulders, "It's enough to be content and be happy. I can make do with this place. I don't expect much from the simple layout."

Chu Hao added in his heart that it is enough for me to go back to the Xingdou Palace dormitory if I want a better place.

Next to him, Emperor Fengdu gritted his teeth angrily, and said ababa ababa, but he wanted to say: Your uncle, make do with it, let me come!

Not to mention living here, even if it is cleaning toilets here, catching fish in the fields, I am willing to do anything!

Such a good cave, heaven and earth, is nothing more than a fool. !

For a while, Emperor Fengdu actually wanted to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and went to work under Chu Hao.

Seeing that Emperor Fengdu was always abaa abaa, Chu Hao couldn't help reminding:

"You are a master of the underworld anyway, pay attention to your image."

"The aura in this place is not as strong as you imagined, it's just so-so."

"I'm just a little prison god from a poor family. There's nothing like it."

When Emperor Fengdu heard this, he couldn't bear the grievance all of a sudden, squatted on the ground and wept.


poor family...

Listen, listen!

Is this speaking human language? !

Emperor Fengdu said:

I'm a fucking man in tears!

When Chu Hao saw it, he pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Yep, I'm crying...

But objectively.

Now the entire Kunlun Mountain is definitely one of the best caves and blessed places in the sky and the earth, the underworld of the Styx River.

In addition, what can be compared with Kunlun Mountain is the Star Palace.

Both belong to Chu Hao...

Chu Hao was not at all surprised by the strength of the aura, he was used to living in the Star Dou Palace, but it was actually the same.

This is just the dojo that Chu Hao built casually in order to be closer to work.

Chu Hao stretched, "Alright, alright, everyone go back."

Chu Hao also said to Our Lady of Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao:

"Don't look at it, this place will be where you live in the future, and you will get tired of living here."

"And the place is too small, alas, there is no way, the family is poor, you feel wronged, and live here for now."

"After all, I'm just a little prison god. It would be great if I also had a vast underworld."

Chu Hao also kindly took the opportunity to comfort Emperor Fengdu, after all, this young man didn't seem very happy.

However, hearing Chu Hao's comfort, Emperor Fengdu cried even harder!

Xiao Qiong was by the side from the beginning to the end with a puzzled expression on his face, and finally couldn't help it, and asked:

"Brother, is this person sick? This place is not as good as our Star Dou Palace, why is he crying like this?"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the field froze instantly.

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