The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 168 Chu Hao: It's okay, I have a measure!

Fairy Sanxiao was taken aback by Chu Hao's appearance.

Chu Hao is trying to be a demon?

Fairy Yunxiao hurriedly persuaded: "Brother, Kunlun Mountain was originally the Dharma Dojo of Yuanshi Tianzun, and now it belongs to the Western Sect. There are many strong ones, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"Furthermore, the sect on Kunlun Mountain involves a wide range of sects. It not only includes Chinese teachings, but also a mixture of Western religions. In addition, the lineage of a certain celestial master who heard about it is also among them!"

When Chu Hao heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

what the hell?

One Kunlun Mountain squeezed three sects?Is this Kunlun Mountain so fragrant?

But it's normal to think about it.

This is the former saint dojo, even if Yuanshi Tianzun is not here now, the spirit of Zhongling in Kunlun Mountain is still endless.

At that time, the most popular teaching was Genzheng Miaohong, who attached great importance to innate conditions, not only the disciples, but even the dojo, they were extremely picky.

And this Kunlun Mountain in the world is the top of ten thousand mountains, and during the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, the sage deduced the secrets of heaven and found that Kunlun Mountain is a first-class treasure land, which can be blessed by nature and usher in good luck.

That's why Yuanshi Tianzun chose Kunlun Mountain as the dojo.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun is now fed by the Taoist ancestor and taken to the sky, but there is one thing to say, this ashram can still be regarded as the top of the three realms.

Even after experiencing a calamity, and in the case of extremely thin human aura, Kunlun Mountain can still have a very detached advantage.

So many big forces are very greedy for this treasure land, just to suppress luck.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to compete for this place.

Since most of the interpreters joined the Western religion, the Chan religion and the Western religion are very close, or in other words, they have the same root and origin, so it is understandable that there are Chan and Western religions on Kunlun Mountain. could there be a sect of the celestial master there?

Chu Hao's eyes moved slightly. It seems that the Heavenly Court has indeed been out of reach for these years. Even if it looks safe from the inside of the Heavenly Court, the undercurrent in the world has already hinted at changes within the Heavenly Court.

"Okay, three junior sisters, go on your own, when my dojo opens, I will invite you to come and play together!"

Chu Hao chuckled, with an understatement on his face.

"Xiao Qiong, it's time to go, don't sleep."

Xiao Qiong, who was dozing off on the mountain, suddenly woke up, and quickly picked up Chu Hao's teacup,

"Oh, here we come!"

It seems that after eating the Ancestral Dragon Ball, Xiao Qiong has been feeling sleepy all the time. Although his body hasn't grown a bit, he has begun to feel a little bit mature.

Well, it's pretty good that it's grown where it should be.

Chu Hao took Xiaoqiong and flew away by himself.

Fairy Sanxiao was very nervous, chasing after Chu Hao and shouting:

"Brother, what are you doing! Don't be impulsive!"

Chu Hao didn't turn his head, he just waved his hands,

"It's okay, I have a measure!"

Fairy Sanxiao stared blankly on the spot.

It's over, the senior brother said that there is a sense of proportion...

The last time I said I was measured, I killed the two Daluo Jinxians of the Western Sect, this time...

"What should I do, sister!" Bi Xiao was very nervous.

Fairy Yunxiao frowned, "You go to Penglai Island to find Senior Sister Wudang, Second Sister and I will go there first to have a look. I hope he is all right."

But when the three sisters were discussing, Chu Hao and Xiao Qiong had already flown away.



Southern Zhanbuzhou.

Kunlun Mountains!

The haze is scattered, the sun and the moon are fluctuating.Thousands of old cypress trees, thousands of knots repaired.Thousands of old cypress trees are covered with rain, and the mountains are dyed green;Outside the door there are exotic flowers and brocade, and the Yao grass is fragrant by the bridge.The peach red brocade is rotten on the ridge, and the velvet grass and green silk are long at the door of the cave.Every time I hear the chirping of cranes, every time I see Rui Luan flying.When the crane chirped, the sound shook Jiu Gao Xiao Han Yuan; where Rui Luan was flying, Mao Hui five-color cloud light.The white deer and the mysterious ape are looming, and the green lion and the white elephant are in hiding.Take a closer look at the blessed land, and the fruit is better than heaven.

Qionglou Jade Pavilion, upper bound Kunlun.The valley is empty and the ground is full of sounds, and the environment is quiet and the fragrance of the sky is scattered.The green pine and rain cover the high pavilion, and the green bamboo is vaguely adjacent to the two roads.Xiaguang ethereal, color fluttering.Zhu Lan and Bi sills, painted buildings carved eaves.Talking about the incense is full, and the quiet moon is the window.Birds sing in the Dan tree, cranes drink by the stone spring.At four o'clock, there are no flowers and plants, and the gate of the Golden Temple opens with red light.The tower looms in the auspicious clouds, and the sound of jade chimes and golden bells is long.The bead curtain is half-rolled, and the smoke in the furnace is fragrant.Talk about moving the 'Huang Ting' party into the Holy Land, and the Ten Thousand Immortals will lead the town to the east.

This passage is a description of the grand occasion of Kunlun Mountain when the teaching was flourishing!

But in fact, if future generations delve into the mystery, it will always make people feel like they are reading a prophecy.

In particular, the sentence "the white deer and the black ape appear from time to time, and the blue lion and white elephant are allowed to hide" seems to imply that after the defeat of Jiejiao, Qiushouxian, Lingyaxian, and Jinguangxian among the seven immortals who accompanied him were included in the teaching. under the door.

That is, the green lion, white elephant, and golden retriever under the crotches of the three great masters.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain is the ashram of Yuanshi Tianzun, the Yujing in the rumored "Jade Palace Golden Palace".

Yujing Jinque: Yujing refers to "Kunlun Mountain", and Jinque refers to "Yuxu Palace".

This Kunlun Mountain is not simple. Its predecessor is Buzhou Mountain transformed from the backbone of Pan Gu, the ancestral lineage of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world.

After the Lich War, Zuwu Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain.As a result, the pillar supporting the sky on Buzhou Mountain was broken, and the broken pillar supporting the sky was refined by Yuanshi Tianzun into the overturning seal.

Yuanshi Tianzun formally made his name to the Dao of Heaven, and renamed Buzhou Mountain to Kunlun Mountain.

It is even more rumored that there is a treasure in Kunlun Mountain!

It is one of the legendary five primordial spiritual roots, Huang Zhongli!

This spiritual root is located on Kunlun Mountain, surrounded by chaotic vitality.If you enter the place where Huang Zhongli is located without the permission of Yuanshi Tianzun.It will be torn into pieces by the primordial energy of chaos, and it will be beyond redemption.

Of course, since Yuanshi Tianzun left, no one has seen this thing, only Yuanshi Tianzun took it away.

Although, it seems useless for Yuanshi Tianzun to take away this Huang Zhongli.

Kunlun Mountain has been brilliant for a long time.

Even today, it is still extremely bright.

At this moment, above Kunlun Mountain, the light is bright and the palace is splendid.

The Kunlun Mountains cover tens of thousands of miles, and the elixir fields in the mountains are endless.

The monsters in the forest are extremely agile, innately intelligent, and understand human nature, which is very wonderful.

In Nanzhan Buzhou, countless cultivators want to visit this precious land, but few people are really qualified to set foot on this pure land.

Because, since ancient times, teaching has been the most challenging.

It's not because of the same origin, or because of different talents, it is impossible to take half a step into Kunlun Mountain.

But, this time and that time.

In the palace of Kunlun Mountain, a group of monks and a group of Taoist priests are happily together, drinking and having fun.

On the top of the mountain, the most conspicuous ones are the two Buddhas sitting in it with indifferent faces and wearing five-leaf crowns.

They emit ten thousand feet of Buddha light, like a bright summer,

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