The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 167 Dojo?There is no choice, but Kunlun Mountain!

In fact, Chu Hao could sense the feeling of being watched without being reminded by the pawn.

But they didn't expect that the Western Sect actually extended its hand into the Heavenly Barracks, and even the gatekeepers knew about it.

I am afraid that there are many spies in the heavenly court.

But Chu Hao didn't care.

With the promise of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor, Chu Hao was sure that the high-level Western officials would not show up.

As for the remaining individuals, Chu Hao would always be able to escape if he couldn't beat them.

With the golden crow turning into a rainbow at nearly full speed, only the rumored Taoist Lu Ya, that is, the Tathagata, the three-legged Golden Crow, is qualified to compete with Chu Hao.

Chu Hao didn't care about it either, and swaggered towards the world.



Southern Zhanbuzhou.

It has been a day since Chu Hao leisurely came to the world.

On the Taishan Mountain in the southern Zhanbuzhou of the world, Chu Hao sat on the top of Taishan Mountain, facing the rising sun.

Next to him, Xiaoqiong helped Chu Hao hold the wine glass, and looked around with great interest.

Chu Hao watched the moon set and the sun rise, and the surrounding rime was thick and misty.

Chu Hao took a deep breath of the breath of the world, although he didn't have the ethereal spirit of heaven.

But there was a trace of smoke and dust in the wind in the world, which was very refreshing to Chu Hao.

After all, Chu Hao is not the kind of fairy who has completely given up his humanity in essence.

Chu Hao is just a young man who has just arrived in another world, less than a year old.

At this moment, I climbed to the top of Mount Tai and looked down at the vastness of the world. I have a special feeling in my heart.

[Congratulations on completing your first clock-in task in the world.

[Reward: 1000 million years of cultivation!

Chu Hao let out a mouthful of turbid air and couldn't speak comfortably.

In a few more 1000 million years, Chu Hao will be a few points closer to the quasi-sage realm.

[How can there be no place to go to work?What, there is really none, then make one!

[Mission: Newcomer, build a dojo first!

[Reward: Enhanced version of the Great Formation of Shrouding the Sky, Spirit Gathering Orbs, Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation!

[Remarks: All rewards can only be used in the Human Dojo.

Chu Hao's eyes lit up, this system is really considerate, isn't it?

Chu Hao was thinking that the next step would be to choose a dojo, but he was still worried. He could build up a dojo by himself, although he could use his supernatural powers to gather some immortal energy.

But if it's just supernatural powers, it's naturally far from enough to compare with his dojo in the heaven.

After all, that place is the Star Dou Palace, one of the 72 palaces in the Heavenly Court. It occupies the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation, and after several additions by Chu Hao, it has a huge amount of spiritual energy that is nearly a thousand times thicker than the outside world, and ten thousand times thicker than the human world. !

Moreover, Chu Hao's Star Dou Palace has a large formation that covers the sky, even a Da Luo Jinxian is difficult to invade, and it can cover the secrets of the sky, which is useful in every way.

But now, the system directly waved its hand proudly!

You are in charge of staking the land, and leave the rest to me!

He directly gave a whole set of precious treasures, especially the enhanced version of the Shrouding Array, Chu Hao just felt that he should not be too comfortable!

There are also two kinds of spirit-gathering treasures, a Taiyi spirit-gathering array and a spirit-gathering bead. When the two are superimposed, they may be able to compete with Chu Hao's Star Dou Palace.


Chu Hao decided to choose a dojo before waiting for the enemy to come to him.

With the will of the Jade Emperor, as long as Chu Hao likes any piece of land on Nanzhan Buzhou, he can easily get it.

This is the privilege that Chu Hao has now, and it is also a privilege that can only be enjoyed by becoming a quasi-great emperor.

But at this moment, three rays of light shot from the sky.

Fairy Sanxiao appeared beside Chu Hao, looking at Chu Hao in surprise,

"Fairy Yunxiao, I have met my senior brother. The two younger sisters should hurry up and see your senior brother. Have you forgotten the etiquette of cutting off teaching?"

"Could it be that senior brother misses our three sisters, but you are not so safe now, you should be more cautious."

"The two elder sisters were still talking about how handsome the senior brother is, and the son is unparalleled in the world, why are they so reserved now?"

Bi Xiao explained the two sisters' intentions in one word, and Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao blushed for a moment, and hurried up to scratch Bi Xiao and tickle them,

"Calling you nonsense, your sister sells her sister very easily!"

"If my sister is worried about getting married, how about my sister helping you talk about marriage?"

The three sisters laughed and played together, as if three beautiful flowers were flying in front of Chu Hao, which made Chu Hao very happy.

The three sisters are also top-notch in appearance, especially the eldest sister Yun Xiao is mature and plump, the second sister Qiong Xiao is young and beautiful, and the third sister Bi Xiao is flexible and cute.

The three sisters have their own bright spots, and they are also the pursuit of countless fairy families.

Chu Hao was also happy to appreciate the beauty of the three of them, with a faint smile on his face.

But Fairy Sanxiao felt a little embarrassed, so Yunxiao quickly stopped and said politely;

"I made my brother laugh, the three of us sisters have just come to the world, and we are a little excited."

Chu Hao smiled and waved his hands, "It's human nature [human nature, freedom and democracy are what all living beings want. This time I'm not here to let you work, but to ask you for directions."

"Ask for directions?"

Fairy Sanxiao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chu Hao suspiciously.

Chu Hao chuckled,

"Is there any particularly good place on Nanzhan Buzhou? I plan to build a dojo for myself to enjoy in the world."

Bi Xiao's eyes lit up, excitedly said:

"It turns out that the senior brother wants to build a dojo! That's great! Then can we play in the senior dojo in the future?"

Yun Xiao gave Bi Xiao a blank look,

"Just know how to play? There's nothing serious about it. Senior brother, since the first battle of the Conferred Gods, the spiritual power in the human world has been extremely weak, and it is really useless to build a dojo in the human world."

"What's more, it's even more difficult to find a place on Nanzhan Buzhou. Brother, why don't you think about finding a pure land overseas?"

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth curled into a faint smile,

"There is no need to worry about this. My dojo doesn't need God's grace. I will make the dojo rich in spiritual power. I just don't know what good places this Nanzhan Buzhou has."

Fairy Sanxiao looked at each other, feeling very confused.

Without Chu Hao's supernatural power, he could easily change a place into a land of bells and whistles, so they naturally couldn't understand why Chu Hao wanted to build a dojo in Nanzhan Buzhou.

However, Yun Xiao still said carefully:

"Although the three of my sisters have been on the list of gods for a long time and have not entered the mortal world, it is estimated that the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers will not change easily even after tens of thousands of years."

"Nanzhan Buzhou, there are many very good treasures, such as the dojo before our three sisters, the Sanxian Cave on Sanxian Island; there are also places such as Skull Mountain, Huolong Island, and Jiulong Island."

"However, after so many years, I am afraid that many treasure lands have already been desolate, completely changed, and the mountains and rivers have changed, and there is no clue."

"However, if you want to talk about the best and most powerful treasure land, it is naturally the Kunlun Mountain where the Yuanshi Tianzun was taught! However, that has already belonged to the West and cannot be touched. Let me think about where else..."

Suddenly, Chu Hao's eyes lit up, and the light in his eyes was so bright that he said firmly, "Don't think too much about it, it's all over!"

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