The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 146 The present world of the Killing Immortal Sword

Chu Hao's crossing the catastrophe almost made the entire East China Sea tremble.

Venerable Kasyapa knew that even if the West was covering up the heavenly secrets, as long as he was not blind, he would soon be able to see such a big movement.

Therefore, it must be resolved as soon as possible!

"Death to me!"

Venerable Kasyapa suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Chu Hao.

Xiao Qiong turned pale with fright, and quickly raised the tree of the Seven Treasures in his hand to block it.


Venerable Kassapa was knocked back again by the brilliance of the wonderful tree of seven treasures.

The Qibao Miaoshu is indeed a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, even if it is activated by Xiao Qiong's power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it can withstand Kasyapa's attack.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Kassapa was catalyzed by the Tathagata Buddha.

Western cultivation methods are quite special. Those who practice Buddhism are all protected by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a half-sage who has such powerful abilities to protect the Daluo Jinxian from disasters.

But avoiding the calamity means that Venerable Kasyapa has not been baptized, and he has lost a god-given opportunity, so he can only be regarded as half a Daluo Jinxian.

So Xiaoqiong was able to resist for a while by relying on the wonderful tree of seven treasures.

Of course, if this is the case, Xiao Qiong already looked very tired after undoing the two attacks forcefully.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal faced Da Luo Jinxian head-on. If it wasn't for Xiao Qiong's dedication to protecting Chu Hao, the other Taiyi Golden Immortals would have been scared away long ago.

"See how many times you can stop me!"

Kassapa's face was gloomy, and he raised the flying sword again.

Although Xiao Qiong was seriously injured, he still endured the scars all over his body and stood in front of Chu Hao.




One after another, Xiao Qiong was blown away by Kasyapa's flying sword.

Every time it flies, the light of the Qibao Miaoshu in Xiaoqiong's hand becomes dimmer.

Obviously, if it can't sustain a few more attacks, the Qibao Miaoshu will soon be unable to support it.

But Xiaoqiong's injury was more serious.

On the petite body, there are one after another deep and bone-deep sword marks.

If this scar had been replaced by someone else, it would have already fallen down.

But because of the obsession in his heart, Xiao Qiong stood firmly in front of Chu Hao even if his body was covered in blood.

"No one is allowed to brother!"

Xiao Qiong's face was full of stubbornness.

She has spent countless years at the bottom of the sea where day and night have nothing to do, and she has never felt the warmth of others.

However, Chu Hao's appearance added a sun to her world, and she felt the warmth of the sun for the first time.

Regardless of any contractual constraints, she just wants to protect this brother, and she already regards Chu Hao as her own relatives!

Chu Hao's eyes were tearing as he looked inside the thunder calamity, and the anger in his heart surged even more.

Kasyapa, very good, today I need to let the Zhanxian Zhushen sword drink the blood of Da Luo Jinxian once!

However, Kasyapa did not intend to keep his hand at all, the flying sword in his hand once again glowed with endless brilliance,

"Hmph, a prehistoric beast also wants to have family affection? What a joke! Die!"

The crumbling Xiaoqiong couldn't bear it anymore.

After Kasyapa slashed over with the sword, the wonderful tree of seven treasures in Xiaoqiong's hand slipped from her hand, and she also lost the last of her physical strength, and fell into the sea, her life and death uncertain.

There was already endless killing intent surging in Chu Hao's eyes,

"Kasyapa, wait for me to cross the catastrophe, and it will be your time of death!"

Kasyapa didn't care about Chu Hao's threats at all, but sneered and said, "Don't worry, you won't survive this catastrophe, I will be your catastrophe!"

The Western world is extremely cautious, and Kassapa has also inherited the characteristics of the West.

Even facing Chu Hao who was crossing the catastrophe, Kaye mobilized all his mana, and even changed into an extremely powerful magic weapon.

Chu Hao's eyes narrowed, "One of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian! Sword of Killing Immortals!"

Kasyapa laughed triumphantly,

"That's right, this is one of the four swords of Jiejiao Zhuxian, the Sword of Killing Immortals!"

"It was given by the Buddha himself to kill such evils as you. Under the Immortal Killing Sword, even Daluo Jinxian will be doomed. Don't even think about being on the list of gods!"

When this sword appeared, everyone on the distant battlefield looked over.

Only then did everyone realize that Chu Hao had been exposed to Venerable Kasyapa's attack and was in danger.

And when the Holy Mother and Fairy Sanxiao saw the Immortal Killing Sword appearing, they were even more furious,

"Slaying Immortal Sword! I didn't expect that traitor Duobao to give you Slaughtering Immortal Sword, that bastard!"

"I taught the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and I was taken away by you beasts back then, damn it, give it back to us!"

The Sword of Killing Immortals is one of the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

The four celestial swords are all swords worn by ancestor Hongjun. They were obtained by the leader of Tongtian sect at the foot of Fenbao cliff in the past.Relying on these four celestial swords, the leader of Tongtian sect set up a grand battle to kill immortals.

In the big formation, he fought four saints with one against four, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin Taoist, and Zhunti Taoist.Although defeated in the end, the power of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian is also the supreme treasure of the Three Realms and Five Elements.

However, after the great defeat of the Jiejiao, the Four Swords of Zhuxian were taken away and included in the Western Cult.

But now, in order to kill Chu Hao, the Tathagata Buddha directly borrowed the Immortal Killing Sword!

Killing the Immortal Sword, even the Quasi-Saint Realm can't stand being hit by a sword, let alone the current Chu Hao?

This blow, which poured all of Kasyapa's mana, was his strongest blow!

"Chu Hao, it's your honor to die under this sword, so die!"

Kasyapa turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Chu Hao.

At this moment, on the battlefield, the eyes of the four Jiejiao girls were tearing apart, their voices were hoarse,

"don't want!!"

"Ahh! Chu Hao!"

"Damn the West, I must make you pay the price!"

The radiance of the Killing Immortal Sword was filled with dead blackness, and that ray exploded directly in front of Chu Hao.

The field seemed to stand still.

The four daughters of Jiejiao were disheartened, they knew the power of the Immortal Killing Sword, even if Kasyapa was only half a Da Luo Jinxian, but even with the power of the Immortal Killing Sword itself, they might never be able to recover.

What's more, Chu Hao is now crossing the catastrophe.

During the period of crossing the tribulation, one's strength is completely restrained, and one cannot leave the area of ​​the thunder tribulation for even half a point, otherwise the crossing of the tribulation will fail and a backlash will come, and at that time it will be worse than death.

Under the might of the Immortal Killing Sword, Chu Hao would definitely die!

Everyone thinks so.

But in the next second, the figure of Venerable Kasyapa suddenly flew backwards at high speed, and hit the sea surface fiercely.

As for Chu Hao, who was in the process of crossing the catastrophe, his face was indifferent, and there was a circle of brilliance on his body, protecting his whole body.

Chu Hao has always had a magic weapon for body protection. At the critical moment, the holy spirit cloak, the acquired treasure on Chu Hao's body, played a role and withstood the fatal blow.

"What! How is it possible!"

On the battlefield in the distance, the Three Great Masters, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Wudang Holy Mother, and Fairy Sanxiao were all shocked.

It was clear that Chu Hao was crossing the catastrophe, how could he be able to block this sword?

This is the Immortal Killing Sword, it cannot be stopped by a cat or a dog.

In an instant, the battlefield was extremely silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

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