The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 145 5 Da Luo Jinxian's blocking!

Venerable Kassapa has a ferocious face, which is very different from the ordinary image of compassion.

He looked at Chu Hao who was crossing the catastrophe, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth,

"Hahahaha! Chu Hao, you didn't expect me to exist, did you? Back then [you made me lose face in the heavenly court, and today I will make you pay the price! Today, you will definitely die!"

Chu Hao frowned in the midst of the thunder disaster.

I didn't expect Venerable Kasyapa to break through to the Daluo Jinxian. It seems that the Tathagata Buddha really made up his mind to kill himself.

Xiao Qiong held the Qibao Miaoshu and stood in front of Chu Hao, feeling extremely nervous.

"Brother, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

If it wasn't for Chu Hao who suddenly felt the crisis and called out Xiao Qiong in advance, otherwise, Chu Hao would definitely be cut off by Venerable Kasyapa's flying sword now, and die.

Venerable Kasyapa had probably been waiting by the side for a long time before he had the opportunity to make a sneak attack just now.

Three Great Masters, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Venerable Kasyapa...

Chu Hao couldn't help narrowing his eyes, calmly said loudly:

"It seems that the Tathagata Buddha really wants me to die? Why did five Daluo Jinxians come at once?"

"Does Chu have such a big reputation?"

Venerable Kasyapa's face was full of ferocity, and the corner of his mouth raised a sneer,

"My Buddha is merciful. I know that if your sins are promoted to Daluo Jinxian, the Three Realms will be in trouble."

"That's why I was sent to prevent you from being promoted, Prison God Chu Hao, you have committed many evils, you deserve to die under my sword today!"

Chu Hao sneered,

"Hahahaha! You have done a lot of evil? You have done a lot of evil to your Western world, right? I admit this, and I didn't intend to make your Western world feel better."

"It's just that, tell Tathagata, Chu is just a little fairy. He gave such a big gift, and I will definitely return it ten times in the future!"

Venerable Kassapa smiled sarcastically, "Speaking quickly, are you waiting for the Heavenly Court to take action? Don't worry, the Buddha has arrived long ago. First block the Heavenly Court's insight, and they will not be able to save you!"

Chu Hao raised his brows, "It seems that your Western hand is so long that it can even cover up the secret of heaven. But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have the help of heaven or not."

Venerable Kasyapa's sneak attack did not make Chu Hao very flustered. After all, Chu Hao has a cautious personality, so naturally he would not be arranged by the West so easily.

In Chu Hao's words, he was still absorbing the Chaos God Lightning very easily.

It is even more difficult for others to cross the catastrophe to the later stage.

But Chu Hao was different, there was some slight influence at the beginning, but when there were more and more Chaos God Thunder in this thunder calamity, Chu Hao's body actually began to absorb Chaos God Thunder.

It was as if absorbing the energy of chaos beside the chaotic green lotus at that time.

Although there was only a little Chaos God Thunder in this thunder calamity, Chu Hao could feel that his body had begun to change significantly, and he was about to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian soon.

And, maybe there will be surprises.

Venerable Kasyapa also noticed the vision in Chu Hao's catastrophe, other people's family will die or live, Chu Hao's catastrophe is like going on vacation.

Venerable Kasyapa looked at it, is this going to be okay?

This tribulation is so easy, wouldn't it be against the sky when you come out with strength later, and you can press yourself, a half-baked Da Luo Jinxian, to the ground with one hand and beat him?

Why say it again...

Venerable Kasyapa raised the flying sword and shot at Chu Hao, "I see how many times you can stop me! Die!"

The four daughters of Jiejiao, who were fighting with the three great masters and Dingguang Huanxi Buddha in front, noticed the appearance of Venerable Kasyapa, and couldn't help being extremely nervous.

They really didn't expect that the West would use such a big battle and dispatch five big Luos to stop Chu Hao? !

The Holy Mother of Wudang was extremely nervous and shouted angrily: "Shameless West! You actually attacked!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang wanted to escape from the battle of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, but the strength of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was comparable to that of Our Lady of Wudang, so how could he let go of Our Lady of Wudang easily.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was overjoyed, and shouted: "Well done, Kasyapa, kill that kid quickly! I will definitely drag them!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang was in a hurry, she sacrificed the magic weapon in her hand, and frequently made killing moves, extremely fierce.

Rao Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's cultivation base is not much like that of the Holy Mother of Wudang, but he seems a bit hasty under these repeated killing moves.

However, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had already sensed something was wrong,

"My good senior sister, why are you so worried about that kid? I know that you only want to stop teaching, and the only thing in the world that can make you fall in love is the matter of stopping teaching. Could it be that...that kid is your new apprentice? Or is it your fault?" edge?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang's eyes are indifferent. As a human being who has lived for thousands of years, she will not be so stupid as to be easily slandered.

"You still worry about yourself, the first person I want to kill now is you, traitor!"

The Wudang Virgin's subordinates stepped up their attack even more. The two sides didn't even care about Donghai's appearance, and they fought so that the surface of Donghai was steamed by three points.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's hand is very hard, but his mouth does not give up at all,

"Could it be that this is the hope of stopping the teaching? Is it the closed disciple who was accepted back then? You found it at this time?"

"Wait, could it be Master's mind, a person enlightened by the lower realm, otherwise why would you be so worried. However, Master is locked in Zixiao Palace, and it is difficult to descend to the mortal world..."

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's speculation is getting closer and closer to the truth.

The Holy Mother of Wudang was extremely vigilant, although as long as she didn't reveal it, no one would know Chu Hao's identity.

But once Dingguang Huanxi Buddha pursued this statement, Chu Hao might be branded as a remnant of the sect.

Western religions have always spared no effort to destroy the sparks that cut off the religion!

Once everyone in the west thinks that Chu Hao is a disciple of the Jiejiao, what Chu Hao will face in the future will not be as simple as five or six Da Luo.

The shamelessness of the West is absolutely unimaginable.


The Holy Mother of Wudang was vigilant in her heart, but she didn't show half of it on her face, no matter how Dingguanghuanxi Buddha guessed, she remained calm.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was even more certain in his heart that this Chu Hao must have something to do with Jujiao, even if there is no teacher-student relationship, there are other unbreakable relationships!

"Going back today, we must let the Buddha know about this..."

"With the Buddha's decision, I would rather kill the wrong one than let him go. No matter what, as long as the kid dies, the Buddha will be ashamed."

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had already made a decision in his heart. If he couldn't kill Chu Hao, he must pour dirty water on him after he returned.

Let Chu Hao fall into the endless pursuit of the Western Sect.

The battle between the Three Great Masters and the San Xiao Fairy was very intense.

Although the golden scissors in Yunxiao's hands and the Hunyuan Jindou in Bixiao's hands are innate spiritual treasures, absolute killers.

However, the three of them have only just recovered now, and their strength is still weak.

Moreover, during the long years when they were sealed in the list of gods, the three great masters have also greatly improved their cultivation and supernatural powers, and today is different from the past.

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