The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 135 Promoted to Da Luo Jinxian within 7 days

With this chaotic energy, Chu Hao is equivalent to gaining 100 million cultivation bases every day for nothing, which is 100 million times faster than everyone else's cultivation speed!

Even when Journey to the West started, Chu Hao could obtain nearly 18 traces of Primal Chaos Qi, and each trace of Primal Chaos Qi could provide millions of years of cultivation, which means nearly [-] million years of cultivation. !

Others have been cultivating for 500 years, while Chu Hao has already obtained [-] million years of cultivation. The immeasurable.

However, Chu Hao's check-in system seemed not satisfied with this, and released the task again.

【It's full, it's almost overflowing!

[Congratulations to the master for reaching the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the accumulated cultivation base is about to overflow.

[Task: Within seven days, be promoted to Daluo Jinxian

[Reward: On the day of promotion, you will achieve the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, and you will have the right to check in every day and sign in for a million years to repair the base guarantee!

Chu Hao's eyes almost fell out on the spot!

This system is so fierce!

Chu Hao worked so hard to cultivate it for several days, and invested in several treasure-level magic weapons, and finally gave birth to a chaotic green lotus capable of producing a trace of chaotic energy every day.

This check-in system is good, a million years of cultivation is free!All for free!

You don't have to do anything, as long as you get promoted and check in every day, you will get a million years of cultivation for free, and it's still guaranteed!

Pay attention to the extravagance of this guarantee and check-in system, which Chu Hao never dared to imagine.

Don't say far.

Let's just say that after this promotion, he entered the mid-term realm on the spot, that would be even more frightening to death!

The sky is pitiful, the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha that Chu Hao saw last time is only worthy of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

However, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is a figure who has crossed a calamity since he practiced as a god.

When he became a god, he was already in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, that is to say, he has spanned from the early stage to the middle stage for such a long time.

This speed is definitely not slow among Da Luo Jinxian.

It's really because the Da Luo Jinxian has basically come to an end.

After all, the Da Luo Jinxian is already a top-to-the-sky existence, a first-class existence in the Three Realms, except for the power holders of the big forces, and the representatives who walk around the outside world, they are all Da Luo Jinxians.

Don't you see, the three great masters of Buddhism are also Daluo Jinxian.

Among the Three Realms and Six Paths, one who reaches Daluo Jinxian can have a gold medal for avoiding death, and also has a great right to speak.

In today's heaven and the west, there has never been a big Luo Jinxian fall since the Conferred God List.

Reaching the realm of Daluo Jinxian, basically immortal.

Unless there is really a powerful means to kill, it is difficult for even the Da Luo Jinxian to kill the Da Luo Jinxian.

Daluo Jinxian has already carved his mark between heaven and earth.

This check-in system is very tough, but it doesn't give Chu Hao a chance to keep a low profile.

This Da Luo Jinxian, Chu Hao was forced to make a breakthrough.

"Oh, there's no way, even though I'm a bad guy who doesn't know how to reject others, let's just break through..."

Chu Hao felt that he was still too kind to refuse the kindness of the punch card system.

However, it is not easy to break through Da Luo Jinxian. This is not to say that Chu Hao is not easy to break through, but that some people will definitely not let Chu Hao break through.

Of course, Chu Hao has already planned his strategy, and even planned it a long time ago, no one can stop him from becoming Da Luo!

Chu Hao didn't waste much time, got up and walked out,

"Xiaoqiong, let's go, drop by."

Xiaoqiong's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay!"


The smoke and clouds in the East China Sea are ethereal and nothingness.The size of the East China Sea is immeasurable.The blue waves are rippling, the sky is vast, and it is endless.

Even in Ao Guang, who is known as the Dragon King of the East China Sea, in fact, the sea area he controls is the area close to the land.

Further outside, the endless sea area is immeasurable. Even if Ao Guang has lived so many yuanhuis, he has never set foot there.

Because, it's too big.

Moreover, in the depths of the sea, there are countless hermit powerhouses hidden, and those are immeasurable existences.

Therefore, no one will easily appear in the outermost waters of the East China Sea.

However, today's East China Sea has ushered in a special person.

Chu Hao and Xiao Qiong stood above the vast sea.

Xiao Qiong looked at the vast and endless sea, and looked at Chu Hao in confusion,

"Brother, are you coming to see the sea? There is nothing here."

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Can't even you see it? Look ahead carefully."

Xiao Qiong frowned cutely, and looked along where Chu Hao pointed.

After watching for a long time, Xiao Qiong suddenly became confused, "Why, I can't see anything, but I feel like there is something. There is a big mountain, isn't it, an island?"

Chu Hao rubbed Xiaoqiong's head, and said with a smile, "It's not easy for you to feel it. After all, this is an ancient dojo. Wait a minute, and I'll show you the true face of that island."

Chu Hao flew high and quickly formed seals in his hands.

Chu Hao recalled what Tongtian Cult Master said to him at that time, and the Tongtian Cult Master left Chu Hao with a lot of network resources.

This time, Chu Hao had to reveal his hidden identity.

As Chu Hao's divine seal affected the breath of heaven and earth, a strong wind suddenly blew up over the entire East China Sea, and a thick mist rose out of thin air.

For a moment, the vision became more blurred.

The world was completely white, and the vision in front of him was completely covered by thick fog.

However, at this moment, Xiao Qiong pointed forward in amazement and exclaimed:

"Come out, come out, what a big island!"

With the formation of mist, a huge island above the East China Sea gradually revealed its shape.

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes. This place is hidden, an island that can only be seen when the thick fog rises?No wonder it survives till now.

"Let's go."

Chu Hao calmly led Xiao Qiong towards the huge island.

When you come to the island, everything changes suddenly!

From the outside, the island looks like an ordinary mountain without any special features.

However, only when you get close to the island can you get a glimpse of the magnificence of the island.

Chu Hao could feel that the spiritual power in this place was ten times stronger than that in heaven. Although it was not ten or eight times worse than Chu Hao's Star Dou Palace, this place could be called a fairyland for other places.

Numerous towering ancient trees rose from the ground, and there was a wonderful smell of strong medicine everywhere.

Snow-white cranes flew in the air, leisurely and undisciplined, yet full of loneliness.

But when Chu Hao came in, the island seemed to be awakened, and there were terrifying roars from all over, mixed with an extremely majestic roar.

Xiao Qiong's bloodline was so frightened that his hairs turned all over the place, he grabbed Chu Hao's clothes tightly, and said nervously:

"Brother, there is something terrible here, I'm afraid..."

Chu Hao stood on the sky with his hands behind his back, calm and at ease, but said loudly:

"Is this place Penglai Island in the East China Sea? Chu Hao came to visit, please meet me."

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