The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 134 Chaos green lotus enters the seedling stage, powerful effect!

"Great, the Buddha didn't abandon us, he didn't abandon us!"

"The Buddha's grace has come, it must be the Buddha's manifestation. It seems that the Buddha really didn't lie to us, saying that he will send down the Buddha's grace!"

"Come, come, I have already felt the vast and abundant power of Fo'en. It is the power that can dispel all diseases and revive all things."

"Let me be the first to greet this Buddha."

"The Buddha's grace has come, who dares to question my Buddha again? Stand up, I will save his whole family today!"

Everyone in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom was too excited to speak.

After all, they waited for seven days and seven nights for this kindness.

During these seven days and seven nights, they only heard how beautiful the Great Tang next door was under the grace of Buddha. The people of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom are envious and jealous!

But not anymore.

The largest and most perfect Buddha has landed in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom!

However, the next scene made everyone in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom dumbfounded.

The storm that landed directly rolled up countless believers, and the violent hurricane was mixed with naturally formed wind blades.

Like a giant meat grinder, countless believers in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom were sucked into the storm, torn into blood and minced meat, and fell down.

On this day, a real bloodbath broke out in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom shrouded in Buddha's light.

Countless people's roofs, roofs, heads, and even the bowls of restaurants on the street, all fell into the broken meat of internal organs, and splashed blood pouring down!

The corner of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom was instantly stained red with blood.

All the people in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom seemed to have lost their souls for a while, staring at the storm, and they didn't even have the intention of fleeing.

The visual impact, the psychological impact, and the earthquake in belief will instantly cause countless people to collapse and cry!

"This... is this Fo'en?! The storm is raging, blood stained Tianzhu, is this Fo'en!"

"Ahhhhhh!!! Buddha, have you really abandoned us?"

"We are so sincere and devote our whole body and mind to my Buddha. This is the so-called Buddha's grace!!! Ahhh! I don't accept it!"

"If there is an afterlife, even if you become an evil ghost for all ages, you don't want to take half a step into Buddhism."

"The Buddha who deceives the world, the Buddha whose blood stained Tianzhu, and the Buddha who is dignified, this is... the Buddha we enshrine?"

The storm passed.

The casualties caused by the [-]-mile storm are absolutely huge.

What's even more frightening is that this is the Buddha's kindness that the Tathagata Buddha himself said.

The bloody Tianzhu is Foen!

For a time, the entire Tianzhu Buddhist kingdom was shaken.

This place was already ruled by the Western religion, with firm beliefs and solid foundations, but people's hearts suddenly collapsed like a sandcastle.

The impact caused by it cannot be concealed even by Three Lives Three Worlds.

Seeing this scene, Tathagata Buddha also felt a sense of powerlessness.

Now, what else can he do?

"Returning to Lingshan..."

As soon as the Tathagata gave an order, he returned to Lingshan with the mighty Buddha and Bodhisattva.

For them, the Three Lives and Three Worlds cannot be annihilated, so it will take another hundred or thousand years.

Anyway, for them, hundreds of years are just a snap of the fingers.

What happened today, hundreds of years later anyway, no one will remember.

As for the people who died today... Although there are fewer people and some injuries, they are not serious.

Anyway, after a few hundred years, these believers will grow up one after another like leeks that have been cut, and there is no need to worry about their population.

In particular, the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu is always under the control of Western religions. Newborn babies will be exposed to Western religions. From birth to death, they are under my Buddha's hands, and I am not afraid that they will disrespect the Buddha.

The situation in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom obviously surprised countless people.

Although it is suspected of being targeted, even the saints don't know the source of this chaotic storm, and neither the Western religion nor other forces are too lazy to find out the truth.

Now they have harvested a lot of Chaos Qi in the Chaos Storm, which is enough for their journey.

Soon Tianting and Styx also dispersed separately.

Except for Datang, who received great benefits, and the bloody Tianzhu who was slaughtered by the storm, nothing seemed to have happened.



Star Palace.

Chu Hao fiddled with the last storm and scattered it in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom.

Chu Hao can guess how many changes this chaotic storm has caused to the world.

Generally speaking, if this storm caused such terrible damage in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, the karma it brought would be completely fed back to the caster.

However, Chu Hao was unscathed, it was not that Chu Hao was immune to karma.It was because Chu Hao got stuck with a bug.

The first chaotic storm was not generated by Chu Hao, but by the chaotic green lotus;

And it wasn't controlled by Chu Hao, but by Chaos Qinglian;

Moreover, Chu Hao is not manipulating within the three realms, but Chu Hao

It was only at this moment that Chu Hao finished operating in the space of Dinghai Shenzhu.

At this moment, the chaotic green lotus seeds have completely germinated, and tender shoots have grown, and a trace of chaotic air is slowly formed on the tender shoots.

[Chaotic Green Lotus (seedling stage)

[Additional function: Gather spirits ten times, can make the surrounding aura ten times thicker; chaotic air: can provide a trace of chaotic air every year.

[Aura of Chaos: It can be used for cultivation, and each wisp of Chaos Qi can be used to increase one million years of cultivation in an instant; multiple strands of Chaos Qi can be used to sacrifice treasures, which can increase the level of treasures; it can be used to give back to green lotus seeds, increasing the maturity of green lotus seeds speed.

[Remarks: The seeds of the chaotic green lotus are the most precious treasures in the world. Once they are truly mature, they will turn the world upside down. Please be careful.

Chu Hao laughed stupidly.

I, Cao, do you see, there is a trace of chaos every day!

If there is one trace per day, it is 360 five traces a year, and 500 traces in 18 years. If you calculate it, it will be 820 million points of Primal Chaos Qi. If you convert it again, it will be...

Nearly [-] Chaos Storms!

If Chu Hao was in a good mood, it would be easy for him to give him a bottom-up look.

Of course, Chu Hao naturally didn't know how to recreate the chaotic storm, but it was almost this number.

But Chu Hao is not stupid, let's not say that it is useless if there are too many chaotic storms, and other forces will also compete, which will only make the world into chaos over time.

The key point is that Chu Hao must use this chaotic energy for his own cultivation!

Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation is definitely more difficult. Don't you see, how many Da Luo Jinxians who have crossed several calamities from the prehistoric era to the present have no chance to be promoted to quasi-sage.

The normal cultivation time of Da Luo Jinxian is calculated by two kalpas.

Unless it is a person with real great talent, who is attached to heaven and earth, can achieve the quasi-sage realm, otherwise it may be possible to still be a Daluo Jinxian after a few kalpas.

Chu Hao is now a perfect Taiyi Golden Immortal, and will soon be promoted to Daluo Golden Immortal.

Of course Chu Hao has to think about his own cultivation!

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