The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 114 I Surrender!I broke the glass cup!


But at this moment, there was a crisp smashing sound.

The fire spread out, and even a few tables around were set ablaze.

"Ah, it's on fire!"

In a corner of the Pantao Victory Club, there was some small commotion.

Chu Hao frowned, and extinguished the flames there with a wave of his hand.

Chu Hao suddenly felt a little familiar with this little episode.

Just as Chu Hao was contemplating, he suddenly heard a majestic and indifferent roar from the field.

"Who broke the glass cup!"

At this moment, the Jade Emperor was sitting on the first seat, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

This is the queen mother's banquet, how dare someone make trouble here?

Countless people in the field looked at the shattered glazed cup and kept silent, not daring to speak out.

One of the generals, who was dressed in armor and looked dull, was lowering his head and blushing, his face full of resentment and resentment.

Glass cup?

Countless thoughts flashed through Chu Hao's mind, could it be the scene of General Shulin being demoted to the mortal world?

Chu Hao thought of it instantly, no wonder he always found this dull young man with his head down so familiar.

Among the four people traveling west, the reason for this Drifting Monk's descent is definitely the most nonsensical.

General Rolling Curtain is a big man who wears a tiger head card and follows the Jade Emperor. Can such a person be demoted to the mortal world because of a worthless glazed cup?

Obviously not.

Chu Hao looked to the side, and sure enough, Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was superior, and there was a hint of complacency in his eyes.


Chu Hao sighed, who made Drifting just a poor man with no background who worked so hard to reach the Heavenly Court, but became a sacrifice for the Journey to the West catastrophe.

Chu Hao sighed, his face full of melancholy, "But what does it have to do with me? The young man is the one who should be robbed."

Chu Hao laughed at himself a few times, then remained silent, and continued to look at the field.

In the field, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly spoke.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the glazed cup was broken just now, and it should be the Rolling Curtain General."

Everyone looked at Drifting Monk.

The Jade Emperor was annoyed, "There is such a thing!"

Drifting is clenching his fists, his eyes are mournful.

He wanted to justify, but he couldn't justify himself.

Sand Monk saw clearly just now that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was holding a glazed cup in his hand, and it shattered at Sand Monk's feet in the next second.

Drifting wanted to complain, but he knew it would be useless to say so.

Would the Jade Emperor believe that Guanyin Bodhisattva would intentionally frame him?

Even if he knew the truth, the Jade Emperor would never make things difficult for Guanyin Bodhisattva, because Guanyin Bodhisattva is the messenger of the West, and he is of a very high status.

I have no choice but to knock out my teeth and swallow them in my stomach. Anyway, a glazed cup is at most a small punishment.

Drifting bowed his head, clenched his teeth, and remained silent.

But the Jade Emperor was already in dire straits and was furious.

"How dare you break my beloved glass cup, you are getting more and more presumptuous!"

"Where is Prime Minister Zuo Fu! Take off the crown and armor of this heinous beast, remove his official position, push him out of the Nantian Gate and behead him!"

Drifting was dumbfounded on the spot!

A glazed cup is not worth a small flat peach, but he is going to kill himself immediately? !

Drifting suddenly looked at the crowd again, and everyone was silent, as if they had expected this.

Drifting panicked, this game was done on purpose!

Chu Hao shook his head. If there were no accidents, a barefoot immortal would jump out later and sing a red face, and he would be relegated to the earth under the pull.

But at this moment, a mechanical sound sounded in Chu Hao's mind.

[Annual party rival company is making trouble, how can someone frame me as a leader in heaven so easily?As a righteous person, I can't sit idly by and surrender to the Jade Emperor. I broke the glass cup!

[Save Drifting Monk's life!

[Reward: Fusion technique, nine turntables [Ancient True Body Jue]

[Remarks: This exercise will combine Yuqing Lingbao Dafa and Jiuzhuan Xuangong to provide the master with simultaneous progress in the dual cultivation of the body, soul, and spirit. Nine-turned and nine-movement, it is the first exercise in the Three Realms!

In an instant, Chu Hao's eyes lit up.

Nine Turntables [Ancient True Body Jue!

Synchronous cultivation of the flesh and soul?The number one skill in the Three Realms!

This is exactly what Chu Hao lacks. The Eight [Nine Profound Kungfu] that Chu Hao is practicing now is a Buddhist technique, not to mention tainted with cause and effect.

If he is promoted to Daluo Jinxian in this way, then the partial science will be serious. Once the opponent has some powerful attacking methods of Yuanshen, Chu Hao must be very passive.

But if there is this Nine Turntable [Ancient True Body Jue], it would be awesome.

Simultaneous cultivation, anyway, for Chu Hao, cultivation is just clocking in and going to work, and there is nothing to do.

I'm sorry that the system actually issued such a task!

Although there was Tathagata Buddha in charge at the scene, it was obvious that Chu Hao couldn't easily make Xixi so arrogant.

At least, if Drifting wants to send it down, he has to come by himself!

After thinking for a second, Chu Hao made a choice.

In the middle of the field, Drifting was about to kneel tremblingly and admit defeat.

But at this moment, a high-pitched and bright voice sounded like thunder.

"I surrender! I broke the glass cup!"

All of a sudden, all the gods and Buddhas froze.

In the silent field, suddenly it seemed that a thunderbolt exploded!

Immortals from all walks of life, Guanyin Bodhisattva and other three great men, and Arhats from all directions.The Tathagata Buddhas looked at Chu Tian in unison, their faces were filled with bewilderment.

The players in the game with particularly wonderful expressions, such as Tathagata and Avalokitesvara were stupefied, and Drifting was full of surprise!

I didn't see that the Jade Emperor even ordered the trial ahead of time, so I killed him directly!Is there anyone rushing to beheaded now?

When everyone saw clearly the appearance of the surrendered person, their expressions were even more tangled, and even Guan Yin gritted his teeth, maddened in his heart.

Chu Hao was proud in his heart, and he was not afraid of the eyes of everyone looking at him.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll be shy."

Everyone in the western world was even more angry when they found out that Chu Hao had surrendered himself.

Especially Guanyin Bodhisattva, gnashing his teeth in anger, came to disrupt the situation again, and disrupted the situation again! ! !

Tathagata Buddha also had a gloomy face, but he couldn't make a sound. He was contaminated with different causes and effects, and it would be even more serious when the sky was in chaos.

Of course Chu Hao is not a fool.

Chu Hao knew from a long time ago that the Jade Emperor was very passive towards the Journey to the West catastrophe. If Chu Hao didn't show up, maybe it would have passed by like this.

And this big drama of relegating the Drifting Monk to the bottom has been planned by the Western Church and the Jade Emperor for a long time, and even the candidates have been selected many years ago.

Drifting Monk is an important figure in the catastrophe of Journey to the West. The Western Sect and the Heavenly Court also arranged for a long time before deciding to let Guanyin play the black hand.

But now the great catastrophe of Journey to the West has already given birth to strange numbers, and the Jade Emperor's mind has become active, but there has been no chance.

Although the Drifting Monk has been designated as a person who should be robbed, he also wants to join the Journey to the West, and there are many ways to join.

For example, Chu Hao replaced Guanyin Bodhisattva, rescued Drifting Monk, and grabbed merit!

Chu Hao felt that the Jade Emperor would definitely help him, because helping himself was essentially helping Heaven!

As for the death penalty, Chu Hao thought he could save it.

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