The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 113 Overly Friendly Communication with the Queen Mother

After all, the Queen Mother is the organizer of this Peach Blossom Conference, and the Tathagata is a distinguished guest, so the Queen Mother can't lose her courtesy.

Tathagata cheerfully took the 6000-year-old flat peach handed over by the Queen Mother, and laughed so hard that his mouth cracked to the base of his ears.

The cards, the cards!

This is the queen mother, the number one female in the ancient heavenly court, and now the number one female in the heavenly court, the head of the two female immortals, so it is not too much to be called the senior queen mother.

Tathagata put his palms together and thanked the Queen Mother: "Thank you, Queen Mother!"

However, this is just a formality for the Queen Mother.

However, she saw that the Queen Mother just turned around and went straight to Chu Hao who was eating and drinking at the banquet.

Chu Hao has no interest in those flat peach elixir, after all, those are of no use to Chu Hao now.

The key is that the taste is neither salty nor bland, not tasty.

Chu Hao kept licking the dragon liver and phoenix marrow, which was much more delicious than those fancy things.

Xiao Qiong followed Chu Hao, and kept eating Hesse.

Xiao Qiong has the blood of a gluttonous real dragon, and can easily swallow things as large as ten thousand feet, and eating these things is no problem.

While Chu Hao was eating carelessly, he suddenly noticed that the eyes of the surroundings were focused on this side, and the atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

Chu Hao turned his head suddenly, but saw the Queen Mother standing behind him with a smile on her face, looking at Chu Hao,

"Like it?"

The head of the fairies in heaven, the Queen Mother actually looked at a handsome young man with such interest?

Countless Heavenly Court Immortals next to him were simply shocked!

Chu Hao was gnawing on a phoenix claw, and drinking the fairy wine as beer with the other hand, and said vaguely:

"It's okay, the beauty is in front of you, smelling the fragrance, you can eat another ten bowls of rice!"

The surrounding gods turned pale with fright!

Taibai Jinxing gestured desperately, telling Chu Hao to be careful!

I, Cao, is this Chu Hao crazy? !

This is the queen mother, one of the rulers in the heavenly court, whose status, strength and qualifications are higher than that of the Jade Emperor!

And he is also a super strong man who has lived from the ancient heavens to the present.

Chu Hao actually molested the Queen Mother face to face?Still say such coquettish words?

The beauty is in front of you, and you can eat ten bowls of rice after smelling the fragrance?

Do you know if you broke your leg?

You [ah[] don't want to die!

That's the Queen Mother!

Sure enough, I saw the Queen Mother's beautiful eyes slightly raised, and she snorted softly, "Prodigal son, are you teasing me?"

The gods were so frightened that they were sweating profusely.

Even the Jade Emperor beside him turned green, just as he was about to come out to save Chu Hao.

But seeing Chu Hao's bewildered face, he said purely and bluntly: "But... what I said is true."

Chu Hao did not lie about this point, nor did he intend to flatter him.

The queen mother is definitely the most beautiful, noble and elegant woman that Chu Hao has seen so far, bar none.

The beauty of the Queen Mother is a kind of untouchable, lofty beauty, like a lotus flower blooming in the Tianshan Mountains arrogantly, an existence that no one dares to defile.

Elegant and luxurious, well-mannered, talented, and peerless in appearance, this is the real Queen Mother of the West, but no one has just talked about her appearance.

As for age... that's something that ordinary people would care about. Which gods didn't start from thousands of years ago?

And the Queen Mother is full of charm, so Chu Hao's praise is completely from the bottom of his heart.

The Queen Mother suddenly laughed softly, and gave Chu Hao a blank look: "Forget it, I'll spare you this time, don't be so rude next time!"

Chu Hao nodded, pa[pa[pa[pa] swallowed the phoenix marrow and dragon liver in his mouth, and stole a glance at the Queen Mother.

The queen mother was in a happy mood, and with a wave of her hand, several plates of precious top-notch ingredients were brought out by Xian'e and placed in front of Chu Hao.

Chu Hao frowned, "What are you doing?"

The queen mother had a smile on her face, "It's because of your meritorious service in protecting the heaven. I picked these ten 9000-year-old flat peaches. There are also dragon's blood and green lotus root that are unique to my medicine pond. Don't you like meat? Take it and eat it."

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows high, very happy: "If you can't make it, how can you be so embarrassed?"

Saying that he couldn't do it, Chu Hao accepted the things honestly.

That dragon's blood green lotus root is an incomparably precious thing, ten times more precious than flat peaches!

The Tathagata Buddha, who was smiling just now, froze on the spot.

Looking at the 9000-year-old flat peaches and dragon's blood green lotus root in Chu Hao's hands, the Tathagata Buddha suddenly found that the two 6000-year-old flat peaches in his hands were no longer fragrant.

All the gods and Buddhas also froze for a moment, never expecting that the Queen Mother would do whatever she wanted.

The Tathagata Buddha was given two 6000-year-old broken flat peaches, while Chu Hao's were ten and a hundred times more precious dragon's blood green lotus root and 9000-year-old flat peaches.

This is simply rubbing the face of the Tathagata Buddha on the ground!

Of course, more people looked at Chu Hao with strange eyes. It seems that the Queen Mother is quite fond of Chu Hao?

Is this a signal?

There were thousands of guesses in everyone's mind, but they gave Chu Hao another high-minded look.

The Queen Mother is no better than the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor has a thin foundation, but the Queen Mother has a very thick foundation, and the plates are also very beautiful...cough cough...

Of course, no one dares to talk about the beauty of the Queen Mother in the Three Realms and Five Elements.

The main reason is that since the Queen Mother has been in the Great Desolate Heavenly Court up to now, she is full of confidence and has a large number of generals, such as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the Twelve Goddesses, the Seven Fairies, and the Four Seasons Fairy...

These are all well-known powerhouses above the Golden Immortal level, and each of them is loyal to the Queen Mother.

But unlike the Jade Emperor, no one is available under his command.

And not only that, because the Queen Mother came from the prehistoric times and has a wide network of contacts, even the powerful Siyu and many scattered immortals will give the Queen Mother enough face.

After all, the Yao Chi and the Peach Forest controlled by the Queen Mother are both treasure lands that can produce treasures that are helpful for cultivation, so the Queen Mother's connections are intuitive, and they are much bigger than the Jade Emperor.

If the Queen Mother held the Pan Peach Conference and the Jade Emperor held the Anti-Tian Conference, obviously most people would choose the former.

Jade Emperor: I'm aggrieved...

The Jade Emperor became the backdrop again. After all, in the ancient Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor was still by Hongjun's side, so he couldn't control anything.

After the Jade Emperor came out, he found that both the Lich's Calamity and the Conferred God's Calamity had passed.

All kinds of talented and powerful people are taken over by the big forces for their own use, and there are not a few truly reliable ones to be found.

In the end, only the lads on the list of gods can barely use them, but those are all souls whose bodies have been crushed, and their strength has been greatly reduced.

After all, all those on the Conferred Gods list died in the Conferred Gods War, and the loss of primordial spirit and body is not insignificant for a fairy family.

The Jade Emperor also wanted to recruit some powerful people to do things, but how many can be used after conferring the gods?

No more.

So the Jade Emperor felt bitter, but he had nothing to say.

Of course, these are off topic.

After the queen mother gave Chu Hao a lot of good things, she also talked to Chu Hao with interest.

Chu Hao was also more than happy to take a look at the Queen Mother, after all, she was a magnificent, luxurious, well-mannered, talented, and peerless beauty.

Take a look, longevity!

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