The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1092 Can't be saved, collapsed?Withdraw quickly!

However, there is one exception,

Even after going through several crazy attacks, Brahma is not dead yet,

He has a head left, but he is still suspended in the air. It is a miracle in metaphysics that he has survived to this day.

After all, Brahma was the first one to stand up and attack Jingliuli World, and he also suffered the most beatings, but he is not dead yet.

This time, the Asura tribe can be regarded as laying their guns and blocking bullets, but everyone of the Asura tribe can see it,

Compared to their deaths and injuries, the desperate Jing Liuli World is the worst.

At this moment, the glazed pagoda is still silent,

Chu Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said lightly:

"Strong asuras, don't waste time, kill the Buddhas first, and then destroy the pagoda!"

Chu Hao was indeed seriously injured in the impact just now.

After all, no matter how weak Medicine Master Buddha is, he is still the majestic master of the world, the Buddha of the purified glass world, a thin camel is bigger than a horse,

The blow he hit just now has far surpassed the realm of the second-rank quasi-sage, and even the third-rank quasi-sage dare not say that he can force it down.

It's a pity that Chu Hao's Grade 36 Good Fortune Qinglian is too rascal, the direct damage is halved, and it is also immune to Buddha's light.

Those who bully are honest people like Xitian who only know how to cast Buddha's light.

Moreover, the blow just now allowed Chu Hao to figure out the details of Medicine Buddha.

Just now, Medicine Buddha released glazed phantom light to devour life, as if he had performed some forbidden move, but was interrupted by Chu Hao,

Although Chu Hao didn't know what the forbidden move was, he did interrupt it.

Especially after seeing the frightened expression on the faces of the surviving Five Buddhas, Chu Hao knew that he might have made the right move!Hit the opponent's vitals.

At this moment, the expression of the five Buddhas is really wonderful, it is the disbelief and pain that hope to be stepped on the ground and trampled crazily.

It's like breaking an egg.

When they saw the attack from the glazed pagoda, the five Buddhas were still very excited.

"Could it be that Medicine Buddha is about to succeed? That's right, he still has the energy to sneak attack. Medicine Buddha has stood up!"

"Pharmacist Buddha uses this kind of forbidden move, as long as he can successfully use it, his strength will surely return to its peak!"

"It can't be interrupted, it's impossible to interrupt. The glazed pagoda is extremely strong, and it is definitely impossible for the Medicine Buddha to be interrupted!"

"Jingliuli World is saved. These Yaosha Buddha soldiers are all trash. If you can't beat them, let's turn them into nourishment! As long as Medicine Buddha can come back, we can win!"

"It is impossible for the Medicine Buddha in the glazed pagoda to be interrupted from the forbidden moves. If we hold on, we will definitely survive."

When the five Buddhas saw the glazed phantom light released from the glazed pagoda, they knew that it was Medicine Buddha who used forbidden moves in it. They knew about it a long time ago.

So when they saw the magic light of colored glaze melting countless lives, they were not surprised for a generation, and they didn't choose to protect the remnants of the world of pure colored glaze.

From their point of view, since they were alive and fighting but failed to defeat their opponents, they would die and become the last barrier of the Jingliuli world.

Even the Five Buddhas were afraid that Chu Hao would notice the handwriting of the Medicine Buddha in the glazed pagoda, so they had been carefully hiding beside them all the time, not daring to make a sound.

They have been careful enough,

Unless the Medicine Buddha who casts the forbidden move inside is hit, it is impossible to interrupt the spellcasting.

And the glazed pagoda is extremely strong, and under normal circumstances Chu Hao would not be able to break into it.


Painful things happened.

Chu Hao's Grade 36 Blessed Fortune Green Lotus not only blocked Medicine Buddha's sneak attack, but also bounced back the damage, interrupting Medicine Buddha's forbidden move!

This scene was the scene that completely collapsed the hope of the Five Buddhas!

In fact, Medicine Buddha did the right thing. After all, when Chu Hao attacked just now, Medicine Buddha's sneak attack was indeed very correct. It was a good time to greatly reduce Chu Hao's combat power.

But no one expected that this Chu Hao was so insidious, and when he launched a sneak attack, he also took all precautions at the same time!

Medicine Buddha's sneak attack was actually blocked,

Not only did it defend, but it also rebounded!

Can't people have a little trust in each other?

Why do you defend with all your strength while attacking?

Is Medicine Buddha the kind of despicable person who often sneaks up on people?

Chu Hao guessed something from the expressions of the five Buddhas, and during the attack just now, Chu Hao really felt the weakness of the Medicine Buddha,

Chu Hao can basically be sure that it is basically impossible for Medicine Buddha to make such a sneak attack after taking the damage from the 36th-grade fortune green lotus.

Even, seeing that he has extinguished the glazed phantom light and hid in the glazed pagoda without making a sound, he knew that the Medicine Buddha is very empty now.

Chu Hao is a very moral person. Chu Hao understands the principle of killing him while he is sick better than anyone else.

A dog in the water that bites must be beaten hard, not killed. When the dog in the water climbs ashore, the one who suffers must be yourself!

Today is the day when the Jingliuli world will be subverted!

Chu Hao's eyes fixed on the five Buddhas above the sky in the distance,

The Five Buddhas, who were already exhausted, felt extreme fear instantly when they felt Chu Hao's cold eyes!

Five Buddhas immediately wanted to escape!

"Want to run?" Chu Hao snorted coldly, and turned into a golden light, chasing after the fastest auspicious king, Tathagata.

The demon king and demon generals of the Asura tribe had a tacit understanding and rushed towards the remaining five Buddhas.

The remaining five Buddhas were already covered in bruises,

Bao Rulai was pierced through the chest and cut off his head, Wuyou Tathagata lived with his arms broken,

Fahai Shenghui has lost his five senses, and the other Fahai Leiyin Tathagata has even had his limbs cut off.

Even the most powerful auspicious king, Tathagata, was already out of breath, and a large piece of flesh and blood was bitten off from his waist, with bones visible.

The five Buddhas are basically disabled, and they are full of intentions to escape.

But helplessly, Chu Hao and the demon kings and generals of the Asura clan all rushed forward and surrounded them to prevent them from escaping.

The five Buddhas can only deal with it in embarrassment,

The extinguished glazed pagoda is like their extinguished hope,

At this moment, the Five Buddhas were already thinking about how to escape.

And the Asuras didn't slack off at all. Although they lost their troops, after the storm subsided just now, they launched an attack on the remnants of the Jingliuli World even more ferociously.

The Asura tribe is a fierce and crazy demon race. When they saw the surviving medicine forks and Buddhist soldiers in the Jingliuli world, the Asura tribe set off their desire to kill again!

Just as Chu Hao thought, after the glazed pagoda unleashed the attack just now, it stopped attacking again.

At this moment, the light above the glazed pagoda was annihilated, like an old temple, unable to give any hope to the Five Buddhas.

Just now, the Five Buddhas were hoping that the Medicine Buddha would stand up, but Chu Hao's hand that interrupted the glass phantom just now also interrupted their hope.

Now, facing the mighty and upright Chu Hao, they just wanted to escape.

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