The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1091 This prison god is obviously strong but overly cautious!

Chu Hao had been on guard against this glazed pagoda for a long time, and even because of his strong sense of defense, while attacking, Chu Hao

At the same time, it opened up the 36th-grade Good Fortune Qinglian, and its defense power reached the highest level, which is extremely stable!

It wasn't once or twice that Chu Hao was attacked by Medicine Buddha, so it was just to prevent loneliness.

However, what was unexpected was that at the same time as Chu Hao shot, there was an attack from the glazed pagoda at the same time, the speed was immeasurable,

If Chu Hao hadn't opened up his defense while attacking, Chu Hao would never be able to defend against this sneak attack.

Because the speed was too fast, it was simply a long-planned sneak attack, waiting for Chu Hao to get rid of his old power and attack before his new power was born!

However, because Chu Hao was too insidious and steady, he opened up his defense in advance,

Therefore, this attack also hit Chu Hao's 36th grade Good Fortune Green Lotus,

However, the power of this sneak attack also made Chu Hao's face change suddenly, and he cursed inwardly,

This damned Medicine Buddha is still so powerful!

The moment after the attack, a terrifying ray of light radiated from the Jingliuli world, and violent | violent energy swept towards the surroundings.

The ground, which was already full of potholes, was stirred up into broken soil like a wave, and endless colored glaze was drawn into it,

The world of Jingliuli, which was not so peaceful at first, was suddenly swept by a terrifying storm.

Those Asuras who were still struggling to resist the glazed phantom light were suffering terribly from the sudden energy storm.

Originally, the glazed phantom light was enough for them to eat a pot, but now the glazed pagoda can still attack, which caused heavy losses to the Asura clan.

The attack from the glazed pagoda was obviously not a random attack. It was so powerful that even Chu Hao sacrificed the 36th-grade Good Fortune Qinglian and resisted very hard on the spot.

What's more dangerous is that the glazed pagoda is still continuously emitting glazed phantom light. Once Chu Hao's defense is broken, Chu Hao will be corroded by the glazed phantom light.

But fortunately, Chu Hao's 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian is not a mortal thing,

Here I have to mention again, the rogue attribute of the 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian.

[Basic attribute: within the three realms, the attack damage of all the gods and Buddhas, demons and ghosts, and all creatures of the three realms is halved

[Special ability 36: I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring aura. This [-]th-grade fortune-telling green lotus can be stimulated by awe-inspiring righteousness, and is immune to the invasion of all Buddhas and Buddhas.

[Special Ability 36: Rebound!All attacks made on Lv. 20.00 Haohua Qinglian will cause [-]% of the rebound attack to fall on the original attacker

Not only the damage is halved, the most important thing is to be immune to the damage of the five Buddha lights, and even rebound 20.00% of the attack,

Chu Hao was able to survive Xitian's many premeditated attacks by relying on the rogue attribute of the 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian.

Although the attack from the glazed pagoda was extremely terrifying, it was obviously not beyond Chu Hao's tolerance.

The power of the 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian made everyone in the Asura tribe feel envious and want to cry.

What does it mean that gods fight and mortals suffer?

Obviously, the attack from the glazed pagoda was directed at Chu Hao. Originally, the Asuras wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight happily.

But now the entire world of Jingliuli has been swept by the storm, and countless Asuras are wailing crazily for it. Coupled with the double pressure of the Liuli phantom light,

The combat strength of the Asura clan has dropped sharply, and almost half of them have fallen down. How can the people of the Asura clan bear it?

Although I know that this is the dying counterattack of Jingliuli World, why is it always me who is injured?

On the other hand, in the Law Enforcement Hall, they had Chu Hao's warning, and they had already fled outside the Jingliuli World.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it is just a blow to them.

Asura: I always feel that we are here to be beaten, and they are here to travel.

Chu Hao's 36th-grade good luck blue lotus radiates endless brilliance, and the white light that flows with grandeur and righteousness has been fighting against the gaudy energy emitted from the glazed pagoda.

Chu Hao was under tremendous pressure, but instead of being surprised, he sneered and said:

"Pharmacist Buddha, you seem a bit hypocritical!"

"As an upright young man of three virtues, taking advantage of your illness today will kill you, including you!"


Under the strong pressure, Chu Hao's fighting spirit soared, and his body suddenly developed an extremely violent aura,

In the next second, Chu Hao's Grade 36 Good Fortune Green Lotus suddenly emitted a brilliance as dazzling as the sun,

The light from the glazed pagoda was suppressed back at this moment!


The third special attribute of the 36th grade Good Fortune Green Lotus took effect, a lotus seed condensed on the 36th Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus suddenly shot into the glazed pagoda!

The speed was so fast that even the most powerful quasi-sage could not react!

This is a special attribute of the heavenly treasure. With the power of the Dao, no one can dodge it, so they can only take this blow.

In the past, the Medicine Buddha Buddha also endured it several times, but the previous Medicine Buddha Buddha was very powerful, with unmatched strength,

So even if you get hit a few times, it's not a big problem.

But it is obvious that Medicine Buddha is already in decline, and the attack he launched just now is also powerful,

Even if it only returns 20.00% of the attack, it is enough to make Medicine Buddha eat a pot.

In the next second, I heard a scream from inside the glazed pagoda,

The familiar voice made Chu Hao grin.

What followed was that the entire glazed pagoda was dimmed, and the glazed phantom light that had been tormenting the living beings in the Jing Liuli world just now also disappeared.

Everything returns to dead silence.

Dazzling lights and mad storms are gone,

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

dead silence,

It was dead silence indeed.

Although Chu Hao's 36th-grade Good Fortune Qinglian interrupted the colored glaze illusion in the Jingliuli World, the glazed illusion had been shining for too long before.

All the weak Buddhist soldiers in the Jingliuli world, without exception, were all engulfed by this glazed phantom light,

Even those medicine forks are dead or wounded. Few of the people in the Jingliuli world can stand, and there are no one in a hundred.

Only the five surviving Buddhas, although their bodies were covered with scars, were still struggling to live.

It's not just the Jingliuli world, the Asura clan is also miserable,

Under the impact just now, the warriors of the Asura tribe died in disorder, and the ones who survived were the strong ones who were sheltered by the demon kings and generals.

But the number is really limited. After all, this glass phantom does not do much harm to the law enforcement army.

However, the damage to the Asura clan is immeasurable,

Asura may become the biggest loser,

Even if he could win in the end, it would be a miserable victory.

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