The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1085 At the beginning of the war, the arrival of the bloody storm

Those ten Yasha God Generals were smart. Although they failed to escape, they were able to forcibly dodge when they were dying, thus avoiding the end of being swallowed up.

It's just that, as the leaders of the formation, they also received the strongest backlash when the formation was broken at this moment.

All the generals of the Yaosha were already pale, their aura was extremely unstable, and their strength had dropped by at least a notch.

This is good. After all, Chu Hao's attack was more aimed at killing the mid- and low-end combat power and tilting the combat power so that they escaped.

And the most desolate one is General Fazheluo who is the closest to the black falling sun,

Fallen by this shot, General Fazheluo escaped quickly, but he was engulfed by one leg after all.

Moreover, this is not a simple physical injury,

This is the attack of the God Killing Spear, and the insane intent of devouring, when it swallowed a leg, also swallowed most of his strength,

At this moment, General Fazheluo's strength plummeted, and he even fell out of the realm of a half-step quasi-sage, becoming the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

This kind of permanent and irreversible injury is something that General Fazheluo will not be able to recover from his whole life.

The domineering devouring power of the God Killing Spear is irreversible.

Back then Maitreya Buddha had no choice, just now Bao Tathagata had no choice, and General Fazheluo naturally had no chance.

And the strength of other generals has also dropped, but it is not as bleak as General Fa Zheluo.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chu Hao in great fear, even the Asura clan were full of fear,

It was as if Chu Hao was the devil at this moment, and the Asuras were just a group of obedient students in front of Chu Hao.

This fear is indescribable.

Even though the Hall of Law Enforcement and the Asuras were allies for a while, the fear of the Asuras still lingered. This was a fear buried deep in their souls forever.

But everyone in the law enforcement hall looked at Chu Hao, but they were greatly encouraged and excited.

"Boss is amazing!!! Xiao Xiaojing Liuli World, still wants to resist law enforcement!"

"Today, in our Law Enforcement Hall, we will completely get rid of this cancer!"

"When will we be able to have one-tenth of the boss's strength?"

"Isn't this an opportunity? Jingliuli World supports us!"

With Chu Hao's strike, the whole battle situation was reversed in an instant. Everyone looked up to Chu Hao, whether it was admiration or awe,

At this moment, Chu Hao became the focus of the battlefield.

Of course, the eyes of everyone in Jingliuli World looked at Chu Hao, it was fear, and it was hatred that wanted to swallow Chu Hao alive!

With Chu Hao's blow, all the endless lives in the Jingliuli world were buried in the darkness.

Seeing that Chu Hao's attack was so powerful, the Buddhas were already so angry by Chu Hao that they almost went crazy.

One shot by Chu Hao ruined Xitian's hard work!

You must know that since the establishment of Jingliuli World, it has developed for countless billions of years, captured countless powerful monster clans, and transformed unknown casual cultivators.

It finally happened today.

However, at this moment, under Chu Hao's shot, the Jingliuli world was set back for countless billions of years.

It's no wonder that everyone in Jingliuli World hates Chu Hao to death!

But Chu Hao was very calm. Although he said that he killed countless creatures with a single shot, he gave the law enforcement army a blank look.

"Look at me | What are you doing? Do I have words on my face? Watch the battlefield, fight them, don't lose your mind when fighting!"

Chu Hao's simple and unpretentious persuasion brought everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall to their senses in an instant.

Just now I have been suffering from the defense of Jingliuli World, so I can't attack for a while,

But now, Chu Hao not only killed one tenth of the combat power of Jingliuli World, but also broke the defense of Jingliuli World!

Now, without this tortoise shell in Jingliuli World, it basically means a dead end!

However, before everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall reacted and shot, it was Monkey King who rushed over,

Without further ado, Monkey King threw the golden cudgel towards General Fazheluo, roaring angrily:

"General Fazheluo, the revenge of the monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain, I want you to pay in blood!"

At this moment, General Fazheluo has swallowed one leg, and his strength has dropped by a notch, which is similar to that of Monkey King.

Naturally, Sun Wukong didn't intend to let go of the culprit who ordered Huaguo Mountain to be littered with corpses!

When General Fazheluo saw Monkey King rushing over, his expression changed drastically. He is not breathing well now, and it is difficult to fight.

He hurriedly shouted at Sun Wukong:

"Sun Wukong, you are the great sage equal to the sky, and you actually took advantage of the danger of others. If you have the ability, wait for me to cultivate, and we will fight again!"

"Taking advantage of people's danger and winning without force, wouldn't your title of Monkey King be humiliated!"

If the original Monkey King, perhaps he would still be afraid of General Fazheluo,

But now Monkey King is not stupid at all,

Sun Wukong suddenly picked up the golden cudgel, mercilessly threw it at General Fazheluo's head, and cursed:

"My old grandson doesn't like this, but my old grandson is great! Hey!"

Not to mention that Chu Hao set an example and was influenced by the eyes and ears of the Law Enforcement Hall, it is because Sun Wukong now understands the hypocrisy of the Xitian people,

If you reason with the people of Western Paradise and abide by the rules, you will get nothing but the high hat of morality and benevolence.

What's more, it was General Fazheluo who personally ordered to kill the monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain first.

An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!

This is the last word!

When Sun Wukong shot out angrily, in an instant, the golden cudgel had already arrived in front of General Fazheluo,

General Fazheluo hurried to dodge, but he couldn't dodge, Sun Wukong's golden cudgel ruthlessly hit General Fazheluo's broken leg wound,

General Fa Zheluo, who was already engulfed by one leg, was already wailing in misery at this moment!

This Monkey King's attack was really blunt, and it was really not hypocritical. This stick hit the wound directly, and the pain was doubled!

Sun Wukong was relentless, chasing and beating General Fazheluo,

"The blood debt needs to be repaid in blood! General Fazheluo, you dare to order the slaughter of Huaguo Mountain, you can't imagine today!"

Sun Wukong chased and killed General Fa Zheluo, so don't go too crazy.

The faces of the other generals in the distance turned green, and soon there was a god general who wanted to rush over to help Monkey King,

However, suddenly a group of monsters sprang out from the side,

Liyuan golden tortoise, immemorial sky eagle, black bear spirit, Siberian tiger, white bone spirit...

A group of strong men in the Law Enforcement Palace stood proudly beside Monkey King, staring at the Yacha generals coldly. In order for Monkey King to take revenge smoothly, they had to stop this group of Yacha generals.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the strength of the Yacha Gods has dropped by a notch, the half-step quasi-sage is still a half-step quasi-sage.

The powerhouses in the Law Enforcement Hall retreated steadily.

But at this moment, a giant beast with a length of [-] meters, a fish body and a snake tail suddenly drew its tail over!

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