The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1084 Torn sky, encroached world!

Kill God Spear shot, soaring into the sky,

In the next second, this round of black sun,

Suddenly, like the sun falling|falling, slowly hit the defense of everyone in the Jingliu Li World!

Watching the black sun falling|falling in Jingliuli World, everyone's faces turned pale with fright,

This terrifying power made everyone in Jingliuli World seem to be facing a furious blow from a demon god from the wild!

That crazy|violent attack is simply indescribable violence and artistic aesthetics!

Tens of thousands of Yakshas led by ten Yaksha gods and endless Buddhist soldiers formed a defense, which seemed a little small in front of this round of black sun!

For a moment, the ten Yasha gods wanted to turn around and escape. This kind of attack really made them have no hope of defense.

The sense of insignificance of the ants before they fell into the sun made them fearful.

But the gods and generals are also quite rational, they know that once they run away as the leader of the formation, the defense of Jingliuli World will be completely broken.

They didn't really care about the safety of the Jingliuli World, the main reason was that without this defense, they would have a dead end, and it was impossible for them to escape.

Therefore, everyone firmly defended against the terrifying blow of Chu Hao's god-killing spear!

The moment the black sun falls|falls, the whole world seems to be plunged into darkness,

The light is completely dimmed, the sound is completely dead, and the tip of the nose can no longer smell anything,

It's as if everyone is trapped in a black hole.

No light or darkness, no sound, no smell,

All I saw was the colorful light of colored glaze condensed by everyone in the Pure Glazed World, slowly being swallowed up under the falling sun.

The engulfing elegance is like the setting sun gradually sinking to the west mountain, leaving behind the colorful clouds in the sky,

It is so beautiful that it makes people obsessed, as if hearing the death bell that sings,

It actually made people feel refreshed for a while.

However, only those quasi-sages who are also top fighters know how dangerous this beautiful scenery is.

The most powerful auspicious king Tathagata, his strength surpasses the three-turn quasi-sage, but even he,

When they felt the attack, their eyes widened in fear, and they screamed inwardly:

"This damned prison god, Chu Hao, has such strength! Damn it, this hall of law enforcement is clumsy!"

"Xi Tian lied to me, this frankly can't be the strength that a second-rank quasi-sage should have, and he has just stepped into the existence of a second-rank quasi-sage for a few months!"

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Brahma and Shiva, who have been involving the auspicious king Tathagata, couldn't help but exchanged a look, and their eyes were full of fear, even a hint of fear.

It hasn't been a year or two since the Ashuras noticed Chu Hao,

From 500 years ago, the Asura tribe noticed that Chu Hao, who had just been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal,

At that time, they still thought that this odd number didn’t seem so odd,

But up to now, they have already developed a kind of fear towards Chu Hao, which is even more fearful than facing the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

Because the Asuras saw with their own eyes that Chu Hao had been promoted from a little celestial soldier to the existence who killed Shangjing Liuli World in 500 years, and even made this extremely terrifying blow!

With this blow, even Brahma felt the threat of death, and he wasn't even sure if he, himself in full bloom, could completely withstand this blow!

Chu Hao's growth was so fast that even the witnesses of the Asura clan felt fear!

Brahma secretly swears in his heart,

If you can or go back, you must tell the ancestor of Styx about this matter. No matter what you pay for, you must not be an enemy of Chu Hao!

I would rather go back to the evil world of five turbidities again, and never mess with Chu Hao!

Even offending the Jade Emperor is more cost-effective than offending Chu Hao,

Because the Jade Emperor was a sage all his life, no one could do anything to each other,

But this prison god Chu Hao, who can guarantee what this person will become in the future?

In just 500 years, he has changed from an unknown person to an existence who brought endless strong men to the world of Jingliuli, and his strength has reached an extremely exaggerated level!

Not only did Brahma think so, Shiva and all the demon generals also secretly remembered it in their hearts,

I would rather slap the Jade Emperor than to offend Chu Hao with a single word.

In fact, people in Jingliuli World also thought the same when they saw this scene,

What kind of bullshit is different? If you don't share the same existence with this kind of existence, it's better to swallow dung and commit suicide.

But, it's too late,

Everyone in Jingliuli World has received Chu Hao's fatal blow!

At this moment, the falling sun shines brighter!

Under the engulfment of the black falling sun, the glazed light condensed by everyone in the Jingliuli world was gradually eaten away and swallowed.

Its slow, just like a solar eclipse.

However, who knows how many lives were lost in this ray of light.

After all, this is the defense gathered by all the people in Jingliuli World.

Ten half-step quasi-sacred generals, tens of thousands of powerful Yakshas, ​​millions of Arhat Bodhisattvas who are above heavenly immortals, and Buddhist soldiers like the sands of the Ganges River,

The glazed lights piled up by countless lives, even if it is annihilated by an inch, it is unknown how many lives have been swallowed up.

It only takes half an hour for the falling sun to rise and set.

But in this half hour, the entire Jingliuli world has been devoured by countless lives.

Until the falling sun completely disappeared, the sky and the earth finally regained their light,

At that time, the starlight and the blood light finally shined again,

It's just that this time, the colored glaze light that symbolizes the defense of the Pure Glazed World has disappeared.

Instead, there was an extremely huge deep pit. The bottom of the deep pit was so smooth that no one could stand up.

This deep pit has torn apart a gap in the neatly organized Jing Liuli World, which had a clear lineup.

The gap occupies about one-tenth,

This tenth represents not only the devoured domain, but also the lost lives!

All the people in the Jingliuli World around the deep pit, none of them could escape, they all turned into dust!

As long as you look intently, you can still see around the deep pit, half of the body has been swallowed up, and the cross-section of the body is extremely smooth and neat.

In the deep pit, there is no blood, because it has been completely swallowed, and there is no flesh and blood.

With Chu Hao's blow, he swallowed at least a few thousand Yakshas, ​​hundreds of thousands of Arhat Bodhisattvas at the level of celestial beings, as well as countless billions of Buddhist soldiers!

With just one blow, the total combat power of the Net Glazed World was reduced by one-tenth!

The entire Jingliuli world was dead silent, only the sound of panic swallowing saliva could be heard from all over the place.

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