The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1071 The battle broke out, the glass was shattered, and the temple was stained with blood!

This battle in Jingliuli World ushered in a tragic start,

Even Chu Hao didn't expect that the Peng Demon King would do such a thing. Chu Hao admitted that he was mistaken.

Before, Chu Hao always believed that the Peng Demon King was a person who had lost all his mind and had fallen into deep despair.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the Demon King Roc stood up, sacrificed himself, sacrificed his true spirit, and caused a self-destruct, which made the Jingliuli World completely lose its defensive world gate!

It is unexpected that a dignified second-rank quasi-sage can make such a sacrifice.

Monkey King standing next to Chu Hao also had a complicated expression. After a long time, he sighed deeply.

"Peng Demon King... My old grandson has misjudged me. Your responsibility, my grandson will bear it for you! Your hatred, my grandson will avenge you!"

Sun Wukong originally hated Peng Demon King very much. After all, Peng Demon King claimed to be the Great Sage King, tried to usurp the throne, and took away many elite soldiers and generals from Huaguo Mountain.

And this matter led to the massacre of Huaguo Mountain later, and there was no defense, so such a tragedy happened. This incident has always made Monkey King brooding.

However, Sun Wukong, who originally hated the Roc Demon King, now let go of his suspicions, and even for a moment, he actually hoped that the Roc Demon King would survive.

It was only then that Monkey King discovered that Peng Demon King was not as despicable as he thought. He was even greater than he imagined, even Monkey King sighed.

Peng Demon King has been burdened with too many burdens,

Without talent, he was able to get to where he is today, but his heart was not deceived. He still made the most correct choice at the last moment.

He just made completely different choices from Sun Wukong,

When Sun Wukong encountered something, he made a big fuss unscrupulously, but it also caused repeated tragedies in Huaguo Mountain.

If it hadn't been for meeting Chu Hao, Sun Wukong would have been completely controlled by Xitian by now, and he was accepted as a dog.

But the Peng Demon King is greater than Sun Wukong, he has been protecting everyone in the Demon League,

Even if the price is that he is a majestic great saint king, a supreme quasi-sacred powerhouse, groveling and begging for perfection in front of everyone,

However, under the protection of the Peng Demon King, the Demon League did not suffer any more cruel torture...

Of course, although it is because the Demon League is the object that Xi Tian has been following for a long time and is going to be trained as a slave,

But Demon King Peng had no choice. He was not as lucky as brother Sun Wukong, and he was able to meet Chu Hao to help him with all his strength.

He has been just an abandoned stray dog ​​since he was a child. It is already extremely difficult to protect his brothers in the endless disasters.

Even at the last moment, the Demon King Peng was willing to use his corpse to pave the way for everyone in the Monster League and to open up a new path for the members of the Monster Race.

Among the six paths of the Three Realms in the future, there will be a new path for everyone in the Monster Race, but this path is poured by the Demon King Peng who dedicated his own corpse!

Sun Wukong has completely forgiven in his heart,

He also knew all the culprits, but in fact it was never the Peng Demon King,

If it weren't for Xitian's coercion and temptation, Demon King Roc would not have taken the step of establishing the Demon League, let alone be forced to the point where the true spirit exploded.

Everything is the fault of this world!

Yes, Jing Liuli World's fault!

Sun Wukong's eyes were instantly full of hostility, and he stared murderously at the Jingliuli world in front of him,

At this moment, the gate of Jingliuli World has been shattered and disappeared under the impact of Demon King Caipeng just now.

It even still maintains the appearance of being opened by Da Brahma just now, but now there is only one door frame left.

In his rage, Monkey King wanted to rush into the Jingliuli world with his golden cudgel.

However, Chu Hao stopped Monkey King,

"Wait a minute."

When Sun Wukong was in a rage, he turned his head suddenly, but saw that it was Chu Hao who was blocking him, and he didn't get angry, but he couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Brother, why are you stopping me? Aren't we here today to kill the dog Buddhas in the glass world?!"

Chu Hao glanced back at the law enforcement officers he brought, especially the pioneers composed of a team of criminals.

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes and smiled mysteriously,

"Yes, but there must be a legitimate excuse."

"Don't worry, let the Asura people fly first."

Sun Wukong was stunned, he couldn't figure out what this had to do with the Asura people,

But Sun Wukong still instinctively chooses to believe in Chu Hao. No matter what, Chu Hao will definitely live up to his expectation of killing people.

Sun Wukong also pressed his patience,

Chu Hao took all the law enforcement officers and flew over calmly and calmly.

But at this moment, the state of Jingliuli World doesn't seem to be half calm.

Or rather the opposite kind of panic!

This is the first time in countless years that Jingliuli World has been blasted open!

The breakage of the gate of the world is the loss of the greatest protection for Jingliuli World.

Now that the gate of the world has collapsed, it means that the Jingliuli world will be like a little girl whose clothes have been stripped from now on, and it will still be placed in a place surrounded by perverts,

It doesn't matter from now on, the Asura clan in front of you is already a group of ferocious and crazy devils who are staring at each other!

This time the world of pure glass will surely be the biggest crisis!

The auspicious king Tathagata panicked a little,

"Medicine Buddha, Buddha, what should we do now?"

However, when Ji Xiangwang raised his head, he saw the golden Medicine Buddha slowly fading away among the clouds in the sky!

The Medicine Buddha was above the sky just now, forcibly stretching out his hand to close the door of the world,

But because of this, he buried his hands in the self-destruction vortex of the Peng Demon King,

The current Medicine Buddha, even seeing that the gate of the world has been completely shattered, is still very powerless.

Taking a shot to forcibly close the door of the world is already the last tenderness of Medicine Buddha, and it is really difficult for him to stand up again.

Even at this moment, Medicine Buddha couldn't hold on any longer, so he had no choice but to retreat.

However, when the Medicine Buddha retreated, the order of the Medicine Buddha also sounded between heaven and earth,

"Stick to the Jingliuli world and wait for support. Those who take a step back will fall into the endless hell forever!"

Then the image of Medicine Buddha disappeared completely in the sky, as if it had never appeared before.

As soon as the image of Medicine Buddha disappeared, all the Buddhas and God General Yaosha in Jingliuli World seemed a little flustered.

Why is this Medicine Buddha so stinky and shameless?

I ran away first, so I asked everyone to stick here?

Also said to take a step back and fall into the endless hell forever?Then why did you take the first step?

As soon as the Medicine Buddha left, everyone in the Jingliuli World could only look at the Tathagata, the auspicious king,

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the auspicious king Tathagata is the head of all Buddhas.

The auspicious king Tathagata scolded the shameless Medicine Buddha in his heart for running away!

But the auspicious king Tathagata was still very calm, his eyes were gloomy, and he snorted coldly,

"The mere Asura clan doesn't have the door to the world, why should we be afraid of it!"

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