The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1070 Peng Demon King: On a sunny day, don't forget to tell me!

All the Buddhas and Yaksha gods in the Jingliuli world are going crazy,

Unexpectedly, Demon King Peng's methods would be so extreme, that he would blew his true spirit without even discussing a single word!

How could the gate of this world be able to withstand the power of the second-turn quasi-holy true spirit?

Moreover, the key is to reach the quasi-sage realm, and it is impossible to reach this stage at all.

Even if he was pushed into a hurry, just like Zhen Yuanzi, he fled and jumped out of the three realms,

The starry sky outside the territory is so vast, at most it is lonely, but it is definitely better than suicide|suicide!

The members of the Demon League are just being saved, and they are not forced to die. If they die in battle, their souls can still be reincarnated, and they will be the guardians of the Western Paradise in their next life.

No one could have imagined that the Peng Demon King would make such a choice.

This most humble and cowardly person didn't even have the courage to move towards the west,

But at the last moment, he chose the most terrifying way of death between heaven and earth, and he is still a dignified quasi-sage!

Seeing that the persuasion of everyone in the Jingliuli World had no effect on the Roc Demon King, the body of the Roc Demon King swelled more and more, and all the meridians on his body were completely broken.

He has poured everything into himself, just for this last scene, to send everyone out of the Demon League!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Demon League felt indescribably ashamed, terrified, and anxious.

Hu Jiao and Chang You panicked and persuaded again and again:

"Great Sage King, why are you here, why are you here! Our brothers have lived together for a long time, even if we are a little careless, we can't bear it! Don't do this!"

"Great Sage King, we have never blamed you. We joined the Demon League voluntarily, and we came to the Jingliuli World voluntarily. Stop, no one has the right to blame you!"

"Stop, let's face things together in the future. At most, life will be a little bit harder. Why is this!"

At this moment, everyone in the Demon League is also stamping their feet anxiously,

The tiger dragon almost rushed over, but was held back by Changyou,

Anyone who touches the current Peng Demon King may directly detonate it. This is already a bomb that has been ignited. No one can stop it except himself.

And even if the Roc Demon King stops now, the Roc Demon King who has already abolished all the meridians and demon power is just a waste.

The Peng Demon King turned a deaf ear to it, no matter how much everyone shouted, the Peng Demon King did not change his mind.

His heart is already dead.

He knew that he was trying to climb out in desperation, but when he climbed out, he realized that he was already a whole body of bones, and he was already a dead person.

Since he is a dead person and unable to swing his sword against the Jingliuli world, the Peng Demon King is not reconciled,

Therefore, he chose the path of self-destruction of the true spirit.

In fact, at this moment, Peng Mowang's heart suddenly returned to that of a baby, very peaceful, without a trace of regret or fear.

He just suddenly felt...had been relieved.

The whole life of family ruin, homelessness, groveling, betraying friends and seeking glory... It's all over.

Even, his own death can help the clansmen and brothers a little,

It's a redemption, but the Peng Demon King only feels that his little redemption is still not enough to redeem his life's sins.

But that's all there is to it.

All the strength of Peng Demon King has been exhausted under these countless years of groveling, and he really has no strength to resist.

He suddenly envied those three disciples of Tang Sanzang.

Especially Sun Wukong, obviously he is also a demon clan just like himself,

But Sun Wukong was so blessed that he was chosen to go on a journey to the West. Even if he caused a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, he was just crushed under the mountain without pain.

But the Peng Demon King obviously didn't do anything, but was beaten by Xitian, his family was ruined, he was displaced, and he was even forced to form a demon alliance to buy something to survive.

Therefore, Peng Demon King is really jealous of Sun Wukong and also hates him!

It was precisely because of his jealousy towards Sun Wukong that Peng Demon King agreed to Xitian, took away all of Sun Wukong's younger brothers, and made the current Demon League.

However, looking at it now, every step was actually wrong, and it was a mistake again and again to watch myself go into the abyss, and it is irreversible now.

Irreversible, and I don't want to make mistakes again,

Peng Mowang gave up on himself,

But it was also because he had begun to loathe such a humble and jealous self.

Death is a relief for Peng Demon King,

In fact, his tragedies are all because of Xi,

In the choice of life and death, Peng Mowang chose death,

The reason is because the Peng Demon King never dared to believe that the Western Heaven would collapse, the night would never dawn, and the rainstorm would never stop. For thousands of years, it would always be like this.

It's still escaping, it's still humble, but this time the Peng Demon King chose to die, and exhausted all his strength to fight against humbleness and escape.

He didn't have confidence until he died, but he had an extra point, courage!

Demon King Peng slowly opened his eyes, looked at the sky, and suddenly laughed in a low voice:

"Brothers, don't forget to tell me when the sky is sunny!"

"I'm going too!"

The Roc Demon King raised his head to the sky and howled, his whole body expanded even more explosively.

In the next second, I saw the body of the Demon King Peng, emitting endless light!

boom! ! !

All the monster power, flesh and blood, soul, and true spirit of the Demon King Peng were all used as raw materials for self-explosion.

At this moment, in front of the gate of the world, as if the pause button was pressed, the world was dead silent, and even the sound disappeared.

Everyone can only see the endless light, like a nuclear explosion, raging in front of the gate of the world!

It's like a space where countless wind blades and flames are intertwined at the fastest speed and with the greatest power,

Even Medicine Buddha's pair of hands protruding from the clouds and pawing at the door were quickly torn to pieces!

This is the blaze of all the lives of Peng Demon King exploding with all his strength, even the Medicine Buddha seems extremely humble in front of this.

Everyone in the Demon League had tears in their eyes, gritted their teeth, grief and shame, anger and hatred intertwined in their hearts!

When the storm completely calmed down, everyone looked at the gate of the world, but they were already dumbfounded.

Because, the gate of the world has been completely opened under the impact of the self-detonation of the Peng Demon King's true spirit!

fully opened,

Not only is it open, even the gate is gone!

Da Brahma was clever, and at the critical moment, he let go of the gate of the world and ran back to the Asura clan,

However, it basically has no fighting power.

However, Da Brahma laughed wildly,

"Peng Demon King, I, Brahma, respect you as a man!"

"Warriors of the Asura clan, rush in and kill all the bastards in Jingliuli World!"

The self-destruction of Peng Demon King completely exposed the world of Jingliuli to the eyes of the Asura clan.

The Asura clan couldn't bear it anymore, and the entire clan rushed in!

The Buddha Yakshas in the Jingliuli World are terrified!

At this time, something that added fuel to the fire happened!

Chu Hao brought a large number of law enforcement officers from the Law Enforcement Hall, and was flying towards the Jingliuli World.

In Chu Hao's eyes, there was a trace of killing intent that couldn't be concealed!

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