The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1068 Pharmacist Buddha, you stinky shameless, play tricks!

At this moment, Peng Demon King rushed to the gate of Jingliuli World. He exhausted all his strength and gathered it on his body.

He just wanted to break through the gate of this world directly, destroy the gate with great strength, and let the Asuras come in!

The Peng Demon King slammed into the gate of the world with all his strength. At that moment, the expressions of all the Buddhas in the Jingliuli World were very angry.

They really didn't expect that they were obviously just slaves, why did the Peng Demon King dare to jump out and resist? !

Could it be that Jingliuli World is really benevolent enough to allow the Demon League to be so presumptuous?

It seems that the evil beasts of the Demon League are really unfaithful and unrighteous. Such evil beasts should not be given a chance to survive!

However, now is not the time to talk about this...

At this moment, Demon King Roc attacked the inner side of the gate of the world with all his strength, and the entire Jingliuli world was shaken by the sensation of that moment!

Originally it was only made of colored glaze, the extremely luxurious world of pure colored glaze, under such a shock, it seemed like an earthquake, even the colored glaze on the ground seemed to be a little cracked,

And the gate of the world, which is the center of the impact, began to shake violently.

The door that was about to close unexpectedly stopped at this moment!

The gate of the world was almost closed forever, only the last gap, but because of the impact of the Peng Demon King, it stopped the trend of closing!

It was as if a flame that was about to go out suddenly ignited a little spark and revived!

The big Brahma hanging on the door shouted excitedly,

"Hahahaha! Alright, alright, open this broken door, and when I, the Asuras, enter, I will definitely make this damn Jingliuli world dead without a whole body!!"

The faces of people in Jingliuli World are all green,

What the hell, he really stopped him! ?

The auspicious king Tathagata gritted his teeth,

"Attack with all your might! Never let this flat-haired bastard open the door!"

Under the roar of the auspicious king Tathagata, the five Buddhas shot at the same time in an instant, bombarding the Peng Demon King indiscriminately!

They knew very well that if the gate of the world could not be closed, the catastrophe of Jingliuli world might be coming soon!

In an instant, the Five Buddhas shot out with all their strength to bombard Peng Demon King!

The Peng Demon King at this moment is like the Brahma that was besieged before, lonely and helpless.

But Demon King Peng gritted his teeth and didn't turn his head back. He just buried his head and prepared to continue to attack the gate of the world.

The Demon King Peng still dare not turn his head back to face the world of Jingliuli, which is as towering as a mountain. He is afraid that he will feel fear when he looks back, and he is afraid that he will bow his head again.

He has been frustrated for too long, it can be said that he can't stand up,

Peng Demon King knows himself too well. He knows that he has not had the courage to face the world of Jingliuli until now.

Even if he really wants to resist, as long as he faces the Jingliuli world, he will feel powerless.

This is because after being oppressed and enslaved for countless years, all psychological defenses have been broken and all resistance has been exhausted.

Since he was a child, his family was ruined and displaced by Xitian, and when he grew up, he was under Xitian's control and became Xitian's puppet.

The original intention of the Demon League was to be used by Xitian to subdue the powerhouses of the Yaozu, and Demon King Peng knew about this a long time ago.

It is precisely because of these that Peng Demon King is so determined, he knows that he is absolutely not enough to face the Jingliuli world,

In fact, it was because he didn't dare to face his present self anymore.

He knew that he was useless, completely useless,

This kind of helplessly watching Jingliuli World eat him, and he has become a tool to eat people in Jingliuli World, and what he eats is his brother,

Seeing myself crippled, and watching the crippled self bring the members of the Demon League to the Jingliuli world step by step,

The Peng Demon King no longer dared to face himself,

It was the reason why he didn't dare to face the Jingliuli world.

The Peng Demon King knew that he was hopeless, even after many years, he would not have the courage to face the world of Jingliuli.

However, this does not mean that Peng Demon King doesn't know how to struggle. Although he knows that he dare not face this mountain, he hopes that someone can replace him and eradicate this mountain!

This is the opportunity for the Asura clan.

If the Asura clan is not enough, outside the gate of the world, the calm and composed eyes of the fairy in white clothes also gave enough courage to the Peng Demon King!

Although this courage is insignificant and still not enough for him to attack the Jingliuli world, but this courage is enough for Peng Demon King to open the door!

Just because I dare not kill you Jingliuli World doesn't mean I can't let others come in and kill you!

Asura clan, please come inside!

With his back facing the attacks of the Buddhas in the Jingliuli World, the Peng Demon King chose not to turn his head back, and to attack the gate of the world with all his strength!

When the Roc Demon King's full attack fell on the gate of the world, the attacks of the Buddhas in the Jingliuli World also fell on the Roc Demon King,

At that moment, the whole world was plunged into the turmoil of light, it shouldn't be too scary and dazzling!

Even the attack of the Buddhas has become an impact on the gate of the world at this moment,

Inside and outside the gate, everyone is staring at the gate of the world,

When the bombardment calmed down and the magic light dissipated, everyone could only see that something unexpected had happened inside the gate of the world.

Demon King Peng, his remaining body appeared extremely weak in front of the gate of the world, like a candle in the wind, extinguished at any time,

However, he was so weak that he laughed, he endured all the injuries,

Moreover, he also sat down!

Peng Demon King looked up at the gate of the world,

The door of the world suddenly moved, not only stopped the tendency of closing the door, but also, the door of the world opened automatically!

At that moment, all the powerhouses of the Asura clan were all boiling and incomparable!

Under this double impact,

The gate of Jingliuli World was slowly opened again!

That's right, the door to the world that had been chanting the door-closing spell just now was reversed and even opened!

Brahma's head hung on the gate of the world, laughing loudly,

"Hahahahaha! Jingliuli World, you are finished, you are finished! Hahaha!"

Brahma's wild laughter made the faces of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Jingliuli World turn green.

The auspicious king Tathagata swallowed, he could only grit his teeth,

"Ready to fight!"

Even the people in Jingliuli World never expected that the door of the world was about to be closed, but it was forcibly opened!

This is something that has never happened since the last chaos in the Jingliuli world!

Even the Tathagata, the auspicious king, has nothing to do.

However, at this moment, Medicine Buddha, who had been on the top of the clouds, suddenly opened his eyes,

Medicine Buddha protruded a pair of huge arms from the clouds,

Standing on the door of the world, it is about to close the opened door of the world abruptly!

Dafan stared wide-eyed,

"Medicine Master Buddha, you shameless shameless fool!"

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