The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1067 The Gate of the World?Disintegrate them from within!

Originally, the gate of the world at this moment is basically completely occupied by the Asuras, and the next thing only needs endless Asuras to rush in,

By that time, the so-called pure land of Jingliuli World will also be completely reduced to ruins.

But no one expected that at this time, the head of the seven Buddhas of the Jingliuli World, the Medicine Buddha, would come back.

The last time when he was in Wuzhuang Temple, Shiva watched Medicine Buddha being pierced through his chest and beaten so badly that he was inhuman.

Even Medicine Buddha shouldn't be able to recover from such a serious injury so quickly.

Everyone in Asura felt extremely unwilling,

But at this moment, there was nothing he could do.

The gate of the world has been recited the spell of closing the door, whether you like it or not, the closing of the gate of the world has completely become a settlement.

All the people of the Asura tribe were kicked out of the gate of the world. Under the protection of Medicine Buddha, no one will be able to pass through the gate of the world.

The people of the Asura clan were unspeakably unwilling, roaring furiously outside the gate of the world,

But Da Brahma still gritted his teeth, holding the door of the world firmly, even if the door of the world was closed, he still held the door of the world wide,

It doesn't matter whether you are firm or not, Da Brahma simply knows that the current self has no way to prevent the door from closing,

But he still insisted on holding the gate of the Great World, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, Brahma wanted to watch the Jingliuli World be slaughtered!

This kind of obsession caused Da Brahma to be very ferocious even if he knew that he would be crushed once the gate was closed, holding the gate with gnashing teeth!

How could Brahma be reconciled if he didn't see the world of Jingliuli being slaughtered?

However, at this moment, the gate of the world is slowly closing, and no one can stop it.

Everyone can only watch the door of the world close.

However, at this moment, a tall figure suddenly stood out among the already desperate members of the Demon League. It was the Peng Demon King!

The Peng Demon King took a deep breath, staring at the gate that was about to close, and staring at the gate of the world, the group of Asuras who were full of killing intent and wanted to rush in and kill.

Everyone in Yaomeng looked at Demon King Peng, they seemed to have noticed something,

Peng Demon King sighed in disappointment,

"Brothers, I am the one who brought you to hell, I am the one who is sorry for you, no matter how much I say, it is my cowardice that caused you..."

"Until now, I still don't have the courage to go to war with Jingliuli World, but... that doesn't mean I can't do anything!"

Everyone in the Demon League seemed to sense something, their eyes widened, and they screamed in surprise:

"Great Sage King, don't be impulsive!"

"If we keep the green hills, we don't have to worry about firewood. We still have a chance. Only by living can we have hope!"

"Yeah, we don't have a chance now, but we will definitely have a chance in the future!"

The faces of everyone in the Demon League were full of nervousness and worry, but the Peng Demon King turned a deaf ear to it, and just shook his head and let out a sad laugh.


It is precisely because Peng Demon King knows that he has no chance and no chance of winning if he wants to attack Xitian, so he still feels inferior until now, unable to resist,

He is the one who knows the strength of Xi Tian the most, and also the humbleness of himself the most.

A small amount of dust is not enough to shake a mountain, and Demon King Peng knows this better than anyone else.

In other words, if you miss this time, the Demon League will become a slave of the Western Paradise forever, and become that group of monsters who are like walking corpses.

The tragedy of my own clan will happen to me, and it will also happen to all the people of the monster clan in the future.

It is precisely because the Peng Demon King is aware of this point that he knows that no matter how humble he is, he must do something.

Even if you don't have the courage to swing a knife at the world of Jingliuli, you can't sit still!

As long as Peng Mowang closes his eyes, he can see the scene where his parents, sisters and brothers blew themselves up in front of him just now, and moths rushed to save the world of Jingliuli.

Those scenes were the motivation that drove Demon King Peng to stand up!

At this moment, even though Peng Demon King felt extremely inferior and fearful, at this moment, he had no way out.

He still has no confidence and no confidence.

In this state, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to play a role.

But at this moment, the Roc Demon King caught a glimpse of the white-clothed fairy who flashed by outside the gate of the world.

At this moment, the gate of the world has been closed until there is only a gap left.

The Pure Glass World is about to close, and the Asuras will never have the chance to attack Xitian.

Everything seems to be falling into despair at this moment.

But at this time, through the gap of the gate of the world, Demon King Peng saw the fairy in white who was looking at him faintly outside the gate of the world.

Chu Hao, he is looking at himself!

In the bottom of Demon King Peng's heart, what Chu Hao said to him before suddenly emerged,

The Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms, perhaps, is the key to his own salvation and liberation!

At this moment, Demon King Peng's eyes finally became firm, as if the cloudy sky was suddenly pierced by a ray of light, and everything became sharp and firm at this moment!

The Peng Demon King didn't hesitate any longer, he suddenly flapped his wings and flew high, the speed was unparalleled!

And the direction that Peng Demon King is going is the gate of the world that is about to close and is about to win the victory for Jingliuli World!

The Buddha and the Yaksha generals in Jingliuli World didn't react at first.

After all, the Demon League has already defaulted to be their slaves. Since they stepped into the gate of the world, no one has taken them seriously.

Because they really can't play a big role, they can't turn the sky.

But at this moment, seeing Peng Demon King rushing towards the gate of the world suddenly, Auspicious King Tathagata suddenly screamed,

"Stop him quickly!!!"

The Auspicious King Tathagata finally figured it out, this damn Peng Demon King is planning to come here!

The panic of the auspicious king Tathagata instantly infected everyone in Jingliuli World, and they suddenly seemed to understand why the Peng Demon King was so sudden,

Because, the Peng Demon King intends to break open the door of the world from the inside!

It's not impossible for this to happen. The world gate of Jingliuli World has been opened from the inside before.

But that was a very long time ago, and that crisis mainly broke out from within, and was quickly suppressed.

People in Jingliuli World have always thought that how could such a well-hidden thing leak out, and what went wrong!

Why did this Peng Demon King know how to destroy the gate of the Jingliuli world from the inside? !

Kui Mulang sneezed silently on the sidelines. I have to say that he didn't expect to come to this point either.

The Peng Demon King has indeed changed.

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