The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1045 On the day the door opens, treat me to Brahma!

At this moment, everyone in the Demon League was escorted forward like prisoners with chains on their feet.

This is a scenario they never imagined.

They even thought that they would be welcomed to the West Paradise, become Buddhas and ancestors, aloof,

But today's scene is completely opposite to what they imagined, because now they have ropes tied to their feet, like miners who are about to be sent to the mine,

No dignity, no future at all.

If it were the previous members of the Demon League, they would have already felt hopeless,

But although everyone in the Demon League is furious in their hearts, they have endured this humiliation,

Under Chu Hao's on-demand broadcast, they had already seen Xitian's attitude towards them, and they already knew that what Xitian did to them was to enslave themselves.

This scene at this moment is just to dispel their last luck.

Everyone in the Demon League has naturally lost all hope for Xitian, and they also know that if they can't resist tonight, they will surely usher in a life of humiliation that is more painful than death.

There was a flame burning in the eyes of everyone in the Demon League, just waiting to ignite the sky under the bright moon at the most critical moment.

Boy Bailian has been following behind the members of the Demon League, but he always feels that the members of the Demon League are more coaxed than he imagined,

Why haven't you resisted until now, could it be that you have been obediently tamed?

Boy Bailian is a smart boy after all, so he quickly suggested to Da Ri Tathagata:

"Dari Tathagata Buddha, I think something is not right. These monsters seem to be waiting for something. Could it be that they have an ambush on the road?"

"Why don't we hurry up, and if there is an ambush, we can catch him by surprise."

Da Ri Tathagata glanced dissatisfiedly at this unrestrained, arrogant and rude Bai Lian boy,

For Bailian Boy, Da Ri Tathagata has resentment in his heart,

Da Ri Tathagata was relegated to a place like the five turbid worlds on the spot just because Zen Master Wuchao died, for no reason;

And even though Boy Bailian brought a huge loss to Xitian, but because his master is a saint, he can be arrogant and domineering until now.

Even now, he still has to point fingers in front of him.

Da Ri Tathagata had sensed the aura of evil spirits at first, and planned to rush on his way, but when he heard Bai Lian boy's gesticulating and domineering voice,

Da Ri Tathagata looked dissatisfied, but said lazily:

"The boy's words are wrong. If there is really an ambush, wouldn't the urgency be a trap?"

"We are near the gate of the world, and there are all strong people waiting, just follow the steps and take your time. Don't get confused."

I just don't listen to you silly boy, how about it?Is the saint boy awesome?

Of course, Dainichi Tathagata didn't show that on his face.

When Bai Lian boy heard this, he couldn't help but look a little ugly, he didn't expect Da Ri Tathagata to dare to refute himself like this,

Boy Bailian thought to herself that what she said was for the good of Xitian, just for the smoothness of this trip, what's wrong with that?

This big day Tathagata actually targeted me! ?

Boy Bailian was furious in his heart, but he snorted coldly, "Since Da Ri Tathagata is so determined, it's better not to have any accidents!"

Da Ri Tathagata sneered, but waved his hands and said:

"Don't worry about it, boy."

Guanyin Bodhisattva is watching something very wrong. These two people are holding guns and sticks. Isn't this delaying things?

But Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't dare to say anything more, even if Dainichi Tathagata said just now that he had a so-called ominous premonition, but being tormented by Bailian boy like this, it is now useless to Dainichi Tathagata.

This group of people walked more slowly, and no longer speeded up.

This made everyone in the Asura clan who were secretly planning to be overjoyed.

Is this so cooperative?

Originally, he was still worried that if he attacked by force, it might be difficult to get benefits under Xitian's strict preparations.

Especially near the gate of the world, there must be a group of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas guarding first.

But Boy Bailian's reminder made everyone in Xitian slow down, as if deliberately creating an opportunity for everyone to attack.

The four-handed and four-headed devil headed by the Asura clan smiled ferociously, holding a scarlet long sword in his two arms,

Even if the long sword is not out of its sheath, it seems that you can hear the shrill cry of a ghost in it.

The leader of the devil didn't wait any longer, just when the people of Xitian escorted the people of the Demon League to the gate of the world,

Suddenly, the big devil roared, and the long sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath,


The big devil's long sword was out of its sheath, and it suddenly slashed into the sky,

Suddenly, it seemed as if a crack had been cut out of thin air,

A scarlet legal space instantly unfolded, enveloping Xitian and everyone in the Demon League!

The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha looked around in horror, and he suddenly found that his whole body had turned into a scarlet hell!

The Great Sun Tathagata is familiar to the Buddha, this is the scene of Avici Hell!

Dainichi Tathagata exclaimed, "Damn it, Abi Sword of the Asura Clan, ambushed among us!"

The exclamation of Da Ri Tathagata instantly frightened everyone in Xitian and Yaomeng.

They have never seen such a terrifying scene. After all, this is Abijian's legal domain, but it is not that simple.

Everyone in Xitian felt a terrible sense of oppression in the space of Abi Sword's domain.

They were trapped in the legal domain transformed by A Bijian, with no light in sight.

The lights and shadows in the sky are all those tortured ghosts, densely packed, horrible, without interruption!

The deafening sounds were all screams, and even the mighty heart was a little shaken here, not to mention that everyone present, that is, Da Ri Tathagata, had seen this legal space.

Boy Bailian was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. After all, he was still a boy, and he had never experienced such a terrifying scene before.

What's more, there is still a killing intent coming at any time in the legal space of A Bijian!

The Tathagata roared angrily,

"Asura clan, you demons dare to ambush us! Aren't you afraid of our liquidation?"

"Leave here, and spare you not to die!"

However, at this moment, a gloomy and cold voice sounded from behind everyone in Xitian,

"Since my Asura clan dares to do something today, I will never let you out alive!"

"When the door of Jingliuli World opens, I will be welcoming Brahma! Hahahahaha!"

Brahma? !

At that moment, everyone in Xitian and Yaomeng felt the malice coming from behind them, they turned their heads suddenly, only to see the scene of horror!

Tall and burly, with four ferocious heads and four arms each holding a magic weapon, he is one of the four great demon kings of the Asura clan, Brahma!

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