The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1044 Wait, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

And in the distance, the boy Bailian on the ceiling of Xitian IQ finally saw that the members of the Demon League were about to set off, so he flew over and joined Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva, Bailian boy said loudly:

"Master, wait a moment, sir!"

At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is leading the people of the Demon League, and is about to fly to that side of the bright moon,

Hearing Boy Bailian's shout, everyone couldn't help but stop.

Behind Bailian Boy is King Jiang III,

Boy Bailian looked at everyone in Yaomeng, his face was full of disdain,

"Is the master going to take this group of things to the Eastern Jingliuli World?"

Boy Bailian opened his mouth, and the atmosphere on the scene became extremely tense in an instant, and the sword was on the verge of breaking out.

Boy Bailian actually called everyone in the Monster League to be this group of things, how could the people in the Monster League be able to endure this kind of insult?

For a moment, everyone in the Demon League cursed angrily:

"Our Demon League was invited by Xitian to go to the world of Jingliuli to become a Buddha and become a ancestor. We will also be equal in the future. Why are you so arrogant!"

"Yes, all living beings are equal, you are just a little boy, I have endured you for a long time, what are you being arrogant about!"

"My monster alliance is also full of strong men with heads and faces. The strength of our three leaders is even higher than that of a boy like you. How dare you be presumptuous here?"

"Don't talk too much, you boy, if you have something to say, say it and fart it, we don't welcome you!"

Even though everyone in the Monster League was so excited, Bai Lian boy's face was still calm, even with a hint of sarcasm,

Bai Lian boy looked arrogant and said contemptuously:

"You people who have been hatched from wetness are not qualified to talk to me."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked puzzled, but she didn't speak out for everyone in the Demon League, she was already too lazy to comfort her.

After all, they will soon enter the gate of the world. As long as they go to the Jingliuli World, everyone in the Demon League will be trapped, and there will be no room for struggle.

So Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is not even lazy in perfunctory appeasement.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva just looked at Bailian boy and said doubtfully:

"Boy Bailian, what's the matter?"

Bailian boy said loudly:

"Master, to tell you the truth, I have never been relieved of these wet-born eggs, people with hair and horns."

"In addition, in the past few days, I always feel that these evil animals seem to be planning something, and they are all very quiet. I am here to remind you, don't take it lightly."

Hearing this, everyone in the Demon League secretly changed their expressions, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Guanyin Bodhisattva glanced at everyone in Yaomeng, just sneered,

"They have to dare..."

Boy Bailian suddenly took out a long rope and said arrogantly:

"That can't be done. These things are rebellious for no reason. They never respect heaven and Buddha. A group of animals who don't understand etiquette, they shouldn't be allowed too much freedom."

"My master gave me this rope. As long as I tie it, even half-step quasi-sages can't escape. If I lend it to the master, I only need to tie their feet so that they won't run away."

In front of everyone in the Monster League, Bailian boy threw out the rope in his hand,

Guanyin Bodhisattva took the rope and looked at everyone in the Demon League.

Everyone in Yaomeng was shocked, they didn't expect Xitian to be so wary,

Obviously they didn't expose anything, but this boy Bailian stood up and wanted to tie them up!

Although looking at Bai Lian boy's small head, it may not necessarily be that he has the ability to predict the future or the power of observation.

Maybe he just wanted to humiliate the members of the Demon League, but he made some mistakes, which happened to make the members of the Demon League lose their ability to move.

Everyone in the Monster League was shocked,

Changyou and Hujiao looked at each other and roared angrily,

"We went to Jingliuli World to become Buddhas and ancestors. This is what the Buddha promised us. Why should we tie our feet up!"

"Yes, we will also be Buddhas and Arhats in the future, and we are not slaves. I am a quasi-sage, and a scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

Everyone in the Demon League also roared in extreme resistance. Whether it was out of resistance for tonight or out of dignity, they didn't want to tie this rope.

However, Boy Bailian sneered arrogantly,

"I can't help you!"

"Master, listen to me, let them tie this rope quickly!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little hesitant, she didn't know if there was a need to do so,

Moreover, if he wanted to forcibly tie the ropes to everyone in the Demon League, he might be helpless.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at the Great Sun Tathagata next to him,

Dainichi Tathagata, who had been silent all the time and was reciting Buddhist scriptures, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of vigilance,

"I feel an uncomfortable breath, I'm afraid, there will be changes tonight!"

"You members of the Demon League, don't resist, fasten the rope, otherwise, you don't have to go back alive tonight!"

The tyrannical coercion of the Great Sun Tathagata made everyone in the Demon League at a loss for a while,

Everyone in the Demon League was secretly surprised, what is the so-called uncomfortable breath of Da Ri Tathagata.

But only the eyes of the three quasi-sages, including Peng Demon King, had a gleam of light. They all knew what the breath that made Da Ri Tathagata feel uncomfortable,

The three leaders exchanged glances, nodded,

Their task is to open the world door of Jingliuli World, there must be no variables in it,

If you resist Xitian here and the door of the world cannot be opened, it will ruin the big event.

Peng Demon King took the initiative and said:

"Brothers, let's cooperate a bit and tie the rope. Anyway, we can have a clear conscience."

Changyou and Hujiao also nodded.

Although the members of the Monster League were somewhat resentful, they obeyed the orders of the three leaders and tied the ropes one after another.

But the words of Dainichi Tathagata also made Guanyin Bodhisattva feel uneasy,

"Dari Tathagata, who do you think will come?"

Although Dainichi Tathagata just had an intuition, he said firmly:

"Needless to say, it must be those evil demons of the Asura and Demon Race!"

"Hurry up, before it's too late!"

With the urging of Da Ri Tathagata, the Xitian people also hurriedly escorted the Yaomeng people with ropes tied to their feet to go to the sky.

Not long after they left, a group of strong men including the Asura clan flashed past in the darkness,

Looking at the team of Xitian and Yaomeng, a tall man with four heads and four arms headed by the Asura clan stared at the bright moon,

The corners of his mouth gradually rose.

The Asura clan and other strong men followed quietly, they were just like life-seeking ghosts in the dark night, silently.

And in the night sky behind them, Chu Hao pointed at the Asura people and said to Monkey King:

"Hey, today I'll teach you an allusion. The mantis, the cicada, and the oriole are behind, and they eat everything!"

"If you walk in the future, you can't be used by others."

Sun Wukong nodded again and again, he has learned and learned, and he will be able to walk with a black heart in the future.

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