The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1040 Murder pays for life, this revenge is not avenged, I hate it

Kui Mulang took the risk to say about the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of Huaguo Mountain just now, naturally not because of fun,

He could also feel the furious killing intent and powerful cultivation of Sun Wukong,

Kui Mulang thought to himself that he was just a little Taiyi, and fighting with Monkey King would only lead to death.

Kui Mulang is not a fool, and he doesn't want to find this excitement. He said this, and he has another purpose.

Monkey King was furious, and the golden cudgel had already hit Kui Mulang,

Kui Mulang didn't dodge or dodge, just stayed where he was, very frankly,

"If that matter is related to me, it doesn't matter if I'm beaten to death by the Great Sage."

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel did not fall down after all, it just stopped in front of Kuimu wolf's forehead, just a hair's breadth away,

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, his eyes widened with anger,

"What's going on here, tell me quickly!"

Kui Mulang sighed,

"You don't know something, Great Sage, this matter is like this..."

"Since I descended to the realm 500 years ago, I was forcibly subdued by Xitian. They took my divine seal and secretly went to the heavenly court to mobilize the heavenly soldiers and generals,"

"Empress Xitian used my sigil to arbitrarily mobilize heavenly soldiers and generals, pretending to be hunters, and intentionally slaughtered Huaguo Mountain."

"Later I heard that Xitian summoned the Seven Monsters of Meishan to strangle Huaguoshan..."

Sun Wukong's eyes became redder and redder, and he was about to go crazy.

Sun Wukong closes his eyes and sees the miserable thought of his own monkey grandson, gritted his teeth in pain, his veins bulged,

He remembered that the Seven Monsters of Meishan had also said it before, and now they all match up,

The Heart of the Western Paradise, how vicious! ! !


Monkey King roared up to the sky, not too crazy, the whole world trembled and mourned for it.

Sun Wukong also suddenly thought of Guanyin Bodhisattva's way of sacrificing the two children just now, which was very natural and didn't take it to heart at all.

The anger of Monkey King is unstoppable!

Kui Mulang waited silently by the side, with helplessness on his face,

As for why Kui Mulang brought up this matter, this is Kui Mulang's own thinking.

Kui Mulang wanted to help Chu Hao and make Monkey King and Xitian more enmity, so that Chu Hao could control more of Monkey King.

Kui Mulang's shrewdness belongs to the shrewdness of officials and generals, just as he has endured under Xitian for 500 years.

He wanted to help Chu Hao, but he wanted to use his own way to help Chu Hao make up for what he didn't expect, or what Chu Hao didn't want to do.

For this reason, Kui Mulang will unscrupulously tear open the wound of Monkey King, and add oil and vinegar to it, making Monkey King more angry,

Let Chu Hao do things better. As for the consequences, Kui Mulang voluntarily bears them.

Otherwise, he would not risk being beaten to death with a stick to remind Monkey King of this matter.

Sun Wukong's fury could not be stopped, he raised his head to the sky and screamed,

After a long while, Monkey King's fury slowly fell silent.

Kui Mulang sighed beside him, but secretly reminded:

"Great Sage, you don't need to be impatient. Now that you have the help of the emperor, revenge is by no means hopeless."

"Just endure and wait for the outbreak."

The anger on Sun Wukong's face gradually subsided, but it wasn't silent, it just settled in his heart, and the anger was accumulated over time!

Kui Mulang breathed a sigh of relief,

Standing in front of a furious Daluo Jinxian, especially the Monkey King, the fear must be said.

But Kui Mulang didn't regret it either. He needed to strengthen his hatred for Sun Wukong, so that Sun Wukong would lean more towards Chu Hao,

For this reason, Kui Mulang is ready even if he sacrifices his life.

When Sun Wukong calmed down, Kui Mulang said:

"Great Sage, it's time for us to return to our lives."

Sun Wukong took a deep breath, stared at Kui Mulang, and suddenly asked:

"Who gave the order!"

Kui Mulang frowned, unexpectedly for a while,

"My lord, what did you say?"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth,

"Let me ask you, who gave the order! Destroy my Huaguo Mountain, torture and kill my monkey grandson, which Buddha, which Arhat!"

"Even if there is no emperor to help, my grandson will definitely seek revenge!"

Kui Mulang was speechless, and was stunned for a while,

I screamed in my heart that it was bad, I miscalculated!

Obviously, Kui Mulang still underestimated Monkey King. He thought that Monkey King would be the same as himself. After realizing that Xi Tian was strong, he would obediently forbear.

But I didn't expect Sun Wukong to be so stubborn. Not only did he not bear it, but he wanted to directly ask who gave the order!

For a while, Kui Mulang gritted his teeth, thought for a long time, and then exhaled:

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you say it."

"This matter is unanimously approved by the Buddhas of the Eastern Pure Glass World! And the one who gave the order to me is General Fazheluo, one of the twelve Yaksha generals!"

Kui Mulang secretly sighed in his heart, he knew that things were out of control,

It is true because Kui Mulang didn't know that Sun Wukong's character was so tough.

However, Kui Mulang just shook his head,

No matter how resentful Monkey King is, Monkey King will never be able to open the door to the Jingliuli World,

He will never try to open that door in his life, and General Nava Zheluo is not a weak person, I am afraid Monkey King will never want to take revenge in his whole life.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of burning killing intent, but he still looked at Kui Mulang and said:

"Let's go, let's hand you over to the emperor first!"

Monkey King's face is full of pain, but there is more fury. Monkey King's personality has never been oppressed by the majesty of the West Heaven!

Soon, Monkey King brought Kui Mulang back to Chu Hao,

Guanyin Bodhisattva was surprised, did not expect Monkey King to come so quickly?

Shouldn't the two sides fight for hundreds of rounds, and then fight until Kui Mulang pleads guilty in the heavenly court?

Afterwards, Xitian reaped Kui Mulang's loyalty again, but the speed now was unexpected.

But thinking about Sun Wukong's strength, it's normal.

However, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva always felt that there was something wrong with Sun Wukong's eyes, and the murderous aura in the vagueness was not too frightening.

I went out for a trip, did I come back after eating explosives?Why are you so angry?

But Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't get entangled anymore, and took Kui Mulang with one hand, saying:

"This Kuimu wolf has a special status, and let me hand it over to the heavenly court."

"Sun Wukong, pack up, save the two juniors, and take Tang Sanzang on the road."

That's what he said, but Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to take Kui Mulang to join the Demon League as soon as possible, and it was time to open the sky later, so it had to be done as soon as possible.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva left, Monkey King suddenly looked at Chu Hao.

Sun Wukong's eyes were full of madness, flames were almost bursting out of his eyes, and his voice trembled a little.

"Dijun, I have something to ask!"

Seeing this, Chu Hao couldn't help sighing, as if he had foreseen it a long time ago.

"Are you going to take revenge yourself?"

Sun Wukong bowed his head deeply, clenched his fists,

"As soon as I close my eyes, I feel like my descendants are dead. I can't sleep at night, like a gnat in my throat! If I don't avenge this revenge, I will never get over it, and I will hate it! Please help me!"

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