The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1039 Kui Mulang, I will surrender with one hand!

Guanyin Bodhisattva finally accepted this cruel reality. After all, this kind of thing is not the first time, nor will it be the last time.

The best option is to accept the reality obediently.

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality,

Fortunately, for so many years, under Chu Hao's lustful power, she has already learned the way to survive, that is, the word "let"!

Let it go, isn't it just [-] merits and divine water and a demon element?

Didn't it just drop a few pieces of meat?

Let it go!

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned his head, looked at Sun Wukong, and said:

"Wukong, you set out now to rescue your two juniors. Then snatch the two children who were shamed by Baihua in the Wave Moon Cave, and hand them over to Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie."

Chu Hao and Sun Wukong frowned, their faces were full of surprise and suspicion, what was the purpose of catching other people's children properly?

Guanyin Bodhisattva explained:

"You let the two juniors take the child to set up a cloud and stand on the golden palace, not knowing what is good or bad, if you throw the child in front of the white jade steps, you will be smashed to pieces.

Someone asked who he was, so Zhu Bajie told him that he was the son of a yellow-robed goblin, and he was about to fall to his death at the entrance of the city to show the public.

When Kui Mulang heard this, he would obediently rush back to Boyue Cave, and then you wouldn't have to go into the city to fight him.

If they fought in the city, they would spray clouds and mist, spread soil and raise dust, disturbing the court and many officials and common people, making them all uneasy. "

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva speaks of great compassion, it sounds like he is saving all sentient beings.

Of course, the reason why Sun Wukong wanted to kill those two children was mainly to keep Kui Mulang safe from future troubles.

The so-called seeking Buddha and proving the Tao is to cut off the seven emotions and six desires.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is to let Kui Mulang have no worries and concentrate on going to the west to be a dog.

But Chu Hao frowned when he heard that,

"What do you mean? Throwing those two innocent children to death is your kindness from the West?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't think there was any problem, just waved his hands and said:

"Why should the emperor have the benevolence of a woman? This is because there is something to give and something to gain."

"If Sun Wukong is asked to fight against Kuimu wolf in the city, don't you know how many people will die? Besides, the child of Kuimu wolf is worthless. If he dies, he will die."

Chu Hao was so angry that he laughed out loud. Chu Hao, the two children of Boyuedong, had met before. They were a few months old, and they couldn't speak, and they never let go of any mistakes.

In the mouth of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it became a life that was given up at will in the choice, not to mention, the original intention of this Xitian was to cut off Kui Mulang's seven emotions and six desires,

Really physical severance, forced ruthlessness?

But thinking about Xiniu Hezhou under Xitian's control, Xitian doesn't care about everyone's life. After all, it's just a round of leeks, so it seems reasonable for Guanyin Bodhisattva to say this.

This should be taken for granted, don't you know how cold-blooded it is!

Sun Wukong glanced at Guanyin Bodhisattva, and just snorted coldly,

"A venomous snake stings in the mouth, and a wasp stings in the back. Both are not poisonous, but the most poisonous to a woman's heart!"

"You're going to throw those months old babies to death? How heartless, how stinky, shameless, bah!"

"My old grandson will never do such a shameless|cruel thing, I will fight myself!"

Monkey King turned around and left without saying a word of nonsense to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was furious,

"Damn it, it's treasonous, I gave you money, I gave you money!"

Chu Hao slapped Guanyin Bodhisattva with a slap,

"The most poisonous woman's heart, crawl."

Guanyin Bodhisattva just felt aggrieved, and really didn't know that the reaction of the two of them was so great.

But for Guanyin Bodhisattva, this matter is obviously very normal. In the concept of everyone in the Western Paradise, even in the concept of most gods and Buddhas,

It's normal to sacrifice two children!

There is nothing to resist, it is not massacre of cities and countries.

But Sun Wukong turned his head and came to the sky of Baoxiang Kingdom,

Monkey King just released his breath, but before he even said a word, he suddenly saw a figure flying up from the bottom,

Feeling Monkey King's aura, Kui Mulang came forward on his own initiative.

Sun Wukong had never seen Kui Mulang before, but at first sight, he frowned,

"Are you the one who snatched the princess and captured my two younger brothers? In the name of Emperor Gou Chen, Chu Hao, I come to take you in!"

"You monster, watch and fight!"

Monkey King was about to fight, but suddenly he saw that Kui Mulang's face became strange,

"Wait a minute!"

Monkey King frowned, "What do you want?"

"You said you were ordered by Emperor Gouchen?" Kui Mulang asked.

Monkey King raised his head proudly, "Yes, brother Chu Hao's order is for me to come down to you!"

Kui Mulang raised the white flag with his backhand,

"I surrender!"

Sun Wukong: "???"

what's the situation? !

Sun Wukong: I have never seen this situation before!

If Chu Hao were here, seeing Kui Mulang's proficient French military salute, he would suspect that Kui Mulang also came through time.

Kui Mulang was very calm, and said loudly:

"Great Sage, there is no need to say too much. Since Emperor Gouchen ordered me, I will naturally surrender with both hands."

"I will go back to life with you."

Sun Wukong: "..."

Sun Wukong has been holding back his stomach since he came here from Huaguo Mountain.

Especially before Xitian secretly dispatched heavenly soldiers and generals and the Seven Monsters of Meishan to destroy Huaguoshan and slaughter the monkeys and grandchildren.

Sun Wukong was already furious, but now he has no way to go directly to Xitian. Firstly, he has no strength, and secondly, he has no way out.

So Monkey King only hopes for a fierce battle to release the fighting spirit in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this Kui Mu wolf didn't even fight, and he surrendered directly when he heard Chu Hao's name!

This is called Monkey King scratching his head and scratching his head, and he went crazy for a while.

But Kui Mulang said helplessly: "Great Sage, don't struggle anymore, you and I are both pawns of Xitian, there is no need."

Sun Wukong looked puzzled, "By the way, you little monster, you have always been a great sage just now. I have never introduced myself. How did you know that?"

Kui Mulang smiled wryly,

"Not only do I know that you are the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago, but I also know that you went back to Huaguo Mountain before."

"Sun Wukong, we are not without origins."

Sun Wukong's face was full of doubts, and he shouted: "You little monster, what kind of person are you, what is your relationship with me, how do you know so many things about me, tell me quickly!"

Kui Mulang stared into Sun Wukong's eyes for a long time, then Kui Mulang suddenly said:

"The person who slaughtered your monkey monkey grandson in Huaguo Mountain is the heavenly soldier and general who was transferred in my name!"

When Sun Wukong heard it, his anger erupted like a volcano, and he was extremely furious.

When he thought of the corpse of the monkey grandson lying on the ground in Huaguo Mountain, he was furious and gritted his teeth.

"It turned out to be you, I want to kill you, to avenge my monkey monkey grandson!"

Sun Wu was in a panic, so he wanted to rush over.

Kui Mulang quickly waved his hand, "Take your time, although it is in my name, it has nothing to do with me, I am also a victim."

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