The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 104 I think this General Thunder has a big problem!

Ananda, Kasyapa, and the Tathagata Buddha who was peeking from a distance were so angry that they went crazy!

I Cao, this one? !

Is there such a thing as a lunch break in Heaven?

In other words, how can you be so arrogant as a thunder general and want to take a lunch break?Do you think you are the prison god? !

Ananda and Kasyapa knew that they could not create any more complications.

If the young man who was caught by the thunder really went to take a lunch break, wouldn't he miss this big node?

Immediately, Ananda reminded: "General, I see that you are in a hurry, did something happen?"

Lei Jiang scratched his head, his face full of bewilderment.

"Me? In a hurry?"

"It's okay. Where did you see it? Could it be that I didn't sleep well last night?"

"Yes, it must be that I was late from get off work yesterday. It's abominable that I worked overtime!"

Lei Jiang stared blankly at Ananda and Kasyapa, and tilted his head. He always felt that today was very inexplicable.

Ananda and Kassapa were so angry that the roots of their teeth itched, and their hearts were so angry that they breathed fire.

I already reminded you to take out the distress book, you [mother is still on hold, are you okay with me? !

No, we can't let this dude see that we are here to save the book.

Kassapa pointed at the South Heaven Gate with great compassion,

"Just now, I saw that many wounded people were carried away from Nantianmen. Did something happen?"

Kasyapa was afraid that the reminder was not in place, so he added, "Is there some monster making a big fuss?"

Kasyapa almost didn't say directly, your uncle, Monkey King is causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, please bring out the book for help!

However, Lei Jiang was still bewildered and looked outside the Nantian Gate.

The battlefield there has not been cleaned up yet, and it is a mess.

General Lei shook his head: "This group of lads are not active in overtime work, and they have brain problems."

Ananda blushed with anger, there is something wrong with General Lei, I, Cao, did I ask you to pay attention to other people's overtime work? !

I'm telling you, now Monkey King is causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, so hurry up and hand over your distress letter to the Lord!

"It's lunch break. The two venerables will leave if they have nothing to do." Lei Jiang suddenly came back to his senses and smiled sarcastically.

Lei Jiang's shyness made Ananda's anger erupt all of a sudden!

"My mother!" Ananda couldn't hold back anymore, and grabbed Lei Jiang.

Lei Jiang was taken aback, and looked at Venerable Ananda in horror, "My lord, what did I do wrong? Please shake me!"

Kassapa hurriedly grabbed Ananda and tried his best to persuade him, "Venerable Ananda, calm down, calm down!!!"

Ananda came to his senses, quickly put Lei Jiang down, called Amitabha, and apologized quickly.

Lei Jiang looked aggrieved, "I... I just came out to give something, and I didn't offend His Holiness, why did His Holiness humiliate me?"

Ananda was so angry that his teeth itched again, and he cursed in his heart, "Does your mother know that you want to send a distress letter?"If you don’t take it out, I will save you now!

Lei Jiang seemed to be awakened by his own words, and suddenly slapped his brain,

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm here to deliver a distress book!"

"That's right, the monster monkeys are making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and they have already approached the Lingxiao Palace. Now it's a mess inside. I'm here to shake people!"

Ananda, Kasyapa, and the Tathagata Buddha who was hidden in the distance were so stupid that they cried.

Is this person out of his mind?

How did you get into the 36 Thunder Generals? Did you get in because of your innate brain damage?

How about forgetting about his physical speed!

Fortunately, Ananda Kassapa held back his anger.

Ananda held out his hand with a smile on his face, "Bring it here?"

Get the help book and it's over, so you don't have to face this idiot!

However, General Lei scratched his head suddenly, "I, Cao, I forgot to take it."

The faces of Ananda and Kassapa froze instantly, and their eyes widened.

The flowers in the hands of Tathagata, who was holding flowers and smiling in the distance, fell to the ground with a clatter.

I've been here for half a year, now you're telling me you forgot the stick?

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Fortunately, General Lei's call for help was delivered.

This should be regarded as heaven asking for help, no matter!

The general trend is irreversible, and it’s okay to change small things!

Ananda Kassapa hurriedly said with righteousness and sternness:

"What! You mean the monster monkeys are causing chaos and making trouble in the Heavenly Palace? I am compassionate in the Western Heaven, and the Buddha will definitely come and subdue the monster monkeys!"

"That's unreasonable! Just wait, Venerable Kassapa and I will go over and trap that monstrous monkey right now!"

Then, Ananda and Kasyapa rushed into the arena without even looking at General Lei.

They really didn't dare to stay any longer, God knows what stupid things this General Thunder will do again.

Moreover, Ananda and Kassapa were also afraid, what happened to Chu Hao.

"Hey, there's no need to... um, run so fast?"

General Lei wanted to stop them from saying a few more words, but he didn't expect the two venerables to run so fast.

Ray will be scratching his head, boy, so aggressive?How did the western world suddenly become so friendly?

General Lei looked at the time and couldn't help frowning: "It's only half past the lunch break, these two damned lords!"

When Ananda and Kassapa heard this from a distance, they were so angry that they almost fell down.

If you [Mom] took it out earlier, it would be fine!


At this moment, inside Tongming Hall and outside Lingxiao Palace.

Sun Wukong stood up, with traces of drunkenness on his face, but after exchanging glasses with Chu Hao, he completely forgot about the incident of making a scene in the Heavenly Palace.

When Ananda and Kasyapa rushed to the scene, they saw Chu Hao and Monkey King shaking hands to make peace.

The scene was so harmonious that Ananda and Kassapa almost thought it was a peaceful meeting between the leaders of the two sides. Why did they even drink wine! ?

Bewildered, completely bewildered!

Ananda and Kasyapa looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment they didn't know what to do.

The current situation has clearly exceeded the estimated situation.

The two looked at each other and communicated secretly, no matter what, Sun Wukong must not be allowed to escape today!

Sun Wukong didn't know the arrival of the two big Luos yet, so he said drunkenly:

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, the flat peaches of the Jade Emperor have always been so sweet, and it was the same when I ate them secretly. By the way, by the way, I almost forgot."

Sun Wukong took out several flat peaches and stuffed them to Chu Hao, and said in a low voice, "This is what I left from the last time I made a big fuss about the flat peach victory. Let's fight with each other, you take these things."

Chu Hao couldn't laugh or cry, "If you don't take it or take it, wouldn't it be a bribe if you take it? Besides, it's useless to give it to me. Why don't you give it to the little monkey from Huaguo Mountain to become immortals together? Wouldn't it be happier? "

Chu Hao was very moved. This Monkey King knew how to repay his kindness, and even hid the flat peaches for himself, and they were all 9000-year-old flat peaches.

Sun Wukong thought about it, so he also hid the flat peach, but gave Chu Hao a golden pill backhand.

"You should accept this!" Sun Wukong muttered.

Chu Hao took a closer look, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up, good guy, Nine-Turn Golden Elixir!

But when Chu Hao was about to decline, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming over him.

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