The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 103 Criticizing General Thunder, Annoying People Online

When Chu Hao said a word, Monkey King was stunned on the spot, and said angrily:

"Hell God, it's not that you haven't seen my Huaguo Mountain's monsters suffer disaster, and it's not that you haven't seen my old grandson being attacked by surprise. Do you know how tormented I am in the pill furnace!"

"Just like this, you still tell me that I am not at a loss? Prison God, I believe you!"

Chu Hao shook his head, "Aren't you Huaguoshan a monster monkey without loss? I saved it."

"And you, how uncomfortable it is to be in the alchemy furnace, you can be content, what cultivation level and supernatural power do you have now?!"

Sun Wukong was at a loss for words for a moment, "This...that's my old Sun Fu's fate!"

Chu Hao took out two jugs of wine and said angrily, "No, I have to tell you today, our Heavenly Court is a reasonable Heavenly Court, and we will not bully you."

Monkey King scratched his head, "Then, is my Tiangong still making trouble?"

"Take a break first, you have to catch your breath even if you hang yourself, and you can't drink a glass of wine if you make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace!" Chu Hao rolled his eyes.

Sun Wukong rubbed his nose and sat down resentfully, "It seems to be the reason, then I... have a drink! Only one drink, absolutely not too much!"

So, Sun Wukong, who had already made trouble before Lingxiao Palace, had a drink with Chu Hao outside Lingxiao Palace.

Sun Wukong has been voicing bitterness, I can't live this day, those gods and Buddhas are always bullying me, they don't treat me as a human... blah blah blah...

Over there, Wang Lingguan and Zhong Lei Jiang were dumbfounded.

"It's over, the monster monkey and the prison god who guarded the Tiangong are drinking."

"Then... the Tathagata Buddha, do you still invite me?"

"This... uh..."

"You must invite me, otherwise the event will be ruined!" Wang Lingguan immediately made a decision.

He is someone who knows about Journey to the West, if he is not invited, something big will happen!

Lei Jiang was a little confused, "Then...would it be too much fanfare, as if they have surrendered?"

Wang Lingguan gritted his teeth, "It's enough to follow orders! Go and ask for it!"

Come on, although I don't know why, General Lei can only obey orders.

No matter how cloudy and foggy it is, the work that should be done cannot escape.

Chu Hao also paid attention to General Lei who was leaving, but couldn't help but smile.

This Thunder General Chu Hao had seen before, he was Nezha's old acquaintance in the Heavenly Court, and he was the opposite of Li Jing.

Nezha has always hated Li Jing, and he is familiar with this thunder general. Later, Nezha came to work under Chu Hao.

Chu Hao also often instilled some special ideas into this Thunder General.

For example: I am very active at work, but have mental problems.

For example: Today there is more than one brick, and the boss avoids luxury cars for a day.

For example: Do people live just to go to work?Have you ever dreamed? !

After going back and forth, the young man's thinking became very dangerous, and his behavior became extremely lazy.

At that time, Chu Hao just had no intention of cutting willows, but Wang Lingguan just happened to order him to send the distress letter, which made Chu Hao surprised.

Could it be that it is so interesting in the dark?

This young man should make the western world very happy.

Chu Hao felt relieved and concentrated on drinking tea with Monkey King.


In the distance, Ananda and Kassapa had been standing outside the Nantian Gate for a long time, but they still didn't wait for anyone to ask for help.

At this moment, they are like two young men who are waiting for the baton.

It's just that they didn't know that their baton was robbed halfway.

The two have black lines all over their heads,

"What's going on? It's been a long time."

"Where is my SOS book? So where is the big SOS book!?"

"Why is this so slow? No, no matter how powerful Wang Lingguan is, it's time to come out and ask for help!"

"How about...wait a little longer?"

Ananda and Kassapa felt troubled.

It's over, won't this be an extra problem?

Farther away, the Tathagata Buddha is hidden in the clouds.

Under the golden light of the Buddha, the Tathagata Buddha's face was black.

"This damn odd number!"

"How can you rest in the middle of this havoc in Tiangong?"

Tathagata Buddha only felt that his teeth were itching and he was biting loudly.

"Why don't you just take action and suppress it?"

But the Tathagata changed his mind and thought it was not easy.

As soon as he directly intervened, the compulsion in the West has dropped a lot. Instead of being asked to do things by others, it has become that he is begging to do things for others.

Come here, he is a big brother from the west, with many causes and effects on his body, which can affect his whole body.

Tathagata just stood still.

At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha was anxious in his heart, and even directly used the Buddhist supernatural power - Tianyantong!

He saw that General Lei, who was holding a distress book, was slowly coming out of the Tongming Hall at this moment, and he looked back at the handsome figure of the prison god from time to time.

The guy in love is because the prison god is too strong, he has lost his sense of oppression, and it seems very negligent to send a distress letter.

When the Tathagata Buddha saw it, his face turned black on the spot, "Don't be a son of man, don't be a son of man!"

"If the delivery is a little slower, then Monkey King will descend directly. What should the Western world do?"

"Just let me help you!"

Tathagata was anxious and directly used his great supernatural powers.

The Lei Jiang who sent the distress letter took a step forward, and suddenly felt that the world around him seemed to speed up, so fast that he couldn't help but close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that he had somehow left the Nantian Gate.

Lei Jiang looked confused, "What's going on? Wasn't I in there just now? Why did I come out in the blink of an eye?"

Although General Lei is in the Realm of Immortal Realm, but with the method of quasi-sage Tathagata, he flies so strong that General Lei has no way of noticing it.

However, General Lei didn't care, and continued to move forward, slowly heading to the Western Paradise.

Ananda Kassapa, who had been hiding outside the Nantian Gate, was so anxious that he almost jumped out and grabbed General Lei and scolded him.

"Can't you fucking hurry up? Momojiu, are you your [mother's turtle!"

The Tathagata Buddha couldn't sit still anymore, and the voice transmitted to Ananda Kassapa's ears, "You pretend to be passing by and meet him!"

Ananda Kassapa jumped out quickly and deliberately walked past the Thunder General.

Ananda Kasyapa walked several times in front of General Lei, coming and going, just to pass by General Lei.

But the ghost knew that Lei Jiang seemed to be blind. Ananda Kassapa had worn out his shoes and even farted all the way, but Lei Jiang refused to look up at them.

Until Ananda Kassapa "accidentally" bumped into Lei Jiang's shoulder very carelessly, Lei Jiang was startled.

Lei Jiang suddenly seemed to be convinced of something, and shouted:

"Hey! Isn't this Venerable Ananda? Venerable Kassapa is also there?"

Ananda and Kasyapa: "..."

You [mom finally saw me? ! !

Is Lao Tzu a ghost?Don't even want to take a look? !

Lei Jiang was just a little lazy and lazy, especially after being instilled with so many advanced work consciousness by Chu Hao, he was like a salted fish with blackened sides.

The kind who don't even bother to turn over.

Seeing Ananda and Kasyapa, General Lei did not take out the distress book immediately, but subconsciously looked at the sun and said in surprise:

"Hey, it's noon, it's time for a lunch break!"

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