The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1024 Guanyin Bodhisattva: It's okay, I'll take a stroll!

Master Huanglong was so nervous that he knew from Guanyin Bodhisattva that Chu Hao was most likely a disciple of Jiejiao!

Naturally, the enmity between teaching and cutting off education cannot be finished in a day or two.

Although the Asura clan that Chu Hao was facing at the moment looked a bit more evil, but in all fairness, evil and enemies, if it were him, he would definitely choose to kill the enemy!

It is impossible for someone to be so just that he would even miss the chance to kill the enemy.

Reverend Huang Long only felt that he was extremely unlucky, and now Reverend Huang Long was already thinking about his funeral.

Not only the real Huanglong felt that there was no hope at all, even Guanyin Bodhisattva had closed his eyes,

She kept her mouth shut. Out of familiarity with Chu Hao, she didn't even plan to say anything about threats and lures.

Although Xitian and Chu Hao already had an agreement, Xitian hired Chu Hao to guard Xitian,

But Guanyin Bodhisattva was fair, how could Chu Hao save himself?

Chu Hao was the one who wished he could go straight to the west and kick all the three thousand Buddhas down the cesspit!

Moreover, Xitian himself has violated the agreement between Xitian and Chu Hao many times.

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt that if it were him, it would be impossible to drive away the Asura clan at this time and help Xitian.


Even the Asuras only felt that it was impossible for Chu Hao to choose to help Xi Tian.

But at this moment, Chu Hao suddenly turned his gun and pointed at Shiva with an indifferent expression.

Chu Hao's voice was full of righteousness, as if the brilliance of the whole world was gathered on Chu Hao,

"Asura clan, you evil spirits, as long as I am here, you will never want to touch a hair of a person who has traveled to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures!"

Shiva: "???"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Master Huanglong: "!!!"

Everyone present was stunned, did not expect Chu Hao to turn his gun and threaten the Asura clan? !

This is different from what is written in the script!

Daoist Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva had already planned how to die later, but they didn't expect that Chu Hao would choose to stand up, protect them, and confront the Asura clan!

Shiva was startled, and took half a step back in fright, but still collected himself, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Dijun, I hope you don't get angry, haven't you and Xi Tian always been at odds?"

"If I kill this real Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva now, Xitian will definitely be devastated by it."

"And our Asura clan has cooperated with you several times, I hope the emperor can think carefully..."

Chu Hao sneered,

"What, are you Asuras threatening me? No matter how powerful the demon is, I have never been afraid of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

Shiva was startled and waved his hands again and again,

"Don't dare, the emperor forgives me for being quick to talk just now. My Asura clan has absolutely no intention of being an enemy of the emperor."

Shiva originally wanted to use the name of Styx Blood Sea to see if he could scare Chu Hao away.

But he didn't expect Chu Hao to be so tough, Shiva softened on the spot, and didn't dare to offend the law enforcement hall at all!

The sky is pitiful, the reason why the Styx Blood Sea is so escaped now is because they know that once the Westward Journey is over, the next Styx Blood Sea will receive a fatal blow!

That's why Styx Blood Sea tried every means to fight for a glimmer of life in this journey to the West!

It is precisely because of this that Chu Hao cannot often be offended.

Originally, it was already extremely difficult to fight for a ray of life. If he offended the Hall of Law Enforcement, Styx's bloody sea would simply be washed away and hanged.

Seeing that Shiva was subdued, Chu Hao said coldly:

"I have told you a long time ago, I will cover those who travel to the West, and those who travel to the West will not be able to touch them, and neither will you Asuras!"

"Whoever dares to touch the four masters and apprentices of Journey to the West will definitely pay the price!"

"I am very supportive of the Ashura clan looking for revenge in the West, but you are not allowed to touch anyone who travels to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures!"

Chu Hao's voice was full of endless toughness, with a hint of killing intent in it.

Daoist Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva next to him were so moved that they almost burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chu Hao actually let go of his hatred with Chan, kept his promise with Xitian, and protected the Westward Journey team.

Although Chu Hao was still encouraging and supporting the Ashura clan to take revenge on Xitian, compared to the kindness that saved him, this is really harmless!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was already very moved. If she hadn't still held the jade bottle and leeks in her hand, she would have rushed up and hugged Chu Hao's thigh.

Master Huanglong's expression was extremely complicated. To be honest, he had never seen such a righteous person in his life!

At this time, he actually chose to help himself!

Obviously before this, Master Huanglong was still speculating about Chu Hao maliciously, even thinking about how he could solve Chu Hao's anomaly and calm down the chaos in the Three Realms.

Even, just now he was thinking about how despicable Chu Hao is, how opportunistic and cunning he is,

And Chu Hao's actions at the moment made Master Huanglong bow his head in shame, with indescribable shame!

He felt extremely ashamed, even ashamed, of the fact that he judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain just now!

I have practiced for billions of years, but I have not cultivated to the level of xinxing. Instead, I let a junior educate me. I am really ashamed.

Of course, Master Huanglong also knew that the camps of the two sides were different, just like fire and water were incompatible, so although he respected Chu Hao very much, he still knew his position very well.

Seeing that Chu Hao was determined to keep Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva, Shiva didn't bother him any more.

After all, she also knew that this matter was impossible to accomplish. How could a quasi-sage strong man be so easy to kill?

It may not even be possible to do a serious injury.

Shiva just wanted to test Chu Hao's attitude just now, it seems that what Chu Hao said is true,

The grudge between him and Xitian is still there, but the people of Journey to the West are also the people Chu Hao protects. It seems that they have to change their plans in the future.

The Ashura clan absolutely do not want to be enemies with Chu Hao, at least not now.

Shiva backed away slowly, and there was not much resentment on his face, but he said very seriously:

"Since the emperor has said it, I, the Asura clan, will naturally keep it in mind. Today's matter... just let it go, the emperor can come to my Styx Blood Sea to drink tea at any time when he is free. !"

The ghost mother and Lutoro took a look at Chu Hao, and had no choice but to leave with Shiva.

Their ambush today ended in failure.

People who travel to the west seem to be untouchable in the future.

This is the end of the massive hunt of the Asura clan.

At this moment, Chu Hao just turned around, looked at the real Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva indifferently,

"What are you doing?"

Master Huanglong glanced at Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Guanyin Bodhisattva hurriedly said:

"It's okay, let's go for a walk."

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