The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1023 Huanglong: It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in 1 million years

Shiva led the ghost mother and Lutoro this time, and he didn't intend to let anyone go back.

They have already planned, and if they want to take revenge on Xitian, they must plan it slowly.

Now the Styx Blood Sea is at a great disadvantage, so big that Shiva himself knows that once Xitian ends his journey to the west, there is absolutely nowhere to escape from the Styx Blood Sea!

We must take advantage of the fact that Xitian is being restrained by Journey to the West, and try our best to reduce Xitian's strength. It is best to inflict heavy damage on Xitian.

Of course, relying on the Asura clan themselves, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

However, the Asuras never planned to fight alone, they found the Demons and joined forces!

It is said that they are the demons, but in fact they are the witches Luo Nai and Gu Yang at present, and the others are nobodies, not worth mentioning.

But just one Witch Ronai is enough.

The witch Ronai formed an alliance with the Asura clan, each with their own plans,

This time, it was the witch Ronai who went alone to delay the Tathagata,

Otherwise, Styx Blood Sea would do it himself, and no one would be able to stop Da Ri Tathagata unless the Great Demon King Zi Zai Tian Bo Xun or Da Brahma came.

However, after today, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is killed, and everyone in Journey to the West is arrested, the Asuras can use this to blackmail Xitian,

Of course, these are things that come later.

Shiva stared gloomyly at Guanyin Bodhisattva and Huanglong Daoist,

"None of you can escape today!"


Shiva was a little impatient, she sensed that the breath of the Great Sun Tathagata was approaching,

If Guanyin Bodhisattva and Huanglong Daoist can't be killed now, then the Asura's plan to travel westward will fail.

Shiva gave the order, and the ghost mother and Rutoro rushed over at full speed in an instant,

Daoist Huanglong and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva felt great danger, they knew that this was definitely an attack with all their strength,

If this cannot be prevented, it will be a dead end!

Daoist Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva have already expressed their intention to retreat,

And Shiva, Ghost Mother and Lutoro also shot with all their strength,

The two sides fought, and even the air was almost shattered!

In full combat,

Immortal Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva soon became disadvantaged, not only inferior, even Immortal Huanglong's body was covered with scars.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was attacked by surprise just now, and his strength is already out of ten.

Therefore, the attacks of the three strong men of the Asura clan all fell on Master Huanglong.

Daoist Huanglong is also wronged. He was also attacked just now, and he was already somewhat unable to beat Shiva.

Now meeting with Guanyin Bodhisattva, I originally thought that the tacit understanding between the brothers and sisters of the same sect would be just right with the Asura clan.

But who would have thought that Guanyin Bodhisattva was just fishing for fish!

Even, Guanyin Bodhisattva still holds that leek in his hand!

Master Huanglong was very frantic, what time is it, why don't you throw away the leeks?

Are you in love with leeks? !

Daoist Huanglong is really uncomfortable, the fleeting time is not good!

Soon, Master Huang Long's body was covered with scars,

Three against one, true and not martial arts.

Daoist Huanglong suddenly felt desolate, it doesn't make sense, I've only been in the Three Realms for a few days,

How did it get down to this point?

My goal is to quell the chaos in the Three Realms and trample that odd number to death!

But now I haven't even seen that strange face, is it going to be cold?

It's so uncomfortable that it explodes!

Daoist Huanglong made up his mind that he had to escape, flee back to the sky, find a place to hide, cultivate him for 100 billion years, and then come down to take revenge!

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in 100 billion years!

Master Huanglong made up his mind and began to fight with all his strength.

The three strong men of the Asura tribe were all repulsed by the real Huanglong for a while,

Shiva also sensed Huanglong's intention to retreat, and she also made up her mind that she did not intend to pursue him.

After all, chasing and killing is definitely impossible to kill, not to mention that the Ashura clan has no feud with Chanjiao. The goal of the Ashura clan has always been clear, which is Xitian.

If you can't kill Guanyin Bodhisattva this time, it's the same if you turn around and look for everyone in Journey to the West.

Of course, Shiva's subordinates are still merciless. She senses that the Tathagata is coming, and she will force the real Huanglong away as soon as possible so that she can take action against everyone in Journey to the West.

As a result, Shiva and other strong people attacked more ruthlessly!

Seeing this, Master Huanglong became angry from embarrassment.

"Damn it, you Asuras are really going to form a death feud with me?!"

"Okay, I'll remember you, we're done!"

"What a supreme existence we teach, you little Styx blood sea, you can destroy it with your palm! You wait, you wait!"

After the ruthless words were finished, Master Huang Long was about to resort to a trick to escape.

However, Shiva's attack was still extremely fierce, and even for a while, the real Huanglong couldn't escape.

Master Huanglong was very anxious, and he couldn't leave Guanyin Bodhisattva behind. For a while, he fell into a passive state.

At this time, if there is a hero who can descend from the sky to save himself, how great it would be!

At this time, I suddenly saw endless righteousness surging above the sky, and the whole world became majestic and mighty!

Everyone on the field was terrified.

Suddenly looked over, but saw in the clouds, a white-clothed fairy, with a mighty righteousness behind him,

He was holding a god-killing gun, and he walked slowly, step by step, like a stroll in the garden!

At that moment, the hearts of the three strong men of the Asura clan tightened, and they were extremely nervous.

At the same time, Daoist Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva also felt tense in their hearts, feeling very nervous.

The one who came was the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms, Emperor Gouchen, Chu Hao!

However, whether the comer is an enemy or a friend, no one on the field has an answer.

Whether it's the Asura clan or Xitian, Chu Hao doesn't seem to have any cards here. No matter who Chu Hao hits, it seems possible.

After all, Chu Hao never came out according to the routine, no one would guess.

Chu Hao didn't speak, just walked in the air, slowly walking towards the people fighting in the field.

Regardless of whether it was the Asura clan or the real Huanglong, they all involuntarily chose to cease fighting and looked at Chu Hao nervously.

Shiva had seen Chu Hao last time, and Shiva had always been very afraid of Chu Hao's strength and insidiousness.

Shiva took the initiative to speak, and stared at Chu Hao as if facing an enemy,

"Shiva has seen the emperor, and I led two demon generals to hunt and kill the people who traveled to the West under the order of the ancestors. I will never be an enemy of the emperor. I also ask the emperor not to interfere."

Highlight a polite one.

Master Huanglong's face was extremely ugly, it didn't make sense, Shiva scolded him the first time he saw him, why did he respect Chu Hao so much?

Everyone is quasi-sage, why?

Daoist Huanglong and Guanyin Bodhisattva were extremely nervous,

They were afraid that Chu Hao would really listen to the Asura's bewitchment. If Chu Hao also joined the battlefield and attacked him,

They are sure that they will die today!

On the other hand, if Chu Hao pointed his sword at the Asuras, they would be able to live today!

Chu Hao dominates the life and death of both sides!

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