The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1008 Crazy for the king, crazy for the king, banging against the big wall for the king

When General Gongpiluo heard this voice, he was very ashamed and angry, and roared,

"Which bastard dares me to humiliate me?! Don't you know that the Buddha cannot be humiliated?!"

"Get over here, no matter who you are, I will make you fall into the endless purgatory and suffer endless torture!"

General Gongpiluo is amazing at the moment,

A half-step quasi-sage is definitely not weak in any place, especially this is just a mortal world, and this is just a mere journey to the West.

Who can challenge a half-step quasi-sage like General Gongpiluo?

Don't you see, even the most powerful Monkey King in Journey to the West is nothing more than the Daluo Jinxian,

Counting all the members of the sutra learning team, it is not enough for General Miyavira to have a few rounds!

What's more, this is still in Baoxiang Country, which is under the management of Jingliuli World.

They have the final say on everything, even if everyone in Journey to the West is to fall into purgatory, it is just a matter of his words, and no one can do anything to him.

"Tang Sanzang, you don't need to look around, no matter who comes today, they can't save you!"

"This Baoxiang Kingdom, I have the final say in the Jingliuli World. No matter who is here, a dragon will be coiled here, and a tiger will be lying down here!"

General Miyavira is so confident and even proud,

He just wanted to make Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice feel hopeless, and he wanted Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice to give up resistance completely, so that they could go on the road obediently.

However, General Gongpiluo saw that the expressions on the faces of Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice seemed a little strange.

Those were the eyes that General Gongpira had never seen in his life, how to say that kind of eyes?

It's like looking at a fool.

General Miyavira: Is it my illusion?How could anyone dare to belittle me?It should be an illusion.

Tang Sanzang: "This god will be a fool, the identification has been completed."

Zhu Bajie sighed and shook his head, "Aren't there any normal people under Medicine Buddha? He wouldn't even look back and say such stupid things."

Sha Wujing just shook his head, and there was a little pity in his eyes, which was caring for mentally handicapped children.

And the many common people who resisted in front of Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice did not know it at all.

They just thought that the white-clothed fairy who was slowly flying over behind General Gongpiluo was so handsome!

The people of the poor Baoxiang Kingdom have never seen such a handsome fairy, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

All their strength was instantly softened in front of the coming Immortal in White,

The faces of all the common people were filled with happiness that they had never experienced before, especially those Huaichun girls, who were holding their chests with indescribable obsession,

"Ah! How could there be such a handsome fairy in this world? This, this is unrealistic! Could it be that I am in a dream?"

"Little girl has been living in the purgatory of the world all her life, and it is extremely difficult, but the moment I saw the white-clothed fairy, I realized it!

To be able to see this side of Xianjun, even if it is to live a lifetime in purgatory on earth, so what? "

"I finally know where the Paradise of Bliss is... it's right here, the place where there are immortals is our Paradise of Bliss!"

"Is Xianjun a good man|wife? Can you be a good mother and daughter? Xianjun takes a look at me, I am willing to do whatever you want, just take a look at me!"

"I didn't expect that in just one day, there would be two heroes who saved the world, the hero who destroyed the Guangming Temple, and the hero who saved my world from collapse with his face!"

It's not because the people of Baoxiang Kingdom haven't seen the market, it's because the number one beauty in the Three Realms is beyond everyone's imagination.

As long as it is a person, even if it is not a person, it will be fascinated by that fairy's peerless appearance.

Sure enough, no matter where the people are, they are all color control, one counts as one, all of them are.

The people of Baoxiang Kingdom have been completely immersed in the beauty of the white-clothed fairy who is slowly flying over, and they even forgot to resist General Nagong Piluo for a moment.

For a moment, General Gongpiluo only felt the burning of anger, and became angry from embarrassment!

He deliberately descended in person and suppressed all the people, just to make these people fall into despair and let them sink|reduce to the endless purgatory,

But all of them didn't cooperate at all, and they didn't even know what kind of existence they saw, and they came back alive from despair in an instant.

Not only did he come back to life, but he became irritable!

Especially those girls who are crazy about you, crazy about you, and banging against the wall because of you!

General Miyavira was furious,

"I want to see what it is, it dares to touch me, I want him to die..."

While General Gongpiluo was speaking, he turned around to show off his majesty to the people coming,

However, when he turned around, he saw a handsome fairy dressed in white looking at him indifferently.

With just one glance, General Gongpira's eyes widened instantly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he lost focus, as if he had been frightened out of his wits, and he stood there dumbfounded, not daring to move.

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth was raised, with a smile that was not a smile, and walked calmly in front of General Gongpiluo,

"You said you wanted me to die just now?"

The expression on General Gongpira's face froze for a moment, he only felt that his heart was like a wild donkey that had run loose, jumping around like hell!It almost jumped out of my throat!

The appearance of the visitor really made General Gongpiluo feel that the whole world lost its color,

But General Gongpira paid more attention to the indifferent face of the white-clothed fairy, that smile that seemed to be a smile,

How can General Gongpiluo not know the identity of the visitor,

"The law enforcement prison gods of the Three Realms, Emperor Gou Chen, Chu Hao?!!!"

General Miyavira screamed in horror, the weight of the words in his mouth made even General Miyavira kneel down in an instant.

It's as if Chu Hao's name has indescribable magic power, which can make General Gongpiluo unable to kneel down!

Chu Hao smiled faintly, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Well, it's me, and you still know me, very good."

The expression on General Miyavira's face was uglier from crying than laughing.

Not only did he know Chu Hao's identity, he also knew...

It's all over!

I'd rather see the devil cry than the prison god laugh!

The prison god smiles, life and death are unpredictable!

General Gongpiluo could not have known that in front of him was a devil with the most righteous spirit among the three realms and six realms!

Chu Hao's cruelty to Xitian is not only known by Xitian Paradise,

The entire Three Realms and Six Paths were terrified of Chu Hao!

The reason why General Gongpiluo knows what Chu Hao looks like is because of the biggest conflict between Jing Liuli World and Chu Hao.

It is not so much a conflict as a beating.

Just a while ago, Medicine Buddha dragged his body and almost crawled back to the Jingliuli world.

The whole Jingliuli world was terrified, never seen Medicine Buddha so miserable!

Before Yaoshi Buddha fainted, he showed Chu Hao's appearance with his mana, and yelled that sentence through gritted teeth,

"Chu Hao, you and I are sworn to death!"

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