The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1007 All go to purgatory?Chu Hao: Continue to be arrogant?

Although Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were working hard and exchanging injuries for injuries,

However, despite the suppression of strength, there is no way to stop General Miyavira.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were lying in the huge pit of Guangming Temple, but their faces were full of struggles.

Zhu Bajie gritted his teeth,

"Our handsome master, how could this damn Yaksha general take him away!"

The black and red light in Sha Wujing's eyes flickered, "Master, hurry up, let's stop this beast!"

However, General Gongpiluo waved his hand and released two golden lights, binding Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing tightly.

General Gongpira sneered,

"You are defeated, you can't even break free from my mana, and you still want to save your master?"

"Tang Sanzang fell into the devil, and you are also responsible. Later, you will let me go to the west together, and the Buddha will make you pay the price!"

General Gongpiluo waved his hand, and the Buddha's light shot towards Tang Sanzang, his master and his disciples.

Tang Sanzang, the master and his disciples couldn't resist at all, they all collided, and were ruthlessly pushed down on the ruins of Guangming Temple by Buddhism.

At this moment, General Gongpiluo is just like a high-ranking winner, walking towards Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice indifferently and arrogantly.

The people who have been watching the battle in the distance have just seen the Guangming Temple being smashed into ruins by Tang Sanzang himself.

Including those who do a lot of evil and wear cassocks | Beasts are all killed in it,

The people were so happy that they all danced and danced, as if they were about to cry!

Even, one by one started to tell each other, spreading the news that Guangming Temple, the bandit den, was destroyed,

Everyone just wished they could grow two more legs, so that they could spread the good news all over the country!

However, the people watching at this moment saw that the Yacha general had subdued Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice, and it seemed that he was going to take away Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice!

At this moment, the people of Baoxiang Kingdom were a little restless,

"The three monks from the Tang Dynasty wiped out the bandit den of Guangming Temple. He is our hero! Don't take him away!"

"Damn it, damn it!!! Why do these animal | living Buddhas, animal | beast generals, they only protect the bad people, but they want to clean up the good people!"

"A good person will be tied up by them to the west for questioning? What kind of bullshit is this!"

"Damn it, I don't care! I swore that as long as the Guangming Temple can be destroyed, I can die with it! Now someone wants to kill my hero, and I will not agree to death!!!"

"Brothers, right and wrong, the Buddha has no right to say, we are here to defend this justice!"

"Come on! Protect those Tang Dynasty monks, even if you die!"

When the first person rushed out, it was like the Yellow River flooded.

Countless onlookers seemed to be insane, and rushed to Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice.

They spontaneously blocked Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice behind them, and built a city wall for Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice with their flesh and blood!

Those who hold salaries for everyone, can't let them freeze to death in the wind and snow!

And what Tang Sanzang, the master and his disciples did not only pay for everyone, they wiped out the biggest den of official bandits in Baoxiang Kingdom!

What this has done is to clean up the universe for the entire Baoxiang Kingdom and get rid of the biggest cancer for all the people!

No matter how ignorant people are, they all know that such heroes are truly worthy of their praise and protection.

It is not comparable to those golden Buddhas that are placed in large temples, with golden light all over their bodies, asking people to donate merit money, and asking people to burn incense!

Therefore, at this moment, the people of Baoxiang Kingdom awakened. They stood in front of Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice with a hideous face and monster appearance, protecting them.

On the opposite side of them is the aloof Buddha who was once placed in the temple and was worshiped by endless incense!

General Gongpiluo saw these people dare to stand in front of him, but he snorted coldly, his face was full of coldness,

"Sinners, you are born dirty and filthy. There is Guangming Temple to confess your sins for you, and there is a Buddha for you to worship. How dare you make a mistake here?!"

Among the people, some people rushed out filled with righteous indignation, pointed at General Gongpiluo and shouted:

"Let you|you|damn Chunqiu fart! You|he|he|mother was born dirty and filthy, just you bastards from the Western Paradise who come to exploit the people every day with slogans of compassion!"

Under the release effect, the people released all their grievances at this moment, even if they were in front of the Buddha they once worshiped.

At this moment, a group of people pointed at General Gongpiluo and cursed, cursing out all the grievances in their lives,

"You damned Buddhas, sit in the Buddhist hall and force all living beings to believe in you. If you don't believe or doubt a little, let them fall into the endless purgatory!"

"You guys are more shameless than bandits! But you still hold up the slogan of compassion and crossing people, ah bah!"

"Hey! What about the God General, what about the Buddha, what about the Infernal Purgatory! With you here, the world is a purgatory. We have lived in the Infernal Purgatory for so many years, so what are we afraid of!"

"The monks from the Tang Dynasty today killed the Guangming Temple for us. This is a blessing for the common people. You still want to arrest them?! How is the Buddha different from a tyrant?"

"You open your eyes and look at those ugly faces. The wicked are waiting for your grace, but the good are begging for your forgiveness! You are still a fart Buddha, and this Buddha is disrespectful!"

At this moment, the common people have completely let go, even confronting General Gongpiluo with swords!

They lived in this hell on earth all their lives, and now Tang Seng and others came to rescue them from hell, but someone wanted to kill their hero, how could they agree!

No matter how horrible purgatory is, can it be worse than this world?

Seeing that these people don't respect him now, General Gongpiluo dared to speak nonsense in front of him, and even turned swords against him!

At that moment, General Gongpira only felt that he had received a huge insult, and became angry from embarrassment, and roared:

"You lowly and despicable creatures are born heinous, you should repent, and you should go to the endless hell to suffer endlessly!"

"It's my Buddha's mercy that gave you a chance to redeem. How dare you come here to act wildly in front of me, even if you don't want to repent, don't respect God and worship Buddha?"

"Today, I will make you perfect, and let all of you fall into the endless hell forever and suffer endless punishment!"

General Gongpiluo was really angry, endless Buddha light surged from his body, but the Buddha light was covered with endless karma,

As long as this Buddha's light is hit on all the common people, they will be taken in by the Infernal Purgatory of the Western Paradise, where they will suffer endlessly!

General Gongpiluo roared and shot out a cloud-like Buddha's light, and roared ferociously:

"All go to hell!"

The eyes of the people were tearing apart, and they were so angry that they wanted to grit their teeth, but no one wanted to retreat!

However, just when the people thought that everything was about to end, an indifferent voice sounded from heaven and earth,

"Little domestic dog, how dare you run wild here?"

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