I really became a prince

Chapter 444 The Progress of Luofu Cave

In the king's tent, the generals of the two governments, eight departments and three battalions, Kerhan Eight Banners and the newly formed Five Elements Banner stood there silently.

No one made a sound, only the sound of Jiang Yi flipping through the letter paper in the whole room.But although they didn't make a sound, the expressions of all the generals were a little weird.

It's just that they are all holding back, looking at each other from time to time, with an expression of "you know", like Wang Daniu who is too free and easy, and even winking there from time to time.

The words "Mrs. Ye" are really very meaningful. After the previous battle that determined the pattern of Western Xinjiang in one fell swoop, the words "Mrs. Ye" have long been known by everyone.

Not only in Xijiang, but even in the imperial capital of Dali, it is regarded as an after-dinner talk, and is talked about with great interest.

Of course, their prince's name of "Folding Flowers" was also spread along with it. In short, Prince Yi Jiang Yi's lustful reputation is well deserved.

Moreover, the method of "folding flowers" is too domineering, or arrogant, so it has also been reviled by many people.

But in the eyes of the generals in Xijiang, this is nothing, or nothing at all.

Jiang Yi looked down with the letter in his hand, without any expression on his face. Although there were only three pieces of paper, he read them very carefully.

In the whole king's tent, there is one person who suffers the most, and that is Tuo Xiaoliu.

Tuo Xiaoliu came all the way from King Yi's Mansion in Kongtong Mountain, bumping all the way, his whole body felt like he was falling apart, the pain was unbearable, at this moment he wanted to find a place to sit there without hesitation.

But she didn't dare. In the entire king's tent, except for Jiang Yi and Guojun King Jiang Huan who were sitting, the rest of the generals were all standing there respectfully, how could she dare to sit there.

He could only stand there obediently, with his eyebrows lowered, his hands restlessly rubbing the corners of his clothes back and forth, not daring to lift his head.

He was even more sad in his heart, and really couldn't understand why the eldest aunt sent her here. If he had a choice, Tuo Xiaoliu really didn't want to face his cold-faced prince alone.

But she knew that she couldn't run away this time, and she felt a little embarrassed when she thought about her aunt's private orders when she came here.

Serving daily life... These four words are too meaningful, this is the duty of the housemaid, and she herself is absolutely unwilling.

But someone is willing, and even looking forward to it all the time, and that is Jiang Xue.

"This dead girl doesn't know how to panic..."

Thinking of Jiang Xue holding her resentful expression before leaving, as well as her seductive little eyes, Tuo Xiaoliu couldn't help but tui secretly.

Especially the sour and explicit words made Tuo Xiaoliu's face even hotter.The prince who kept asking himself how he hooked up with him was still groping his body, tsk-tsk...

If it wasn't for the fear that it would be heard by his prince, Tuo Xiaoliu wanted to tell the other party on the spot that he would not be greedy for his prince's body, let alone serve a wolf with his body.

Because all these are forced, I am not willing at all.

"But how did that girl find out?" Tuo Xiaoliu thought of a question, and wondered if he rubbed his cheeks vigorously every time he finished work?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously raised his right hand and touched his face, secretly said: I'm afraid my mouth will be tired again these days...

Tuo Xiaoliu thought of some scene for a moment, and was in a daze while touching his warm cheek.

When I was in a daze, I suddenly felt that something was wrong around me. I looked up and found that all the generals in the king's tent were looking at me.

"What... what's wrong?" Tuo Xiaoliu didn't know what happened.

But no one answered her. Dozens of generals gave her a meaningful look and then retracted their gazes, their expressions all stiffened.

Subconsciously, he turned his gaze to Jiang Yi who was sitting upright, and what came into his eyes was a cold face, dark and cold.

It's over, it seems that the black-faced evil spirit has been angered again... Tuo Xiaoliu couldn't help but began to tremble.

"This king is so scary?"

How do you say that?Tuo Xiaoliu lowered his head.

Seeing Tuo Xiaoliu's cowering look, Jiang Yi couldn't help but burst into anger. It was obvious that the other party was thinking wildly there, but he had an expression of how much he had been wronged.

"Cough...Xiao Liu, the prince asked you to go down and prepare some meals."

Fulong, who was standing behind Jiang Yi, said something with a smile on his hands.

Only then did Tuo Xiaoliu understand what was going on, he hummed lightly with his head down, turned and walked out, then suddenly remembered something, turned around and bowed his knees to salute, and then hurried out of the king's tent.

"If you don't say that this female family member can't follow into the barracks."

Jiang Yi said something angrily, and all the generals in the account nodded in agreement, with expressions of understanding.

It stands to reason that women's family members are not allowed to accompany them in this military camp, but there are exceptions. For example, the emperor does not always travel with a few concubines as companions. It is not out of the ordinary for his own prince to do so, and no one will compete with it.

Jiang Yi also felt that what he said just now was a bit reluctant, coughed dryly, and waved: "Let's leave first, the siege plan at midnight tonight is temporarily cancelled."

"But don't slack off, stay in combat readiness!"

Dozens of generals all bowed to their orders, and filed out of the king's tent one by one.

"But what has changed?"

Guojun Wang Jianghuan didn't follow him out. After looking at the folded letter paper, he asked aloud.

Jiang Yi nodded, and didn't show the secret letter to the other party, but just nodded and said: "The Dog Food Dynasty probably has a lot of plans in this Hanshan City..."

Jiang Huan, king of Guojun, said, "You should think about it carefully. I'll go back and rest first. I'm old and my energy is gone."

After finishing speaking, he took Mo Ruhai out of the king's tent without further questioning.

He knew it well, to put it bluntly, he was just an outsider, involved in important secrets, and it was the wisest choice to stay out of the matter.

Only Jiang Yi and Fulong were left in Wang's tent, Jiang Yi was quietly lost in thought, and Fulong was standing beside him silently.

"Oh, it seems that a bloody killing is inevitable..."

Jiang Yi sighed, and took out a piece of translucent paper as thin as a cicada's wing from the envelope, which looked like a map, and then turned his palm over, and another map of the same size appeared in his hand.

The first one came with the secret letter, and the latter one was obtained when he killed the maid beside Mrs. Ye.

Jiang Yi aligned the two maps one above the other and put them together, then stared at them without moving.

Fulong didn't avoid his eyes intentionally, after staring at it for a while, he said in surprise, "This...is this Hanshan City?"

Jiang Yi nodded. When he got the first map of Luofu Dongtian from the maid, Jiang Yi thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't understand it. He didn't know what the map pointed to. Now it seems that the map is incomplete. .

But Mrs. Ye Qingling thought of the love of master and servant for many years, and couldn't bear to bury the dirty maid like this. When she was tidying up her clothes, she found this map that was tightly attached to her underwear, and there was also the method of opening Luofu Cave.

Then it was handed over to the eldest aunt Jiang Ning. At this time, Jiang Yi had only set off for a long time. Jiang Ning thought that there would be time, and she had a trip to Tuo Xiaoliuhan Mountain City.

It is true that she wanted Tuo Xiaoliu to serve Jiang Yi with the army, and now she is a little afraid of her younger brother, for fear that she will accidentally bring back a few more.

After Mrs. Ye, Prince Yi's Mansion can no longer have this kind of sexual news in a short time, otherwise it will really damage the image of Prince Yi's Mansion.

Besides, Jiang Yi didn't hide Fulong's intentions, so he gave the secret letter to Fulong. Fulong looked at it for a while, his expression became more and more dignified, and after a while he raised his head and said shyly:

"Luofu Cave? How many 10 people must sacrifice blood to open it?"

Jiang Yi nodded and said, "I just don't know if there are so many people in Hanshan City..."

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