After listening to Lu Fan's report, Jiang Yi fell silent, and the entire king's tent became completely silent.

Fuquan's intelligence organization Yingge submitted the information Lu Fan just mentioned a few days ago, which is one of the reasons why Jiang Yi was a little hesitant.

The performance of the Dog Food Dynasty is really a bit abnormal. Now the soldiers of King Yi's Mansion are approaching the Hanshan City, but there is no movement at the Hanshan Pass.

It's normal not to send troops to rescue. After all, some time ago, Prince Yi's mansion used siege to fight for aid, which caused the Quanshi Dynasty to lose a lot of soldiers and horses. It is also reasonable for the opponent to hide in Hanshan City for defense.

But the strange thing is that Hanshanguan has a pitifully small number of troops at this time. According to Yingge's information, there are only about 10 people.If it is Moyu Pass, Heishui Pass, and Niangzi Pass, it is nothing. After all, they are all famous dangerous passes. As long as they are dispatched properly, 10 people are enough to withstand hundreds of thousands of troops.

However, Hanshan Pass can only be said to be a small pass to protect the city, and the big formation is not very strong. 10 people are simply not enough.

Stretched troops?This seems to be the only possibility. After all, Hanshan Pass is far away from the core hinterland of the Dog Food Dynasty, and the climate is harsh. If you want to travel a long distance and dispatch an army, it will not be possible to complete it in a short time.

But Jiang Yi quickly vetoed it. The Dog Food Dynasty definitely has more than this amount of troops in the area around Hanshan Pass. Just talking about the dozens of large and small military towns near Hanshan Pass, the scattered troops may not add up. less than a million.

Although some of them were wiped out by Jiang Yi before, there are still hundreds of thousands of troops. This is also the most weird thing. The hundreds of thousands of troops stand still, and there is no sign of rushing to help.

"Maybe it's a trick of suspicious soldiers, deliberately holding back the soldiers to make us afraid?" Jiang Xuehen asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yi was noncommittal, but looked at Lu Fan: "What news did you find?"

Lu Fan said: "There is one more thing. The general has informed Yingge that Yingge has sent people to spy on it. I believe there will be news soon."

Jiang Yi nodded, and was about to say something, but Fuquan's voice came from outside.After getting permission, a plain-looking man walked in, and it was Fuquan who controlled Yingge.

Although he looks mediocre and doesn't even practice martial arts, no one in the entire king's tent dares to underestimate this person.

"Can you spy clearly?" Jiang Yi asked aloud.

"Returning to the prince, the spying is clear. The total strength of Hanshan Pass and the dozens of military towns around it may be close to one million. All of them are stationed in each military town and stand still. There is no movement of rushing to help Hanshan Pass."

"The weirdest thing is that the nearly one million troops are fighting on their own, and there is no one commander who controls the overall situation."

No coach?All the generals in the king's tent were taken aback.

You must know that if there is no commander-in-chief, if the war comes, it will be a mess, and each will fight independently, which is a big taboo for military strategists, but the Dog Food Dynasty did it like this.

This is an army of nearly one million, and the commander cannot be appointed at will. He must have enough prestige in the army to be able to deter all soldiers and horses, otherwise he will also violate the taboo of military strategists.

Just like the hundreds of thousands of troops gathered at the foot of Hanshan City, Yiwang Mansion is under the Eight Divisions of Xijiang, the Five Elements Banner, the Pioneer Camp, the Loyalty Camp, the Marching Yamen, the Kerhan Eight Banners, the Black Water Eight Banners, and the Pro-Military Camp. They do not belong to each other. , except for Jiang Yi, no one else has such a great prestige to control these soldiers.

So Jiang Yi came and sat under Hanshan City in person. Only in this way can they be twisted together and not be scattered.

Jiang Yi pondered for a while, looked at Fuquan, and said, "What news did you find out?"

Fuquan shook his head and said, "Go back to the prince, I only found out so many." After speaking, he felt a little distressed, because of this intelligence news, he lost several backbones of the intelligence system.

Jiang Yi tapped the armrest of the seat with his right hand again, and all the generals waited quietly.

Is it because of the reason for the deployment of suspicious soldiers, to attract the main force of Yi Wang's mansion to attack Hanshan Pass, or is there an internal change in the Dog Food Dynasty like the Baiyue Dynasty?

Jiang Yi couldn't figure out what was hidden in it, but he knew that what Prince Yi's mansion should do was to fight steadily and consolidate the benefits it had obtained so far.

Thinking of this, Wei Bi's eyes suddenly opened, and said: "Send the order, and attack the city at midnight tonight!"

That night, the entire Hanshan City was extremely quiet inside and out. Except for the occasional neighing of war horses, there was no noise from any personnel, and it seemed that everyone had fallen asleep.

Originally, there was a lot of wind during the day, but at night, the wind didn't move, and all the battle flags that were fluttering in the wind all hung down.

In Hanshan City's guardian mansion, a man who looked only in his 30s was sitting there, and said softly, "It seems a bit too quiet tonight."

Below it sits several lieutenant generals, all of whom are burly and full of beards, which is also the iconic appearance of cannibalism.

"Are you ready?" the man asked, and after getting affirmative answers from the next few people, he nodded and said, "Then let's do it!"

The next person hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, Prince Yi just arrived at Hanshan City today, if you don't wait any longer, maybe the other party will rush to Hanshan Pass in a few days."

The man known as the emperor shook his head and said: "Don't wait, let's launch it tonight before Prince Yi arrives and it's too late to make arrangements."

"However, the opponent may choose to attack Hanshan Pass. Then we will be successful. We can even go straight to Huanglong and take the Moyu Pass and other three passes..."

The person next to him became more and more excited as he talked, including several other people, because they all knew what it meant to win the Moyu Pass, Niangzi Pass, and Heishui Pass.

It means that they can use the three levels to form absolute strategic suppression, and they can even gallop the Middle-earth world, causing the entire Middle-earth world to be cut open under the iron hoof of dog food.

After all, the Dog Food Dynasty is not comparable to Yi Wang's Mansion. As long as they are willing, they can mobilize millions of troops to gather at the three passes. Without the Dali Dynasty without the Moyu Pass, the entire hinterland will be completely exposed to the soldiers of the Dog Food Dynasty.

This is very tempting. The young emperor was a little moved, but thinking of another purpose of this trip, he shook his head slightly and said: "Don't wait, this battle must not be lost, pass on the order, ring the cloud arrow After lift-off, the army will kill them!"

Jiang Yi always felt a little uneasy in his heart. This kind of unknown battle situation made him very uncomfortable, and he always felt that he was out of his control.

And he faintly felt that the Dog Food Dynasty seemed to be planning some big move, and he couldn't help sighing softly: "I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle."

At this moment, Jiang Yuan walked into the king's tent and reported: "My lord, my aunt sent someone to send an urgent confidential letter, saying that it was sent by my wife."

Jiang Yi was taken aback, madam?What madam?

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a while, and seemed to feel that his expression was not clear, so he could only bite the bullet and go further: "It's just... Mrs. Ye."

Jiang Yi suddenly felt a little strange in his heart, what is Ye Qingling looking for urgently?

When the person who delivered the letter came in, Jiang Yi's expression sank, and he said with a somber face, "Where's the letter?"

Tuo Xiaoliu, who was already a little timid, trembled from the roar, as if he had encountered some man-eating monster, trembling, he fled an unopened letter from his arms.

Looking at Jiang Yi, an unknown fire rose in his heart, and he didn't know why he was like this every time he saw Tuo Xiaoliu, and he couldn't suppress the fire in his heart.

Tuo Xiaoliu was not much better, she was terrified of Jiang Yi from the bottom of her heart, and said with tears: "My aunt asked me to come, saying that the prince has no one to take care of me, so let... let me serve you." The prince lives..."

"Nonsense..." Jiang Yi said something, then stretched out his hand and said, "I haven't brought the letter yet."

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