I really became a prince

Chapter 425 Prince Yi's Rebellion

Especially after the power of the Ye family in Boling grew, many of the nearby branches of the Dali royal family became more dissatisfied. It was just that Jiang Zhenyi killed too much in that purge back then, and completely suppressed these close branches of the royal family. branch.

In the final analysis, it was too easy for Jiang Zhenyi, the emperor of Dali, to come to the position too easily. Although he had gone through a bloody purge and firmly controlled the power, he could not really convince the hearts of the people.

Just when the entire Dali Imperial City was immersed in the panic of two angry shouts, dozens of horses galloped out from the Dali Imperial Palace, and rushed in all directions of the Dali Imperial Capital.

Not long after, a group of dignitaries began to gather at the Dali Palace, because the Dali Emperor was mainly holding an emergency court meeting.

Sensitive people have already guessed the reason for the emergency court meeting. Even those who are a bit behind in the news can vaguely guess something from the few words of their colleagues around them.

On the way to the palace, all the dignitaries in the court looked a little heavy, and they just nodded when they met each other, and then walked towards the Dali Palace in a sullen manner.

There are also some people who are gloating in their hearts, because they know that Prince Yi, who has risen like a comet, will be in trouble, and if he fails, he will be deprived of all his lords and all his military power.

When Jiang Mo, Prince Yi who was anxious, walked near the palace, he met Jiang Li, Prince Rui, and wanted to go forward to say something, but he didn't know how to speak when the words came to his lips.

Jiang Li said softly: "Walk one step at a time, play by ear." After speaking, he took the lead to walk into the palace.

Jiang Mo always felt that he should do something at this time, so he lingered near the palace. Along the way, many dignitaries came in a hurry, and they all just nodded their heads before rushing towards the palace.

Until the muddleheaded prince Jiang Huan was ushered in, Jiang Mo wanted to continue to say something before presenting the ceremony, but Jiang Huan shook his head lightly and walked over with a sigh.

Only Ning Donglai, one of the leaders of the eight major armies, stopped when passing by, but his face was full of bitterness: "My lord, let's find out what happened first, alas... If that's the case, the old man is afraid It's hard to protect myself..."

Prince Yi, Jiang Mo, was speechless when he heard the sound, and then he remembered that the grandson of the old army leader in front of him was serving under the command of his imperial nephew...

Then came Wu Yaohou Ji Shuyi, his face was much more relaxed, because his concubine Ji Jingzhi was expelled from the house by him, so he would not be too deeply involved in this matter.

Prince Yi, Jiang Mo turned his head and looked around, but finally he could only let out a long sigh, and walked quickly towards the Dali Palace.It wasn't until then that he suddenly realized that although his imperial nephew had risen like a comet, he basically had no connections in the imperial capital of Dali. In the future court hall, few people would stand up to speak for him .

However, this may also be an important reason why the other party can rise rapidly in just a few years. If they really have close contacts with the dignitaries of the Dali Dynasty Hall, they may be suspected, and they will not rise so quickly. Still fledgling.

The atmosphere of this emergency court meeting was very depressing, and a little heavy, making people breathless.

After everyone entered the court hall, they lowered their heads slightly, walked to their own positions, and stood there quietly without looking sideways. The entire court hall was silent.

Because the current emperor, emperor, and queen have already sat there and waited.

The emperor Jiang Zhenyi was better, but his face was a little gloomy, but he was still calm.As for Empress Ye Xinmei, she no longer had the slightest grace and luxury of the mother of a country, and her complexion looked a little hideous.

After all the people who were supposed to come arrived, Emperor Jiang Zhenyi slowly protruded a word: "Read!"

The great eunuch Pang Xuan who was standing beside him carefully opened the secret folder in his hand, stepped forward and read:

"Chen Yang Liujiao kowtowed to the emperor at the pass of the Eastern Demon Region..."

But before he finished reading, he was interrupted by a voice, and Jiang Zhenyi shouted: "Just read the last one!"

The great eunuch Pang Xuan gave a sound of caution, and didn't care to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead. He directly took out the last secret booklet and continued to read: "Prince Yi Jiang Yi retreats and rejects 30 troops from the East Demon Region Pass..."

Hearing this, the meritorious dignitaries in the court thought secretly: Sure enough!This is similar to what they guessed, that Prince Yi really did not obey the edict, but what Pang Xuan said immediately made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they only heard Pang Xuan continue to read:

"Prince Yi, Jiang Yi, brazenly mobilized his troops to besiege Ye Xiangtian, the general soldier of the Eastern Demon Region, and at the same time, the Wenzong Mansion under Prince Yi's mansion besieged the Zongmen Mansion's mountain gate... and beheaded Ye Zongbing and tens of thousands of followers in the mountains. At the foot of Mount Dong, all the more than [-] monks of the Zongmen Mansion were executed..."

After reading this, Pang Xuan, who was unprepared, was already sweating profusely, and his voice began to falter. As for the entire court, everyone stood there blankly, because they all guessed wrong. Instead of obeying the decree, they rebelled completely!

Yes, openly mobilizing troops to besiege and kill the imperial envoys is no longer as simple as resisting the decree, but openly supporting troops to stand on their own feet, which is no different from rebellion!

"How dare he!"

"He just didn't leave any retreat for himself..."

There was no sound in the court hall, but everyone's heart was full of turmoil, and the few people who knew the secret back then were even more panicked.

It is not surprising that a mere prince rebelled, but it happened to be in the strategic location of the Western Frontier Demon Pass, and that Prince Yi's life experience is extremely special. into turmoil.

They had already expected that Prince Yi's rebelliousness, but they never expected that he would really dare to openly raise an army and stand on his own, and killed so many people at once, there was no room for maneuver at all.

However, Pang Xuan's secret book was not finished yet, and he continued to stumble a bit and said: "Prince Yi appeared outside the East Demon Region... Yang Liujiao and other generals dismounted and knelt down to Prince Yi in vain Before, 30 troops were all under the command of Prince Yi's Mansion..."

Pang Xuan finally finished reading and retreated quietly to the corner before he dared to lift his cuff and wipe his forehead.

"Let's talk about it, how to deal with this matter." Jiang Zhenyi didn't show any other emotions from the beginning to the end except for a gloomy expression.

"What else is there to discuss? This is already a blatant rebellion. We should immediately send troops to quell the chaos and retake the Demon Pass!" Empress Ye Xinmei couldn't bear the anger in her heart any longer, she stood up and said harshly.

Prince Yi Jiang Mo wanted to stand up and say something, but was stopped by Jiang Li who was next to him. Jiang Li shook his head slightly, signaling him not to act rashly.

"I agree with the empress's proposal, and I am willing to lead the army to quell the rebellion!" An old army leader stood up and echoed.

"My minister disagrees. The Moyu Pass is the barrier of our Middle Earth Dynasty. I am afraid that sending troops rashly will give the foreigners outside the pass an opportunity to take advantage of it. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run..." The birth was another old soldier, Tou Yishan.

At this moment, there was a burst of notification from outside the court: "To the emperor, Prince Yi Jiang Yi has a petition to present!"

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