I really became a prince

Chapter 424 thoughts of all parties

As two shouts of anger came out of the imperial capital, the entire imperial capital of Dali was immersed in an inexplicable depression, even those who whispered in teahouses and restaurants were all silenced.

When the lord got angry, his corpse floated thousands of miles away. One of the two voices belonged to the current Emperor Dali, and the other belonged to the current empress.

Everyone was secretly wondering what happened to make the current emperor and empress so angry that they couldn't even control their emotions. This was the first time in this dynasty.

Ning Donglai, one of the leaders of the eight major armies of the Dali Dynasty, was planning to take a rest, but was so startled by these two voices that he lost his sleepiness. He stood on the steps of the courtyard and stared in the direction of the Dali Emperor's Capital, his eyes uncertain.

"Master, what happened here?" His wife came out wearing a coat, obviously awakened by these two voices.

"I don't know..." Ning Donglai looked in the direction of the Forbidden Palace and shook his head.

"The emperor and the empress are all furious today, and the matter is probably not small." His wife felt a little uneasy, because every time the emperor became angry, a group of people from the Dali Dynasty would suffer bad luck.

"It's getting late, you should go to rest early." Ning Donglai turned around and said.

His wife nodded, turned and went back to the room, leaving only Ning Donglai standing under the night sky.

"Are you still taking this step after all?" Ning Donglai turned his gaze to the west, with some worry in his eyes.

Counting the days, these two days are the date when the 30 troops of the Boling Ye family and the sects outside the world will arrive at the Moyu Pass in the western border, and the current emperor and empress are all furious, and it is very likely that they are the same as those in the western border. It is related to Prince Wei Yi.

As for what Prince Yi did, he couldn't guess, but the most likely thing was that he refused to obey the order, retreated and refused the imperial army to leave the pass, even if he didn't take any further actions, it was no different from rebellion.

At the same time, the thirteenth prince, Prince Yi, Jiang Mo, the eighth prince, Rui, Jiang Li, Wu Yaohou's Ji Shuyi and other court dignitaries were all awakened by Jiang Zhenyi's and Ye Xinmei's angry screams.

To be able to ascend to a high position, they are all sensitive people. After a little thought, they vaguely guessed something. They all looked at the direction of the Western Frontier Demon Pass, and their hearts were slightly disturbed.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother, your son is really capable of tossing..." Prince Yi Jiang Mo murmured with a wry smile.

Prince Rui Jiang Li also looked at the direction of Moyuguan with a solemn expression. He had already seen that his nephew Prince Yi was definitely not someone who lived under others for a long time, and he would take this step sooner or later.

Jiang Hai, the eldest son of Prince Su, was in a different mood at this time, a little envious and a little frightened, he really couldn't figure out how his cousin would have the courage to take such a step, and now he might be really offended How would that royal grandfather end up?

The confused prince, Jiang Huan, also got up from the Yingying surround after hearing the two angry shouts from the Forbidden Palace, and waved everyone away, his cloudy eyes flashed brightly, and his face was gloomy and uncertain.

But after a while, there was a long sigh.

"The royal family of Dali has been peaceful for decades, so is there going to be another disturbance?"

He is a staunch supporter of the current emperor, and he looked at everything that happened in Duan Wang's mansion back then, and even faintly hoped that Duan Wang's mansion would be completely suppressed, only in this way can the throne be passed on smoothly.

But after all, he was born in the royal family of Dali. Seeing that the most favored prince under the emperor's knees is not at all the appearance of a hero, and Prince Yi Jiang Yi has risen like a comet, shining in every storm, showing an unparalleled decisive and ruthless.

So he hesitated at the last moment, stood up on behalf of the Dali royal family, and stopped the current queen and the sect outside the world.

"Sigh, I don't know whether it's right or wrong for me to do this. I have been a foolish prince for decades, but now I have broken the precept..." Jiang Huan knew that since that incident, the current emperor has already had feelings for him. suspicious.

However, as a member of the Dali royal family, he really couldn't bear to watch the most outstanding rising star of the royal family be wiped out, and he still died in the joint killing of the Bailing Ye family and the Shiwai sect.

"I can only take one step at a time. I hope you can uphold your original intention and don't let the Dali royal family fall into the cannibalism of swords, lights, swords and shadows again..."

Jiang Huan looked in the direction of Moyuguan. He was one of the few people who knew the secret of the inheritance of the big man back then. Prince Yi in Xijiang knew the inside story of his life experience, and he started to fight for the orthodox position.

However, Jiang Huan didn't know that the Emperor Dali had already used Tao to replace Li Zong. Prince Duan was not the blood of the previous fourteenth master. It will also cease to exist, and the line of the Fourteenth Master will completely disappear into nothingness.

It's just that Prince Jiang Lie of He Duan used another trick to replace Li Zong without telling the current emperor, so that the grandson of the previous fourteenth master stepped into the Dali court step by step, and even faintly had the momentum of the king of the feudal town .

This is probably the root cause of the current emperor Jiang Zhenyi's fury, so he is eager to use the hands of the Bailing Ye family and Shiwai sect to kill Jiang Yi, a big hidden danger.

However, the facts proved that now that Jiang Yi's wings are growing, his subordinates are like a cloud, the strong are gathered, and with the support of Wen Zong's mansion, the Boling Ye family and Shiwai sect can no longer suppress it.

It's just that these confused princes Jiang Huan didn't know, they just wanted to preserve the blood inheritance of the previous Fourteenth Lord, but it was a mistake, because Jiang Yi was the real grandson of the previous Fourteenth Lord.

In addition, in various parts of the imperial capital of Dali, those who vaguely knew something about the old secrets of the royal family felt a little terrified in their hearts, because if Prince Yi of Xijiang really took this step, there would be an uproar in the imperial court of Dali. A storm, a storm about the battle for orthodoxy.

After all, the current Emperor Jiang Zhenyi's position is too easy to obtain, and in some people's eyes, it is simply not right.

The most important thing is that the Fourteenth Master of the year stood out early in the nine sons vying for the throne. He was already a half-lord, and he was a well-deserved hero. He had countless confidantes and cronies. A group of diehards watched everything in the dark.

Now that the wind is blowing in the western borders, and Jiang Yi has entered the Demon Realm Pass, if he really breaks face with the current emperor, the forces left by the Fourteenth Lord will definitely rise in response to the wind.

Besides, the fourteenth master was so talented back then, I'm afraid he had already left behind.After the current emperor succeeded to the throne, although he had cleaned it up extensively, he would definitely not clean it up.

In addition to these people who know the inside story, there are also some people who have long been dissatisfied with the current emperor.

Over there are those close branches of the royal family. In the battle for the position, the Fourteenth Lord stood out with an absolute advantage, but he did not kill the other eight brothers, because he was confident that he could subdue them.

But Jiang Zhenyi didn't have this confidence, so after taking the position, with the help of the Fourteenth Lord's power, he killed the eight defeated brothers.

This also caused a great loss to the strength of the Dali royal family, which caused dissatisfaction among some close branches of the Dali royal family.

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