Compared with the roar of mountains and seas that shook mountains and seas with more than 30 troops in Prince Yi's Mansion, the [-] troops on the opposite side were surprisingly quiet at this time. In addition to being quiet, they also exuded a sense of decadence.

More than 30 people looked depressed and had no fighting spirit.

Jiang Yi was a little confused, so, could it be that his act of "folding flowers" had such a strong influence that it could already affect the fighting spirit of the three armies.But this is exactly what he wants to see, and it can better realize his strategic goals.

Hearing the tsunami-like cheers behind him, seeing that he had no intention of stopping at all, and that the waves were higher than the waves, Jiang Yi gently waved his hands back, and the cheers that resounded through the sky stopped instantly.

"Old General Yang, what my second brother said just now, aside from the frivolous part, is true about the Heishui Pass and the Niangzi Pass. My army from Prince Yi's Mansion has already entered the two passes!"

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, the 30 troops on the opposite side became completely silent. Compared with Jiang Zhongchi, Jiang Yi's words were obviously more credible.

"Next, the army of Prince Yi's Mansion will divide into two groups and start conquering the prairie outside the Great Wall. It is time to employ people. I wonder if the Yangmen of Dingzhou are willing to join?"

"And you, are you willing to walk with me and travel across the prairie beyond the Great Wall!"

The 30 army on the opposite side was still silent, and then there was a burst of "buzzing" low-pitched discussions.

Yang Liujiao and other generals did not stop them, because they knew that even if they stopped, it would be useless. At this time, the morale of the army was in turmoil, and manpower could no longer restore it.

At the same time, the hearts of Yang Liujiao and other generals also began to fluctuate. The soldiers entered the Black Water and Niangzi Passes.

At this time Jiang Yi spoke again, and said: "If you don't want to, then go back home, leave the western border, I don't want to see the scene of cannibalism, it will only make relatives hurt and enemies happy. "

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Yang Liujiao struggled.

Just as this Prince Yi said, he had nine sons from the Yang family in Dingzhou, and eight sons died in battle, leaving behind a family full of orphans and widows. Although the nephews have grown up these years, the entire Yang family has been living In a kind of humiliation, he was not recognized by the imperial capital of Dali at all.

Because of this, Yang Liujiao was disheartened and had been living in a daze, and his heart was even more painful, because they felt that their eight brothers had died in vain and had not received any affirmation.

As for the reason behind this, Yang Liujiao understood that some people must be playing tricks behind the scenes to make things difficult for the Yang family.As for the purpose, it is nothing more than to make the Yangmen of Dingzhou submit to them.

And the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator is Nabailing Ye Family.

Although the Boling Ye family has started to get involved in the military power little by little over the years, but after all, their name is not right and they have an unclear relationship with other sects, so it is difficult to get the recognition of the secular world.

Most of the secular martial arts forces chose to keep a distance from the Bailing Ye family, which naturally included military families like them.

Therefore, the Boling Ye family has been secretly using various methods to win over the army, hoping that the military families of the Dali Dynasty will be loyal to them.

Especially for the Yangmen of Dingzhou, the Boling Ye family has long been eyeing them, and extended olive branches several times, showing the intention of soliciting.

But they were all rejected by the Yang family, and when they became angry from embarrassment, they played tricks behind their backs, intentionally embarrassing and framing the Yang family, in order to make the Yang family of Dingzhou surrender.

It is a pity that more than 20 years have passed, and the Yang family in Dingzhou still has not surrendered.

As for this trip to western Xinjiang, the intention of the Bailing Ye family is also very obvious, that is to use this to completely subdue the Yang family. In order to achieve this goal, Yang Liujiao and a dozen nephews were conscripted into the army with a single draft order. middle.

Yang Liujiao did not refuse, because his Yang family was not qualified to refuse.But in the bottom of my heart, I have complaints and even some disappointments towards the high-ranking person in the imperial capital of Dali.

Back then, nine sons of the Yang family and eight sons died for the country, but the Emperor Dali didn't say anything, let alone affirm it, and let the Bailing Ye family act as a demon behind his back.

Later, with a transfer order from the Ye family in Bailing, all the male members of the Yang family were forcibly transferred into the army, but the Emperor Dali still didn't say anything.

To be honest, Yang Liujiao's heart is already cold, and the heart of the entire Dingzhou Yang family is also cold.

So before setting off to Xijiang Demon Pass, Yang Liujiao did everything thoroughly.

Not only he and a dozen nephews came, but the entire Yang family in Dingzhou came to Moyu Pass with the army, and it might be that they did not take this opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the one from the imperial capital of Dali.

From this point of view, the Yangmen of Dingzhou, where the whole family moved to Moyuguan in the western border, has no way of turning back, and they don't want to go back to the Dali Dynasty in such a desperate manner.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yi's words of "full family loyalty" completely touched Yang Liujiao, because this was the first time in more than 20 years that the Dali royal family publicly recognized his bravery and glory of the Dingzhou Yang family.

Therefore, deep in Yang Liujiao's heart, there was a faint idea that "a scholar should die for his confidant", and only this talented and generous Prince Yi can pass on the glory of their Dingzhou Yangmen from generation to generation.

At this time, not only Yang Liujiao was struggling in his heart, but also the generals around him were also in the same mood.

To put it bluntly, their situation in the Dali Dynasty was similar to that of the Dingzhou Yangmen, and they were all isolated for similar reasons. Although they were military families passed down from generation to generation, it was difficult for them to have a bright future in the Dali Dynasty.

Unless they are willing to submit to the Boling Ye family, but they have fought for the Dali royal family for generations, defending the secular world, and do not want to be the pioneers of sects outside the world to spy on the world's important weapons.

Being forcibly conscripted into the army this time, it might not mean staying away from the vortex of the Dali Dynasty and drinking horses from the nine borders, because they are already disheartened by the Dali Dynasty.

At this time, Jiang Yixiang, who was in charge of the Dali King Banner, threw out an olive branch to them, which allowed them to see the dawn of inheriting the glory of their ancestors and re-establishing the military portal.

It's a lie to say no.

At this moment, the billowing thundercloud near Kongtong Mountain suddenly increased in momentum, and with a burst of lightning and thunder, a clear shout spread throughout the entire Moyu Pass:

"The ambition of the wolf from the sect outside the world is trying to overthrow Prince Yi's mansion. The crime is heinous and he should be punished!"

After clearing the drink, the turbulent thundercloud dissipated instantly, and the entire Dali Imperial City was once again under the sunlight.

Jiang Yi glanced back and smiled, he knew that in this battle of orthodoxy, the Zongmen Mansion won!From then on, in the whole of Western Xinjiang, wherever Prince Yi's residence is located, sects from otherworldly sects should stay away.

I couldn't help laughing in the direction where the thunder cloud disappeared: "Okay! After this battle, Wenzong's Mansion has officially entered the WTO and established the Dao. Congratulations!"

At the foot of Kongtong Mountain, there were also four congratulatory voices: "We also congratulate the prince for entering the two passes of Heishui and Niangzi, and for establishing the western frontier. I wish the prince will step on the grassland and drink horses by the lakeside of Heishui in the future!"

Heishui Lake is an inland lake in the far west, but the lake area is vast and boundless, running through the north and south, connecting the three dynasties of Quanshi, Xifan, and Baiyue, and then going eastward at the mouth of the river, according to the terrain, It flows through the Xiqi and Nanzhao dynasties, and finally flows into the endless sea in the Yinyue Dynasty.

The land around Heishui Lake is fertile and the climate is suitable. It is the royal court of the Xifan Dynasty.Therefore, the shore of Heishui Lake, to a certain extent, represents the entire Xifan Dynasty.

"By Yinma Black Water Lake, I am also looking forward to this day, but I also need you to go with me!" Jiang Yi laughed.

"My sect's mansion is willing to walk with the lord, to be the vanguard of the lord, and let him be driven!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Jiang Yi's heart was full of pride, Wen Zong's mansion overwhelmed the sect outside the world, which greatly increased his confidence in the future layout, he said three good words, and then looked at the 30 people on the opposite side Wan Dajun raised his voice and said:

"What about you? Are you willing to go with me?"

The rhetoric just now by the riverside of Yinma Heishui has already made Yang Liujiao and others feel excited, especially after seeing the incomparable world sect being wiped out by the Wen Zongfu under the command of Yiwangfu, they have already made a choice in their hearts.

Yang Liujiao turned his head and glanced in the direction of Dali Imperial Capital, as if he was saying goodbye to the past, then without any hesitation, he got off his horse and knelt down on one knee and said:

"Thanks to the lord for not giving up, the Yang family of Dingzhou is willing to go with the lord and follow the lord to drink horses by the Black Water Lake!"

Immediately afterwards, the several generals who commanded the troops beside him also got off their horses and knelt on one knee and said: "I am willing to walk with the prince and let the prince drive me!"

Like the domino effect,

And the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator is Nabailing Ye Family.

Although the Boling Ye family has started to get involved in the military power little by little over the years, but after all, their name is not right and they have an unclear relationship with other sects, so it is difficult to get the recognition of the secular world.

Most of the secular martial arts forces chose to keep a distance from the Bailing Ye family, which naturally included military families like them.

Therefore, the Boling Ye family has been secretly using various methods to win over the army, hoping that the military families of the Dali Dynasty will be loyal to them.

Especially for the Yangmen of Dingzhou, the Boling Ye family has long been eyeing them, and extended olive branches several times, showing the intention of soliciting.

But they were all rejected by the Yang family, and when they became angry from embarrassment, they played tricks behind their backs, intentionally embarrassing and framing the Yang family, in order to make the Yang family of Dingzhou surrender.

It is a pity that more than 20 years have passed, and the Yang family in Dingzhou still has not surrendered.

As for this trip to western Xinjiang, the intention of the Bailing Ye family is also very obvious, that is to use this to completely subdue the Yang family. In order to achieve this goal, Yang Liujiao and a dozen nephews were conscripted into the army with a single draft order. middle.

Yang Liujiao did not refuse, because his Yang family was not qualified to refuse.But in the bottom of my heart, I have complaints and even some disappointments towards the high-ranking person in the imperial capital of Dali.

Back then, nine sons of the Yang family and eight sons died for the country, but the Emperor Dali didn't say anything, let alone affirm it, and let the Bailing Ye family act as a demon behind his back.

Later, with a transfer order from the Ye family in Bailing, all the male members of the Yang family were forcibly transferred into the army, but the Emperor Dali still didn't say anything.

To be honest, Yang Liujiao's heart is already cold, and the heart of the entire Dingzhou Yang family is also cold.

So before setting off to Xijiang Demon Pass, Yang Liujiao did everything thoroughly.

Not only he and a dozen nephews came, but the entire Yang family in Dingzhou came to Moyu Pass with the army, and it might be that they did not take this opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the one from the imperial capital of Dali.

From this point of view, the Yangmen of Dingzhou, where the whole family moved to Moyuguan in the western border, has no way of turning back, and they don't want to go back to the Dali Dynasty in such a desperate manner.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yi's words of "full family loyalty" completely touched Yang Liujiao, because this was the first time in more than 20 years that the Dali royal family publicly recognized his bravery and glory of the Dingzhou Yang family.

Therefore, deep in Yang Liujiao's heart, there was a faint idea that "a scholar should die for his confidant", and only this talented and generous Prince Yi can pass on the glory of their Dingzhou Yangmen from generation to generation.

At this time, not only Yang Liujiao was struggling in his heart, but also the generals around him were also in the same mood.

To put it bluntly, their situation in the Dali Dynasty was similar to that of the Dingzhou Yangmen, and they were all isolated for similar reasons. Although they were military families passed down from generation to generation, it was difficult for them to have a bright future in the Dali Dynasty.

Unless they are willing to submit to the Boling Ye family, but they have fought for the Dali royal family for generations, defending the secular world, and do not want to be the pioneers of sects outside the world to spy on the world's important weapons.

Being forcibly conscripted into the army this time, it might not mean staying away from the vortex of the Dali Dynasty and drinking horses from the nine borders, because they are already disheartened by the Dali Dynasty.

At this time, Jiang Yixiang, who was in charge of the Dali King Banner, threw out an olive branch to them, which allowed them to see the dawn of inheriting the glory of their ancestors and re-establishing the military portal.

It's a lie to say no.

At this moment, the billowing thundercloud near Kongtong Mountain suddenly increased in momentum, and with a burst of lightning and thunder, a clear shout spread throughout the entire Moyu Pass:

"The ambition of the wolf from the sect outside the world is trying to overthrow Prince Yi's mansion. The crime is heinous and he should be punished!"

After clearing the drink, the turbulent thundercloud dissipated instantly, and the entire Dali Imperial City was once again under the sunlight.

Jiang Yi glanced back and smiled, he knew that in this battle of orthodoxy, the Zongmen Mansion won!From then on, in the whole of Western Xinjiang, wherever Prince Yi's residence is located, sects from otherworldly sects should stay away.

I couldn't help laughing in the direction where the thunder cloud disappeared: "Okay! After this battle, Wenzong's Mansion has officially entered the WTO and established the Dao. Congratulations!"

At the foot of Kongtong Mountain, there were also four congratulatory voices: "We also congratulate the prince for entering the two passes of Heishui and Niangzi, and for establishing the western frontier. I wish the prince will step on the grassland and drink horses by the lakeside of Heishui in the future!"

Heishui Lake is an inland lake in the far west, but the lake area is vast and boundless, running through the north and south, connecting the three dynasties of Quanshi, Xifan, and Baiyue, and then going eastward at the mouth of the river, according to the terrain, It flows through the Xiqi and Nanzhao dynasties, and finally flows into the endless sea in the Yinyue Dynasty.

The land around Heishui Lake is fertile and the climate is suitable. It is the royal court of the Xifan Dynasty.Therefore, the shore of Heishui Lake, to a certain extent, represents the entire Xifan Dynasty.

"By Yinma Black Water Lake, I am also looking forward to this day, but I also need you to go with me!" Jiang Yi laughed.

"My sect's mansion is willing to walk with the lord, to be the vanguard of the lord, and let him be driven!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Jiang Yi's heart was full of pride, Wen Zong's mansion overwhelmed the sect outside the world, which greatly increased his confidence in the future layout, he said three good words, and then looked at the 30 people on the opposite side Wan Dajun raised his voice and said:

"What about you? Are you willing to go with me?"

The rhetoric just now by the riverside of Yinma Heishui has already made Yang Liujiao and others feel excited, especially after seeing the incomparable world sect being wiped out by the Wen Zongfu under the command of Yiwangfu, they have already made a choice in their hearts.

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